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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Moriarty Belgar wrote: Personally I'm getting a kick out of people that say it can't be the code, it just can't be the code. Sounds like the same people that had their head in the sand when Microsfot announced that their previously unhackable IE had hackable flaws, the same goes for .NET and tons of other supposedly "safe" programs. Just because you can't see the way the code can be exploited does not mean it can't be exploited. As far as PayPal is concerned, they don't tell victims about where the money went to. They will work with law enforcement as necessary, but they don't want to create an issue where someone is putting their life in harms way over some money. ... WTF? So you're saying someone modifed the LSL with said exploits and gave her their bridge, instead of the official viewer bridge to use? Which comes back to "Don't accept stuff from strangers".
  2. Beowulf Silverfall wrote: @ TammyTgurl UmagaNot really get the anger myself to be honest. I just point out the one thing that I had noticed was different on tow accounts I have. The one that was hacked used to be my main account. It is of course not anymore.As to why they hacked me, I used to be clubowner an had my paypal as payment on there, maybe that was the reason they hacked me, considering they made off with nearly 700 US $, real money the first time. As to the reason why they don't go for people with millions of lindens, well, since SL tracks randomly transactions over 100 US $, that would be difficult, cause it would be flagged. This is what someo @ all the other people assuming they know whats going on without the facts : I did not click on any phising link, I never even accept objects or notecards from people I do not know. I change my pasword about every month and make sure it's at least 10 digits ,numbers and letters. I've never given my password to anybody either, before some smartasses ask. Also for those that do wonder if it is my system and on what I work, well sorry to dissapoint, I'm using a mac, with the the Lion OS Version 10.7.3, updated and all nice. I have virus protection, firewall on the machine itself and another firewall on the router I use. I have no freeware except the SL viewer, all the software is nicely payed and licenced. I even use the build-in port scanner into mac just to make sure nothing fishy is going on. Cookies get deleted every time i close my internet browser and I don't accept third party cookies neither. My system is not set up to remember passwords either, before anyone claims so. I can nearly guarantee that there is no hack on my system, nor a keylogger, nor a trojan, nor a virus Also, some people shouldn't assume that others don't know what they're doing, or assume they go porn surfing, don't take your own habits for those of others. The only thing I can see that could be the cause of being hacked, are the client bridges, if this upsets people, well so be it, but the facts point that way. Ignore it if you want, but don't come crying later. The bridges are full perm. Open them up and look at the LSL. There is nothing in there that can "hack" your account. Nothing. At all. I mean... Seriously. Just LOOK AT THE CODE. And if you don't understand LSL, then you're blowing smoke when you say the "facts point that way", because you don't even know the facts when they're right in front of you. If you really are getting hacked and your system is as secure as you think it is, that means somebody has something against you and is brute forcing your password.
  3. Dana Hickman wrote: What I'm wondering is.. If SL products are protected under dmca, that gives them basically the same IP status as a retail piece of software. On those, if limited-usage EULA conditions aren't made available before purchase (which most aren't, they're inside only), then the manufacturer is nearly always required to honor a return and refund (regardless of whether the reseller does or not), otherwise that's classified as a bait and switch (ie- fraud). Look at what Microsoft went through with the internet browser preference fiasco on Windows and it's easy to see there's legal precedent set on selling software without specifying non-standard or unexpected limiting conditions beforehand. There's a reason anti-virus boxes all have subscription length or terms of available updates right on the outside of the box, because otherwise common convention says the software will perform as believed forever, and the manufacturer would be required to make it that way or give a refund if they didn't want to face fraud charges. In SL, "standard" conditions are the perms on the item, not what's in any homemade license that LL doesn't stand behind. To me, that says if an SL creator doesn't have in big bold letters right on the vendor or MP page that the included licence will limit this product use to this or that, then they must honor a return or their included license is null and void, and any dmca for breaking it's bait-and-switched terms of use unactionable. That's what I get out of it anyway. You're right. If you buy something from someone in SL and the EULA isn't made available beforehand, they either have to refund you (and you have to delete it), or you can ignore it. If they file a takedown against you after not refunding you, you counter and say "See you in court", where they'll get told the same thing software developrts and distributers were told - Refund the money or let the user do whatever they want. That is, assuming it goes to court. Most residents in SL can't afford it, and are stuck looking at the pretty piece of paper that is the counter notice. LL will not get involved.
  4. No, but some people would buy 4x as much land, and more people overall would buy land- people that currently can't afford it now.
  5. Ceka Cianci wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Clive Hendes wrote: I have just been threatened with an AR by a disgusting shrieking freak for the 'crime' of attempting to sell an item! This maniac (some revolting sissy who should be monitored by the CIA, no doubt) accused me of being a contents thief. I tried to explain that a) the item is COPY/TRANSFER/MOD b) I was not claiming to have 'created' it c) I was selling it as a second hand item. With this. the rotten brat threatened to fake AR me for something else, and I reluctantly withdrew the item for sale - impacting on my business. How is anyone meant to make their own Lindens if screaming interfering idiots disrupt sales like this? Contents creators- make your items non-transfer if you don't wish them to be sold on!! Of course, again, this level of malice and jealousy, this hatred of entrepreneurs, only benefits the SL landowners - those who think all noobs should only be able to make money by creating female alts and offering sexual services! Next time, just report them. They'll learn their lesson. iCade wrote: If you have bought an item that is copy/mod/trans, and you are now selling this item as copy/mod/trans than the person was right. Legal action can be taken against you for doing that. False. If you buy something and agree to a EULA prior to purchase (notecards inside boxes and pictures in stores are generally invalid, it has to be listed on the MP page or on the vendor) and then violate the EULA, you can have a DMCA takedown filed against you. Otherwise, if it's full perm, you can do whatever you want with it, even if it's in bad taste. most anything you buy has the EULA in the instruction booklet inside the box.. not in their adds.. look at just about any software or dvds and thigns like that..most are in places that you can't see them until after the purchase.. the adds or boxes on the outside are usually for credit for any creators or trademarks involved and informtion about the product. the rules are usually inside.. a service will usually have you agree to something beforehand..a product bought off a shelf or where ever more times than not..won't.. Well yes. Software has it in the package or on install, but you can generally bring that back to the manufacturer/developer or sometimes even the vendor and say "I don't agree with the EULA" and get a full refund. Not all vendors and not all states, but all manufacturers and publishers will generally honor your refund for that reason. That's always been the case for me with games (the few I've disagreed with), and the same applies to other software.
  6. Beowulf Silverfall wrote: I have an account that has been hacked for the 4th time within 2 months, thank god I took everything off after the second time and got reemboursed for all the real money they tried to steal. Thank you Linden Labs for that. Lindens did react quickly the first time and a bit amazed the second time. I was initially using a third party viewer, Firestorm, but I was not anymore since the first time I got hacked. Then I got hacked again and again, till someone pointed out one thing to me, even though I was using the official Second Life viewer 2, I didn't delete the bridges that the third party viewers create on SL on your account in your inventory. The bridges is the way used by the bastards, that utilize the third party viewers to hack accounts. I am now using a BRIDGE FREE account, which I created after the third hack attempt, but have left them on the old account, just to see if it would happen again, despite Linden Labs assurances that it wouldn't. Well boys and girls, it happened again not later than 4 hours ago. They hacked the old account again, so now I have the proof needed to point out that the third party viewers are a security issue. Everybody should use the second life viewer and delete all the bridges they can find in their inventory. Also, we should try to make Linden Labs aware of this issue, they seem to think that they have checked ALL the code for the Phoenix and Firestorm, but the backdoors are still there, nothing has changed since Emerald as it's still based on the same code. Sounds like you've been clicking on that phishing link that's been going around. That, or you just fail at computers. Nefertiti Nefarious wrote: Good grief! I've been using SLfor several years, with TPVs, and not a single hack. Your problem is not the viewer, it';s your whole Internet lifestyle ... What Operating system are you using? Operating system has nothing to do with it. The questions should be "Are you the kind of ninny that clicks on phishing links, and do you keep an updated antivirus/security program on your machine?"
  7. Clive Hendes wrote: I have just been threatened with an AR by a disgusting shrieking freak for the 'crime' of attempting to sell an item! This maniac (some revolting sissy who should be monitored by the CIA, no doubt) accused me of being a contents thief. I tried to explain that a) the item is COPY/TRANSFER/MOD b) I was not claiming to have 'created' it c) I was selling it as a second hand item. With this. the rotten brat threatened to fake AR me for something else, and I reluctantly withdrew the item for sale - impacting on my business. How is anyone meant to make their own Lindens if screaming interfering idiots disrupt sales like this? Contents creators- make your items non-transfer if you don't wish them to be sold on!! Of course, again, this level of malice and jealousy, this hatred of entrepreneurs, only benefits the SL landowners - those who think all noobs should only be able to make money by creating female alts and offering sexual services! Next time, just report them. They'll learn their lesson. iCade wrote: If you have bought an item that is copy/mod/trans, and you are now selling this item as copy/mod/trans than the person was right. Legal action can be taken against you for doing that. False. If you buy something and agree to a EULA prior to purchase (notecards inside boxes and pictures in stores are generally invalid, it has to be listed on the MP page or on the vendor) and then violate the EULA, you can have a DMCA takedown filed against you. Otherwise, if it's full perm, you can do whatever you want with it, even if it's in bad taste.
  8. Perrie Juran wrote: Jenni Darkwatch wrote: The general problem is that the number of lights in any given scene is limited - at least when light&shadows is off. Thus, especially in busy venues, people with facelights will practically disable many/most/all lighting in the venue (or on a stage). That's regardless of facelight intensity or settings. For people with light&shadows on, everyone with a facelight looks pretty ludicrous anyway, hence everyone i know with these settings active turn attached lights off. I sometimes wonder if people see the effects of their own face lights on their own computers. In other words they are wearing them because someone told them that they would improve their appearance and that they are not willing to admit that they can not see the difference. I sometimes wonder this too. You see 'em walking around like a small sun, with a light radius of 10 meters and no falloff, glowing like they're frickin' radioactive... Probably because they maxed out the settings, thinking they couldn't see it because it was set too low.
  9. I'm working on a project and I need a few shapes put together that I just can't do with prims, and can't make work on the one sculpt program I know how to use, so I'm looking for someone to make the shapes for me. Please contact Gadget Portal in-world if you're willing to do this.
  10. If you're running SL on a toaster, you're going to miss out on a lot. It's unfortunate but it's part of using computers. Gamers have been dealing with it for years. Don't / can't upgrade, and get left behind.
  11. If it's on the listing before hand, don't buy it. If it's not, ignore it.
  12. Messages will get capped over 25 (I believe that's the number). That's expected behavior. That happens either way. However, when you have email forwarding, messages that would otherwise get dropped will go to your email.
  13. Only buy vehicles that are true vehicles, 32 prims or less, then you can stand up and walk around on and inside them all you want. It's trickier to make products like that, yes (oh no, sculpts and/or mesh!), but in the end it's better products.
  14. At this point I've decided that everyone involved in SL is just paying to participate in a product that's still in alpha stages, and once it's not bringing in money anymore, LL will say "thankfully we never went ahead to paying people for beta testing".
  15. KarenMichelle Lane wrote: There were billing / payment issues today as noted in the GRID Blog http://status.secondlifegrid.net/2012/04/05/post1613/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+SecondLifeGridStatus+%28Second+Life+Grid+Status+Updates%29 Yep, a "resolved" problem that has nothing to do with the problem that's actually happening. That sounds like LL's brand of tech support.
  16. Now I'm standing on group owned land. A group I'm in. My build button is disabled, but I can rez a box. I can't shift-drag to copy it, because it says rez is not allowed... EVEN THOUGH I JUST REZZED A BOX. WTF, are we in a beta or something?
  17. What the hell is going on today? Transactions on the marketplace have been failing left and right. On top of that, I got kicked offline in mid teleport and all the items I had worked on earlier reverted to original... And now today, trying to use search simply gives a blank webpage that says "connection closed". MMO's have handled teleports and giant worlds online for 20 years with no issue, but LL still fouls it up. How inept do you have to be, to be in this industry and still fail at things that were perfected over a decade ago? Ranting aside, anyone have any info on what's up with search?
  18. Ela Talaj wrote: So far I had under ten complains about "spam" and whoever complains gets removed from the list, no questions asked. Yeah, but how many don't tell you when they mute you?
  19. I'm running at around 30 MB/s on a gaming rig. Optimized for FPS games, both system and Internet connection. Trying to get to the marketplace times out. It's not the users, it's definitely on LL's end. Just one more thing they fail at when it comes to providing for their users.
  20. Yes I'm talking about the ones that spam you without any opt in. You'd have to be an idiot.to sign up for a mailing list then complain about getting spam. As far as pop-up, I can handle those. I just rapid click ignore. What's annoying was the fad for a while to put something in there asking if you're a copybot, then getting booted because you ignored it with the others.
  21. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: of course, you would not remember, because that is your everyday communication style. I prefer not to have people in the store who might be "communicating" that way with others who are having fun. sort of same deal as yours, except that it required about maybe two minutes, and this is your umpteenth thread on this, as well as other "issues"....which requires a ton of minutes. For businesses.....I would suggest using whatever marketing works for you. Very simple. The follow up message that I sent from the store for years, was highly effective. Two people became unglued. But I imagine that they become unglued about something once a day. Someone will say "yeah, but what about all those people that you pissed off and never said a word to you" they are not my market. I didn't say "followup message". I said spam. There is a huge difference. A single followup message of some kind, particularly if it's personalized, is a good thing. When you're sending notecards or messages or popups every week to someone that only passed through your store? That's annoying.
  22. iCade wrote: I agree. I have started to do hunts and now I get spam. As a costumer...I *will* landmark stores I came across that tickled my fancy. I have landmarked a few wonderful stores I came across just today on my current hunt. I happily bought things from those stores because I loved them! No spam needed. At all. Just quality products! Do I like every store I came across? NO. Do I want random spam? NO. Do I want the choice of getting advertisments? HELL YES. Those stores who automatically put me on a list to advertise to me in any way shape 'o form will end up muted and you can have the best products EVER, if you spam me, I won't look at your store EVER again. Yeah, exactly. That's what landmarks, subscribers, and groups are for. All options the customer can choose. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: oh, don't you worry Gadget. A few here in forum have been a tad difficult in "communication", so I took some precautions, that might be considered "mute" as well. Works both ways, you know eta: cleaned up phrasing, so as not to go to time-out corner again Wait, hang on, give me a minute to cry over being banned from a place I've never been to, and muted by someone with a grudge over something I don't even remember. And yes, I saw your original post. I've never been given a time-out. If you have, that tells me the problem here is you and not me. Irritums wrote: Does complaining like a bitter house make a difference? Or are you just whining to be whining? Please let me know. Thanks! See a problem and ignore it? It'll never go away. See a problem and comment? Someone might do something about it. Or do you like bending over and taking it without a word to anyone, when someone does something you don't like? Please let me know.
  23. In the LL viewer, it should be as easy as right click, pick Annoyance > Mute/Block?
  24. For the love of god, stop spamming us with your stupid newsletters just because we went into your store or bought one thing at some time in the past. And if you must have a newsletter, provide an obvious way to opt out. I'd never send people any of this junk just because they bought one thing from me. If people want information, they'll join my group or click a subscriber. All you're going to do is make us mute you, or AR you if it's a popup that can't be muted.
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