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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. It can't do .obj files, no.
  2. Yeah, I'm having one problem after another, trying to get the shape I want in a way that I can import into any of this other stuff.
  3. I'd have to get Blender then and learn that, huh?
  4. In AutoCAD, I can create 3D objects. What I can't seem to find is some info if there's some way to import those objects into SL as mesh. Does anyone have any idea if this is even possible?
  5. Finneli Felwitch wrote: So all the viewer tips that I posted just flew right past everyone? Sure I could have said get a better computer but I do not know your financial status and it is non of my business. Just look at what I posted, Second Life is a sandbox game, the viewers have a lot of test features on the hood. You disable a ton of stuff or be crazy and possibly make an Nvidia Titan scream in pain. All it takes is a bit of reading the manuals to learn how to fix the problem. I know a lot of people this era do not like reading manuals to learn knew things. They feel intitled to the information upfront rather than working for it. Exactly my point.
  6. greek Wingtips wrote: arrrrrr its mr Gadget again the thing that does never elaborate, would you like enlighten us with your statement :-) Every week, someone posts on the forums that their computer isn't good enough to run SL, and they want LL to stop bug fixes and feature enhancements. And every week, the more patient forum members offer cheap upgrade options, or ways to optimize low graphics settings. At one point I got together with someone and offered to invest money, resources, and time to help a poster upgrade to a gaming rig. Nobody ever takes the advice, and my offer was never accepted. So at this point, I think people just want to whine and don't want to solve the problem. To follow your analogy; You wouldn't show up at the Indy 500 with a Toyota Corolla and then complain that the race should be slowed down so your junker can keep up. Why do people do it in SL? And like Perrie pointed out... Even with that Toyota, you still need to replace and upgrade parts every few years to keep it running well.
  7. Strawberry Lionheart wrote: As far as i know not all viewers support multiple avatar alpha layer. and unless the creator has time and patient to download all the available viewers and make a list of which is compatible, it's not an effective way to do imo... And the only other way around is asking the customers to stick to the official viewer which support up to 4 layers of alpha. If you're using a viewer that doesn't support multiple layers, you're using an outdated viewer that SSB is going to break anyway. Time to update.
  8. Oh look, an internet tough guy "You wouldn't talk to me like this in RL!" that's having tech troubles and not listening when viable solutions are offered. That's something I've never seen before. PEBKAC.
  9. I just looked at your feed, and I gotta echo the last few posts. It's your own fault.
  10. Penny Patton wrote: Once the content is visible on your screen it is already downloaded and on your hard drive. Once the bulk of the downloading is finished, any impact beyond that is negligible. Bingo. We have a winner. SL could look as good as any game, if LL stepped up and took steps to make sure that A) the content was made to better standards, and B) The viewer was using the right technologies. If LL did those two things, it could look and run as well as any MMO on the market. The only difference would be when the downloading takes place. Go try any new MMO. Guess what, you have to download all the content! Just like SL! The only difference is when the downloading takes place. Once the content is on your hard drive, it's on your hard drive, whether you downloaded it last week or two seconds ago. Sure, any changes and you'll have to download again, but like Penny says, once the bulk is done, it's negligible.
  11. It doesn't matter what you do I SL, be it Slex or building or land baron-ing or DJing or roleplay, if you suddenly start doing it less, you'll have people unfriend you. I clear my list pretty regularly. Old scripting clients, former DJ contacts, sim managers, RP people, etc. Once I'm to the point of rarely or never interacting with them, they're just taking up space on my screen.
  12. Czari Zenovka wrote: Is this one of the posts we're not to take seriously? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Confessions-of-a-Forum-Troll/m-p/1893203/highlight/true#M95132 Well, people that are getting offended are taking it a little too seriously...
  13. I can get behind this idea. It's got my vote.
  14. Dillon Levenque wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Why should we limit everyone to terrible graphics support just because some people can't or won't get decent computers? Why should a whole bunch of residents/users be forced to upgrade their hardware and Internet connection just because some people get all hot and trembly with superfine realistic graphics? This has been a constant theme with you: upgrade or GTFO. I can (sort of) understand it if you're in some online game with partners on a mission and it requires quick responses. You might lose patience with someone who keeps saying, "Wait up, I can't see it yet.". Okay, fine. A lot of that matters very little to a whole lot of people in SL. I am hardly a social butterfly but I have enough friends who are active in SL that it's very rare for me to log in without some of them online and doing something and I often get dragged along. None of them seem to get particularly lathered up about the graphics here, even though the group includes SL creators and some quite graphic intensive (i.e. image-talented) people. Our interest is primarily in each other. I don't believe we are at all unique in that attitude. Apparently you didn't read the paragraph after the one you quoted. Here, let me copy and paste it for you. "Let me rephrase that. Person A can run SL in ultra with ubersampling anti-aliasing and DX11 while Person B runs on medium with OpenGL, for example. No one gets excluded, and SL gets to take advantage of the ridiculous hardware that some of us have." Oh look, I just nullified two thirds of what you said. That means the rest isn't even worth reading.
  15. I can get 40+ FPS. Get was the key word. The average is much lower, closer to 20. Depends on location. The point is of this thread, the average should be 40 or more, not 20, if we were running an optimized viewer with solid DirectX and other modern hardware support.
  16. Alicia Sautereau wrote: You do know that SSB will be a huge step forward? (if it works) But if you desire to lag, just set shadow quality to 4 and enjoy your tropical room ^^ Yes, SSB is a step in the right direction, but there's so much more that can be done. By the way, visibly there's very little difference between 1 and 4, but even at 4, I can still get 40+ FPS.
  17. Melita Magic wrote: Why do so many MMO or whatever, have to be violent, though? I don't want to kill things. I don't want to fight things. I want to make beautiful happy spaces Lol. Not to be off topic, but other gamers even in my circles of shooters have asked that too. One option is the games like Civilization, no killing there. But maybe we'll see some with some different objectives someday. So far, game studios are afraid to deviate from the tried and true "Go over there and kill that thing" to make sales.
  18. Orca Flotta wrote: SL has come a long way in the quality of the user generated content, especially once Mesh was released. Mesh has taken away more than it brought us. Starting with sculpties, and now mesh, we lost the ability to create cool stuff in world. You need to master some 3D graphics software and create your models offline. That's directly diametrical to SL's very principles and philosophy. I mean oldstyle prim building is still cool but the results are lacking in professionality. But it's a nice pastime. @ Gadget Portal: you sure you even belong to SL's target group? Gamers are the last people Philip had in mind when he came up with his virtual world. And that holds true even today. The typical SL resident wants to log on from their smartphone or tablet or equally underpowered consumer grade hardware. And most don't care if they can't even see the bad SL graphics to their full extent. You may be on to something there, I'm probably not SL's target audience. That said, I do use the platform. I'm a content creator, land owner, and social media user. I use all that SL offers. And, I know I'm not the only one out there with a high end, overpowered computer. I've exchanged PC building tips plenty in SL, and some people have even more powerful hardware these days than I do. My GPU is almost a full generation out of date now, and I know my CPU is two or three behind now, too. My stance is, there ARE SL users that have these computers. Why shouldn't SL be able to take advantage of the hardware, as well as run on your mid-range laptop?
  19. You missed the point, Perrie. I'm talking entirely client side improvement. Things like DirectX and anti-aliasing support in the viewer, and more of the sorts of improvement they're intending on doing with the caching system. Why should we limit everyone to terrible graphics support just because some people can't or won't get decent computers? Let me rephrase that. Person A can run SL in ultra with ubersampling anti-aliasing and DX11 while Person B runs on medium with OpenGL, for example. No one gets excluded, and SL gets to take advantage of the ridiculous hardware that some of us have.
  20. Terrible response. I spend more in SL than any of those games. You're right though, I should stop investing in this platform, then I won't want or expect improvements.
  21. Why can't you have both? I've made good friends and joined nice communities through Battlefield 3.
  22. I see that excuse a lot, and it's BS. The only bit of it that holds water is that the content isn't optimized. The graphics engine and options are terrible compared to most modern games, even if all the content were local. And having to download the content has no bearing on graphics. Most modern MMOs have to be downloaded too, the only difference is when you do the downloading. A good cache system would render that aspect moot. Edit: that's not the post I replied to.
  23. http://www.pcworld.com/article/2033746/11-killer-games-that-will-bring-your-pc-to-its-knees.html#tk.nl_pcwbest That's a PC World article, "11 killer games that will bring your PC to its knees". One thing jumped out at me, in the intro blurb of the article; "In practical terms, if your rig is running anything less than a Core i5 processor, an Nvidia GeForce GT 440 graphics card, 4GB of RAM, and a 7200 RPM hard drive, it's time to consider upgrading" That made me grin, and I wanted to share this slideshow over here anyway. If you look at the linked slide show, bear in mind that all those pictures are screenshots of the actual games. Not movies or cutscenes or promo pictures. By the way, I have many of those games. I run them on the highest possible settings. The pictures don't do them justice, they look better than that. We can only hope that someday SL uses the same kinds of graphics engines, same levels of anti-aliasing, and DirectX support that these games do.
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