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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Actually, a while back, I contacted BMI about getting a license for DJ gigs in SL. I was told that it's not needed unless I own the parcel/sim. The venue owners are required to get the license, just like in RL. I don't DJ these days anyway, but it was an interesting response.
  2. solstyse IS right, though. It's called setting a precedent. She hurt herself and decided to get lawyers and sue. Sure, it may have been their idea how much, but it was still her that went after the people that sold her the coffee. And once she did it, every other idiot in the country saw that stupidity pays off after all.
  3. I agree with solstyse here. Doesn't matter how terrible her injuries are, she did it to herself. She should have been put down like a retarded animal, not given money.
  4. You're misinterpreting that section of the privacy policy. It doesn't mean you can share stuff you read in local chat (within SL)- it just means that when you disclose information in a place people can read it, people that have access to that place can read it, no matter who they are in RL. It's legal speak to protect them from getting sued in case somebody finds out RL information by standing next to you and listening to your conversation in local chat, or in case you're dumb enough to put your phone number in your profile feed. It doesn't give people permission to ignore the CS rule, "Remotely monitoring conversations in Second Life, posting conversation logs, or sharing conversation logs without the participants' consent are all prohibited."
  5. It seems to me that while Pathfinding is great for automated objects on the ground (and much easier to use than vehicle scripts), what about flying objects? For example, a UAV or drone or robot or something, that hovers or outright flies like a plane? Any chance we'll see another version of Pathfinding for that?
  6. 1. You can't read local chat from camera position. 2. Scripts that lieten to local chat without consent/notice are against the remote monitoring CS.
  7. 1. Yes. They actually look pretty good. 2. I hate those ground shadow prims. I won't buy stuff that has them if I can't remove it. 3. They look ugly, especially with shadows on, when you wind up with conflicting shadows from the same object. 4. Most textured shadows are bad. Before the viewer could do shadows, they were acceptable, although I still didn't like them. These days, they only tell me the builder is on an obsolete viewer or doesn't look at their object in anything but noon light settings. Or both.
  8. The ones I had were about selling your gold online.
  9. But... it's so terribly done. These are supposed to be professional coders on a professional website, but it looks like something a scammer hacked together on blogger.com or something. I know they have a reputation for dropping the ball, but this is ridiculous.
  10. Yeah, it's the same for me, coming and going. Almost as if the site's been hacked.
  11. These were done so terribly, it almost looks like the site was hacked. It's the kind of thing you'd expect to see on a cheap scam site or something... Not just that, but they seem to link to scam sites.
  12. Darren Scorpio wrote: Yes...There's another thread about this. Okay, good. I didn't see the other thread, got a link while I check again for it?
  13. Before I start tearing my computer apart for malware that my firewall and antimalwares didn't catch, I figured I'd ask- Is anyone else seeing doubleclick advertisements on the top and side of their dashboard page, and/or big gaps on the top and sides?
  14. It was a general response to the responses in the thread, not directed at anyone in particular. My reaction to the reactions so far!
  15. I troll the SL forums. That's the confession. Every time I tell myself I'm going to try to be more helpful or more productive here, I see a post by someone that's the perfect setup, and I can't resist getting them riled up. Some people react in ways that make it absolutely, crazy fun. And to those people, I say thank you for making it so much fun. To those that have been sucked into long arguments with me, I say this- stop taking me so seriously, I'm a forum troll!
  16. The GTX is more powerful. But not enough to warrant upgrading if you already have the same edition GT or GTS.
  17. Firestorm is the most stable viewer on most of the computers that connect to SL. That's right from LL's crash statistics. If you're crashing a lot, then take a look at your computer or use a different viewer. Nobody can fix bugs that exist on your computer except you. Sounds like you don't understand computers.
  18. So, I like what they did with this new JIRA system. Now they don't have to fix problems at all. I've been hired by a group that apparently relies on group chats (I know, I know- let's not get into that), and we all know how reliable they are. So after getting the session time out popup four times in a row, I went to go and add a comment to the existing JIRA about group chats. I can't say it was going to be an entirely helpful comment, but I did intend on adding the time/date/groups affected for troubleshooting purposes... I noticed though... We can't anymore. It's been closed with the new system. The status is still acknowledged, and it's still showing as an unresolved showstopper, but no comments can be added, and none of the top options are avaible anymore. So, since it's effectively closed, I filed my own... Which was closed as a duplicate of that one. So is that the new way of dealing with bugs? Close bug reports as duplicates of bug reports that are unfixed and also closed?
  19. Besides the previously listed reasons, you have to remember that SL's environment and content changes. If the sim were no rez, and the owner never intended to change it, maybe the idea could work. Otherwise, the first time a cube is rezzed, you'd break everything.
  20. I'm not going to bother with continuing this argument for two reasons. First, clearly we'll never be on the same page. We could be at this for all eternity. Better to agree to disagree. Second, I've just been told to put up or shut up, so I've opted to put up. That's going to be the focus now.
  21. Oh, where to start with this one... Trinity Yazimoto wrote: @Gadget and to all the other ones who seems to think that life is so easy that everyone is able to upgrade their comp anytime....otherwise they are guilty : Firstly, you should be ashamed to think that way, you are so spoiled that you forget that life is not the same for everyone...and as said sm1 i hope for you that you wont never have financial difficulties in your life.. After my last post, that's pretty much the dumbest thing you could have replied with. We'll let it slide since you admitted to not reading the thread. Next up... Trinity Yazimoto wrote: And you said you can send to Czari a new PC mesh compatible for less than 200 usd ? Ok. i challenge you. if she cant afford the 200 usd i will, Contact her via private message and ask to her her adress and SEND IT. Too much easy to talk and send words..... stop talking and act ! What I said was I could build a computer for 300 USD that would run SL fairly well. For me to ship it would cost more than building it, though. However, since you're offering up 200 USD for the project, I'll take you up on that. I have a solution. I can donate, on the spot, a valid Windows 7 CD key. I've got a few kicking around, and I've got one right next to me that's never been used. That's a 100 dollar contribution from me. Your 200 dollar contribution can allow her to order a barebones, build-it-yourself kit with all the essentials, minus a GPU. If we can get one more person to kick in a little money to cover the GPU, that'll be everything she needs to order all the parts for a decent computer. If she orders it herself, the shipping costs are negligible because the stores get to pay their commercial shipping costs that I don't. Often times the shipping is even free. If you're honestly interested in doing this, we'll all get in touch in-world, I'll do the research for the exact parts/costs (and whether she needs a new monitor, mouse, keyboard, some of which I can provide myself if it's required), and I'll spend all the time necessary to walk her through assembling the computer correctly when it arrives.
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