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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. I fire up an EA game if I want sports. Shooting too, for that matter. Battlefield 3 gives a much better shooting experience than SL ever will. SL is just not optimized enough for that sort of thing.
  2. While I agreed that those two tablets mentioned are powerful enough to run SL, I have to get on your case for saying PCs are dying. Tablets will never replace a PC if you're a gamer or a professional user. Anyone that thinks so is a 20 something facebooker that probably doesn't really know how to use a PC to its full potential.
  3. We've already seen a few posts complaining about how SSA broke things... When the person isn't even on an SSA enabled sim. I even saw one 24 hours before SSA was even enabled anywhere, let alone the LeTigre sims.
  4. Intoxicate wrote: So you're saying that LL is completely fine with merchants pocketing their customers' leftover lindens? Yes. LL doesn't get involved in "resident to resident disputes". I could sell you an empty box with a picture on it of a supposed product, and then mute you when you complained that it was empty, and LL would be fine with that.
  5. Welcome to SL. Buyer beware. Consumer protection only exists in RL.
  6. This is happening to too many people to be exclusively on the user end. I've seen numerous JIRAs mentioned, plus confirmed it with other in world. There's definitely some data getting lost between the viewer and region, the trick is figuring out where the problem is.
  7. No, no, and no. None of those things. I'm going to echo packet loss. Sounds like you're wireless and the signal is dropping packets.
  8. I said the Pro would do the job back when it was announced, and nobody believed me. It's not the same experience you'd get on a gaming rig, but it certainly does do the job.
  9. Could be worse. Even with my giant tower, I'm at the point where I'm pulling the cables out and plugging random **bleep** in and leaving them on the desk next to it.
  10. I keep seeing this on the marketplace, and it strikes me as... Well, insane. They steal a mesh object from a video game, such as a gun or avatar or what have you, and upload it and sell it on the marketplace. I've been seeing a lot of Dragon Age and Skyrim weapon and clothing models uploaded, for example. Then in the listing, these sellers threaten to file a DMCA claim if you don't follow their TOU. Let's assume the buyer doesn't know it's from these games- lots of SL residents aren't gamers. And they violate the seller's TOU. Would that even work, filing a DMCA takedown on a model you stole and uploaded illegally?
  11. The only time I've ever seen memory peak out on a sim is because of too many scripts that were using a ton of memory each.
  12. That's right, you did! Now you can frag people in Battlefield 4.
  13. Want privacy? Don't log in. Or get your own private sim. You could parcel and hide visibility, but people will still know you're there, just not what you're doing. Radar has nothing to do with it, all viewers have minimaps, and all minimaps show dots on 'em. So do the world maps.
  14. I have to add... I think merchants that make 50 of the same product in 50 colors should HAVE to use an in-world store and not clutter up the marketplace with that junk. It's the same product over and over again. It doesn't deserve separate listings. You want to offer separate colors? Make it mod. Or add a HUD. Or do both. Otherwise, you're just being greedy and you should have to pay the tier to host the prims.
  15. Today I tried to find mesh gloves. Let's ignore the part that it's part of a category, so I get hundreds of hats and scarves with my search. I removed those, but in the process removed some potential hits, too. But let's ignore that. After about 15 pages of the same three items, I wondered if these creators shouldn't be flagged for duplicate listings. It's the same pair of gloves 50 times in 50 different colors, all by the same creator, all No Mod.
  16. I use EVGA Precision. One of my two cards is overclocked, and it's great fun. The tradeoff is I had to rig up specialty cooling so I wouldn't melt it.
  17. There's delays and errors on purchases, too. Your balance in-world doesn't change when you make a purchase, for example. Among other errors.
  18. When will we get flexible prims that respect object collision? Other games have had this for years and years, why does SL still not have it? Is it the physics engine or something else?
  19. I'm curious what's going to happen when it becomes more popular to spend USD on the marketplace, and LL still does nothing about scammers and fraud...
  20. Great information, especially Dilbert's.
  21. I dunno, I keep a decently close eye on updates and fixes that LL pushes out, and rarely do I see in the list "fixed an exploit" of any kind. Further, I think punishment is an issue. When you crash a server and get a slap on the wrist IP ban, there's nothing stopping you from coming back and doing it over and over.
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