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Paul Hexem

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Everything posted by Paul Hexem

  1. Perrie Juran wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: Why do these STILL fail? I mean... This isn't some new and experimental technology we're talking about. Chatting on the Internet in groups has been going on since the 80's. When I was 12 years old, I was sticking chat rooms on web pages for free- it's not expensive or complicated software. Why is it LL still can't get it right? Retarded monkeys could put together a reliable chat service, it's ridiculous. I mean, what is it about group chats in SL that's so complex? I was thinking about this recently and would make some observations. I never used IRC very much, really only a few times, so I can't talk experimentally about them much. Other than the IRC Chat rooms I have been in did have limits on how many people could be in the room at one time. Really, my Chat Room experience started with MSN Groups and later with Yahoo Groups. They both had limits on how many people (50) could be in an individual Chat Room at a time. I do wonder now why that was? Was it to just help keep them manageable or were there other technical implications? Would the chat have started to slow down as the Server kept track of everyone, distributing messages, etc, as they happened? Many people think it must be easy to fix group chat. You have to really think through the implications of what is going on with a "group chat." The Servers need to constantly know who is on or off line in the group. Add to that 42 groups per User. Where are you on the Grid? Other related factors. Simply put, I think that there is a lot more data processing going on than meets the eyes. If I recall correctly, Rod did say recently that improving Group Chat was a priority but that it wasn't as simple as many people think. Me, I know I don't know enough to really talk about it. But when I start considering the factors involved in making a "group chat" work, I do see the potential for it to be a lot more involved than meets the eyes. I'm not saying it hasn't happened, but I've never seen any of the Resident Coding Gurus come forward and say, hey, I've got the App that will streamline the whole thing for you. If it were that simple I'd think we'd have seen it. Just my two cents worth. I'm not going to advertise anyone specifically, but there are plenty of scripted objects designed to replace group chat, using HTTP comms, that work flawlessly. Not to say you're wrong- there's a lot of factors, like you said. But that's actually part of the problem. LL might have overcomplicated it to be sending too much information back and forth for something that should be much simpler.
  2. Why do these STILL fail? I mean... This isn't some new and experimental technology we're talking about. Chatting on the Internet in groups has been going on since the 80's. When I was 12 years old, I was sticking chat rooms on web pages for free- it's not expensive or complicated software. Why is it LL still can't get it right? Retarded monkeys could put together a reliable chat service, it's ridiculous. I mean, what is it about group chats in SL that's so complex?
  3. Use the Wanted section. This is for discussing the process of scripting, not for begging for free handouts.
  4. When I was brand new, I had no trouble with SL. I've been a gamer for years, and before that, I did mechanical engineering with AutoCAD 2000, plus I've done some coding in the past, so learning LSL was easy. I took to it like I'd been in SL for years, and I didn't mind dropping cash to buy L$ and buy AOs and things right off the bat. So, people immediately called me an alt. I told 'em to STFU and ignored 'em. Problem solved.
  5. Charly Muggins wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: As a matter of fact! I'm going to do something unusual for me and encourage people to drop me a line in-world if they're actually curious WTF I'm talking about with this thread. It would save a lot of time if you just posted the information on your profile feed. The Feeds are completely unmoderated.. Although Linden Lab does delete stuff from its own account which doesn't accord with the corporate truth. Interesting. I did not know that. I'll try it! Maybe.
  6. As a matter of fact! I'm going to do something unusual for me and encourage people to drop me a line in-world if they're actually curious WTF I'm talking about with this thread.
  7. Shh. No details! Not out in the open, anyway.
  8. Copy your info with Help > About. Let's see if there are any red flags there. Could be driver or OS related.
  9. It worked. Just saying. Have a nice day! P. S. Inside jokes are fun.
  10. When I talk to strangers, I ask them why they keep deleting my posts. They never answer.
  11. Perrie Juran wrote: Gadget Portal wrote: That'll be a problem for people that aftermarket texture vehicles- most of the popular vehicles are sold no mod, and require a UUID to apply the texture. With temp textures, that worked fine. Are you saying that all the aftermarket textures are done using temps or are you just referring to the ones used for "test puropses?" Just seeking clarification. Testing. Get a new vehicle, make a texture, and then apply it via a script listen inside the no-mod vehicle. Often the mesh or sculpt doesn't do with the texture what you expect, and not all vehicles come with templates. The last helicopter I did, had 6 faces that had to be textured. 4 of them lined up, and two did not. So every time I tried to make a stripe, it was way off. It would have cost me hundreds of L$ in textures before I got it right, if not for temp textures... Cerise Sorbet wrote: There is a workaround for that, but it would be nice if viewers could expose it more conveniently. Local textures actually do have UUIDs. If you apply the desired local texture to a prim of your own, you can retrieve it with llGetTexture, then paste that UUID into the car's texture prompt. The same limitations apply: only you can see them, and it's up to your viewer if it wants to remember those UUIDs between logins (standard viewer doesn't try to remember). That's interesting, I did not know that. I'll have to try that next time I'm in-world.
  12. That'll be a problem for people that aftermarket texture vehicles- most of the popular vehicles are sold no mod, and require a UUID to apply the texture. With temp textures, that worked fine. --||-
  13. Temp textures for non-clothing should still work though, shouldn't they? After all, SSA has no effect on prims.
  14. When in doubt, blame LL. It's funny because it usually is their fault.
  15. Hey, you're the one that got caught up on PC specs, not me... Getting a new PC changed you, I just don't know you anymore.
  16. Malanya wrote: It seemed as though most of the lights blame was on people that thought it made their experience better, though you did mention builders too. I asked what about those of us (meaning myself) that don't use any attached lights and I am still blinded on ultra setting. Try turning on the metadata like I did, you'll probably find some random thing set as a maxed light source nearby, and that's what's blinding you. That was my comment, that so many odd things are maxed out lights, instead of just things like... lights, torches, fires, etc.
  17. You're always so hung up on my computer's specs. You really should stop to enjoy the social platform and people from time to time, not everything is about having an awesome computer. Someday when you're not on a brand new computer anymore, you'll realize that. As for my question of why some builders use so many light sources; Luckily some other, HELPFUL people contributed to this thread and offered some compelling and interesting answers... :matte-motes-big-grin-squint:
  18. So, I keep attached lights disabled. But I run my graphics at ultra+, complete with lighting and shadows, the works. So I can see every single light in an environment, for hundreds of meters. Today, out of curiosity, I picked under the Develop menu, Render Metadata, and Lights. Just to see. Thousands of lights... Sometimes just in a single build. I saw one person, their hair... Every. Single. Prim. Maxed out light source. They were wearing, as far as I could tell, over 50 lights. I see builds where walls and curtains and floors and windows are light sources... The real question is... Why? Is it griefing? Is it bad taste, people think it actually looks good? Or is it my favorite, out of date junk computers and people unable to even see what they're doing? Worse, these same people are probably the first ones to complain about rendering lag every time LL adds a feature to the viewer...
  19. FluorideSting wrote: "Materials didn't exist months ago." - Well in light of this new (to me) information, what I had working months ago wasn't the even newer materials system, I didn't even know that it had undergone another upgrade at all. So does this mean that this new Normal & Specular Map system has replaced the V2/3 shiny entirely? You can grab the materials viewer to test it, but it sounds to me like you're looking for the V3 shiny, like in my screenshot... Which your graphics settings should give you.
  20. "A number of months ago I did have the new shiny effect working" - Materials didn't exist months ago. You guys aren't clicking his link. That's the regular V2/3 shiny. Before that, in V1, shiny made the entire object look like a hunk of polished metal, without the focused spot.
  21. It must have to do with your graphics settings - I run Firestorm in ultra+ and see that effect on shiny objects. I thought it came with all V3 viewers by default, though, on settings medium and higher
  22. I didn't blame SL, but it IS the only thing that all these people have in common, so it's the likely culprit. That said, there's also a chance the problem is somewhere between SL and all these people. There's been speculation that the problem is in the way Firestorm handles radar, but the Firestorm people are blaming the regions in their JIRAs.
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