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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Lindens and Moles have bears they will give you if you ask politely for one. These are sort of collector's items, and not really very useful.
  2. I'm sure you'll get plenty of advice here. Here are some questions to answer that will help us help you. Do you want a budget avatar or is price not a big consideration? Do you want a slender or a curvy body? Most people who want to update their avatars now get a mesh body, a mesh head, a good skin, a good AO (animation overrider), hair and clothes. Some people buy shapes, while others modify one that comes with their mesh head.
  3. Check out Moth and Moon for their 2 free group gift fantasy tones. I think their fantasy tones are nicer than Valour's. The creator is the same woman who owned Lumae and Ritual. (I'm sure she made the skins for WRYD too, but I can't prove it.) These current skins are all for EvoX, including one male face and the 2 cyclops heads from Akeruka. She's making Valour tones as well. Nuve's fantasy skins are good too. If you join their group ($L 300 I think), they have a bunch of great group gifts that include all their version 2 body skins, and their current fantasy tones. I thin they're also doing Valour tones too now.
  4. It's also nice to listen to ambient sounds or music with earphones while sitting or walking in a park. I can't easily get far enough away from other people and all the noise they make, but I can simulate nature sounds when I want to relax or fall asleep.
  5. The funniest accidentally funny thing I did was to turn a megaprim sky platform physical. It fell out of the sky into the goth club next to my land. Exploding mannequins can be funny too. When I was peeved at my BF, who was into a Bloodlines clan, I put a vampire cape and fangs on an exploding "Philip" mannequin, then fired at it with a pumpkin catapult. Later, when we were no longer romantically involved, he would still come into SL, sometimes on mobile. One time I set my wolf to push him out of my parcel while he was chatting with me. He couldn't see any of this, but I watched his avatar get pushed out of my parcel while we chatted. Removing platforms or making them phantom can also be alot of fun. I once dropped physical Easter eggs with prizes in them all over a sandbox sim this way. Some of them were subtly name things like "rat", "snake", and "weasel" because I wanted to send a message to my soon to be ex SL BF who owed me money and who had tried (ridiculously) to blackmail me with NSFW pictures of my avatar with an alien plant. 😆 I imagine one could have a party on a platform with physical exploding sheep and physical exploding mannequins. Then make it phantom and teleport to ground level to watch the ensuing chaos. 🐑
  6. Supposedly, this is why some people burn books. 🔥 📚 🙄
  7. You can temporarily reset your home position (not using a script), but it has to be set to someplace that allows you to set home there. - Save a favorite LM to your home, as well as using the Set Home Here function, so you can return easily.
  8. You can adjust most of those issues by adjusting the shape. None of my avatars have upturned noses, because I make the nostril division higher and turn the nose tip downward.
  9. Maybe they could offer all the 512 m parcels to Plus members? - old style Linden Homes, Newbrook, Sakura, or Campers. I don't know how many empty Campers there are, but there are plenty of empty 512 m homes in the other themes.
  10. Add when you want to Add to what you're wearing. Wear when you want to replace something you're wearing. Note: if you don't know where something will attach to your avatar, you won't know what it will replace. Most creators of hair set their hair to attach to your head, but anything else is likely to attach to your right hand, even though it looks like it's attached to where it should be attached. Note: You can change the attachment point you want things to attach to so they won't automatically attach to your right hand. For instance, you might want your shoes to attach to either your left or right foot. Then when you Wear a new pair, the old pair will come off.
  11. If you set a Notecard or Script as No Modify, the other person won't be able to read it. If they (or you) can read it, they (or you) can copy and paste the contents to a new Script or Notecard, then modify it however they (or you) wish. - If I'm wrong about this, please correct me. I might me misremembering some details.
  12. The word "Metaverse" was first coined in Neal Stephenson's book Snow Crash, and Philip Rosedale took part of his inspiration for SL from that idea of a virtual digital world. That virtual world was a single platform on which individuals could create and sell their own virtual products, including a kind of "grey market" free trade that could cross over into RL items. The "Metaverse" portrayed in Ready Player One is more *based on* Second Life, but is also a single platform, developed by a single company, that allowed people to create and sell their own simulations and virtual products. In that story, the platform became so popular (because of worsening RL conditions) that it was eventually opened up to include free public education simulations as well as entertainment ones. In Real Life, we've got a multitude of different virtual world platforms, partially connected to a mostly 2 dimensional interconnected internet. Connecting all these separate virtual worlds is probably not going to be possible, in part because their creators and owners don't want them to be connected. There can be crossover between Open Sim grids, because they share the same open source software, but there has been copying and theft of people's creations between these grids too. (I'm thinking mostly of Second Life creations being exported to InWorldz and sold there, some of which were stolen.) The inherent property restrictions on SL created items limit the possibility of theft. (Items can be set to No Copy, No Transfer, and/ or No Modify if their creator wishes.) These restrictions don't always work perfectly. Textures can be photographed. Other tools can be use to copy items. Mesh files, textures, scripts and notecards can either be created on one's own computer or copied to it and then used on other platforms. Virtual objects and avatars can't actually leave SL to be used on other grids or platforms, however. As Katherine Heartsong alluded to, what is real property is hard to define and regulate in virtual systems. I bought a music album through Amazon that I couldn't even listen to when they changed their Amazon Music functionality a while back. I certainly don't expect to be able to access my virtual goods or currency indefinitely from the Second Life platform. Maybe going into SL is more like being able to go to a favorite restaurant in RL. We can choose virtual experiences the way we might order and eat favorite meals, but we know these are ephemeral experiences. The menu might change. The restaurant might change ownership. It might even be closed down someday.
  13. There are 2 Demo regions, if people want to see how the houses look and walk around in them.
  14. Bagnu, You seem to have directed this post to @Silent Mistwalker. I can't speak for her, but I can speak for myself I treat these forums as an extension of Second Life, sort of like being in an inworld group, but without the taxing strain on my computer that SL provides. When I'm in SL, I don't socialize much "face to face", but do chat in groups and IMs. I like to use SL to decompress by listening to my music stream while trying skins, hair and clothes on my avatars and sorting and weeding my inventory. Sometimes I like to explore inworld and enjoy virtual views. Sometimes I like to help newbies. Frequently I'm picking up gifts while trying to get in and out of those shops and events that have those goodies as quickly as possible. I think communicating through text is a real and valid way of communicating with people. It doesn't matter to me if we're presenting as avatars of not. - Our avatars don't display real facial expressions or body language, so seeing them doesn't provide much more information than text alone does - except perhaps that how we dress up our avatar can tell something about our personal identity, mood and interests. We discuss our experience in SL here, but we also discuss our experiences in RL. Another forum that is not SL related would not allow us to effectively discuss our experiences in SL and how being a *resident* in SL affects our view of ourselves and each other. You know as well as I do, that most of the regulars here on this forum don't view SL the same as we would most video games. I think most of us view our avatars as extensions of our Self, not just as vehicles for shooting at stuff, creating stuff, and leveling up in a game.
  15. @Istelathis, @Luna Bliss, @Ceka Cianci, @InnerCity Elf, @Bagnu I think we're getting some interesting ideas in this thread that probably deserve a new thread of their own. Why do we need other people? How much do we really need other people, given the technological advances we're seeing? Why do people care how other people identify & what they do that doesn't personally affect them? Who has a stake in controlling how the wider population thinks or behaves? Who gains or loses if the wider population has more relaxed or more restrictive views of what gender is and how people should behave based on gender - or race, or social status, etc.? How can we relate these questions to Second Life, though? I think Istelathis points us in a direction that relates directly to SL: how a virtual world such as SL could change how we view gender - and perhaps other personal factors such as disability or socio-economic status - and how do we relate to each other as human beings when we usually only see each other as avatars or words on a screen? Do people seem less real and thus less worthy of concern and care when we don't see them face to face? If I start a new thread on these questions, I might not be able to moderate it as well as it deserves, so I would depend on everyone who's interested in discussing these ideas to help keep it on track. Here's the thread I just started:
  16. I saw a father who had taken a young child out of the library yesterday telling the child they had to go home now because they child was being too loud. The child was crying and saying, " I don't want to go home. I want to stay at the library. " On another day, I heard a mother quietly telling her young daughter to speak more quietly in the library. It's refreshing to see parents teaching their children to speak softly and behave appropriately at a public library, rather than letting them scream and run wild.
  17. Really? Have you been to New Orleans lately? 🙄 And for @Orwar and the other vampires: Balfazaar Ashantison, Voodoo priest and elder in the RL New Orleans Vampire Association:
  18. Carbonated, flavored sugar-water is still called soda in California. If it's naturally carbonated by fermentation, it might be kombucha though.
  19. Yup. I was having severe back pain last week too. I finally took Alieve, and that let the inflammation go down so what was probably a strained muscle could heal.
  20. There are pet memorial cemeteries in SL, which I think is a lovely idea. It would probably be in bad taste to show up at one in a zombie dog avatar (ref. Stephen King's Pet Semetary) though. That would be a good Halloween theme for a club though, a Dead Man's Party.
  21. I've seen hair shops with hair salon equipment and tattoo shops with tattoo equipment. What about mesh body, head, and skin shops with plastic surgery equipment?
  22. Funeral homes with services for dead avatars. Memorial services for those that are missing and presumed dead. Convalescent homes for those who go AFK for hours, because they're clearly not all there.
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