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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. My Dad gave me a sliderule and showed me how to use it, but I never needed to use it, so the knowledge didn't stick. I had a Texas Instrament calculator in high school, but we weren't always allowed to use calculators on tests. I remember taking one chemistry test in which I "cheated" by looking up some conversion equation in the booklet for my calculator.
  2. How a vampire skin should look is a personal creative decision. I'm in the minority in believing a vampire should have a normal human skin tone, perhaps just a little lighter or more sallow than they would if they were not a vampire, and possibly more ruddy after feeding. Some people think a vampire should be sparkly. ( Ack!) Some might like a nosferatu look. Some like white skin, or nearly white, like porcelain. Go to a skin maker that makes go skin in general or good fantasy skins, then pick a tone that you think looks how a vampire should look.
  3. Using an abacus 🧮 would be cool. My father used a sliderule, even as a professional engineer, before calculators were portable computers available to most people.
  4. Saying "I told you so" is rude and immature. I would never say it. The other person would usually know I was right, without me having to say I was.
  5. Of course. https://phys.org/news/2017-08-mathematical-mystery-ancient-babylonian-clay.amp Joking aside though, when I went to school we didn't have cell phones and weren't even allowed to use calculators on tests until we were in high school. No open book tests either.
  6. Many more people use Instagram or Facebook than use SL. Facebook has dating groups and apps. Why not use these platforms to find RL dates and a potential partner, rather than looking in SL for such? While SL can be used to find others with common interests, it was never intended to be a RL dating app. Many people using SL enjoy it *because* it allows anonymity and *because* it lets us communicate and connect with people from all over the world, without having to share RL information in order to be friendly and social. SL is weird. SL is different from most social media sites. SL is free from data scraping and social engineering algorithms. SL is largely free from ads, unless we choose to join groups which we know will advertise to us. SL lets us present as having whatever gender, race, species, or relationship status we wish, regardless of our RL status. Most users like it this way. We're really not interested in turning it into Ok Cupid, Tinder, Grindr, Adult Friend Finder, or Ashley Madison. If you want to use it that way though, create your own inworld group or app and you do you.
  7. I agree. Having a Peeve thread is a good thing, partly so we can commiserate with each other. We probably need to keep those "Yeah, I know. Right?" comments to under 1 or 2 pages though.
  8. I used to go to a weekly salon meeting in SL for a while. Each meeting was on a topic pre-selected by the organizer. Each participant was allowed 10 minutes to give their opinion, followed by 5 minutes of questions and answers. Finally the group leader/ organizer would sum up the group's general "consensus". It was interesting and very well organized. The only problem, I realized, was that the general "consensus" was always the same as the organizer's view. She wasn't really listening to alternate views. She was just giving herself a forum in which she could be the Sun with other planets revolving around her. Once I saw this, I couldn't enjoy those meetings anymore. This was in her sim though, so it was fine for her to organize gatherings how she wished and to set rules for our discussion at these gatherings. If she had been acting that way on a public forum, the other people there would probably have been reasonably upset and not put up with such controlling behavior.
  9. People do practice religious practices in SL though, which is perfectly fine to discuss on this forum. People ask where to find other Christians or Pagans inworld. People have church services, meditation groups, and rituals inworld. I don't think we have to totally avoid spiritual discussions, as long as we are respectful of all paths.
  10. As an eclectic pagan, I can see value in learning from traditional shamanic beliefs and practices and in finding universal truths from multiple cultures. I'm not saying that Core Shamanism isn't valid, because I believe it is. I just don't want to dilute or appropriate traditional teachings and practices by labeling modern, eclectic versions of shamanism as being the same as traditional ones. I'm not saying Luna's teacher isn't a real shaman, just as I wouldn't say someone isn't a real Buddhist, a real Christian, or a real witch. We are all free to define our beliefs as we see fit, hopefully without other people being openly judgemental about that.
  11. I'm assuming you're referring to classes in Core Shamanism, since traditional shamanism wouldn't be taught this way. I'm asking, just to help define the terms we're using here. Also, some people might feel offended by what they view as cultural appropriation, if we don't make this distinction.
  12. I contacted the creator today and he refunded my money, so no need to contact Mischievious Mole. Always try to work out problems with the merchant, before complaining too much.
  13. I think the page looks pretty good. 😃
  14. @Zalificent Corvinus, As much as I often don't agree with your acerbic tone, sometimes a SL entrepreneur who has no real experience of SL needs to be hit upside the head with metaphorical 2x4.
  15. I've been in SL for 13 or 14 years too. Ad boards do not work. I tried them years ago for renting home parcels. If someone is interested in fashion - blogs, YouTubers, Facebook, Instagram, inworld shopping and event groups are where we see advertising. I don't know what works for selling land or houses or advertising clubs, because I'm not shopping for these things. If someone is selling Adult services, maybe ad boards would work? There again though, I'm not looking for these things.
  16. They'd have to get a notecard with all my slider #'s to copy my avatars, exactly, and No, I wouldn't give out that information. Clothes, skin, and hair are items I change frequently, but my shapes are what make my avatars unique.
  17. Do you ever get pizza, and maybe the crust is a little burnt in one spot or the toppings seem lighter than they used to be, but you still eat and enjoy the pizza? I think SL is like this, especially if the only other pizza place in town is Pizza Hut. It's not perfect, but even imperfect pizza can still be good, - and it's ok if some of us like pineapple or anchovies or even gluten-free crust. The place is big enough that we can all enjoy our own pizzas without bothering the other customers.
  18. If your mesh body is set to BOM (most are now), you don't need to wear a alpha layer except when you want to hide part of your mesh body. Remove your alpha layers. You might want one for your eyes if you're using the eye textures in your head HUD. You may sometimes want alpha layers to hide parts of your body under your clothes too, but you could also do that with the HUD for your body.
  19. Another good name (though not for the current list), Shadow Moon. ( Ref: American Gods, by Neil Gaiman )
  20. I found one "gift" like that so far. It went straight in the trash. I don't even remember the store, but I didn't go back to look at their sale items. I also found a store that sells houses with a $L 500 gift card. They do have some items under $L 500 at their main store, but you have to pay out of pocket, then wait for a refund. I'm still waiting for my $L 299 back. I don't think this is within the rules for Shop & Hop either. Who do we complain to about merchants who don't follow the rules? My best treat so far is the $L 360 gift card from Meva. There are a couple items I want that are just over $L 360, but I'm happy to pay the difference. Many of the items come with multi-texture HUDS, but most only fit Maitreya Lara and Legacy.
  21. As Persephone, my favorite body is Belleza Freya, but this body is no longer being updated by Belleza and it's pretty hard to find clothes for it now. I also bought the Belleza GenX Classic Lite as a possible replacement for it, but it's hard to find clothes for GenX bodies. Recently I got the Erika Zero Lite as a free group gift (during a promo period for the Erika group). I really like the shape of this body, but it's also hard to find clothes for it. In contrast, my 2 female alts have worn the LucyBody Atenea and Maitreya Lara, and it's always easy to find Maitreya Lara clothes that fit those 2 bodies. I think you'll also find vastly more clothing that fits LucyBody Atenea, than fits the GenX Classic. Maitreya is planning to update their Lara body soon to Lara X, but if you like this body, the update will be free to those who own a Lara body when the update comes out. The head you use is less of a problem, since it only needs a good skin and makeup, rather than clothing. Lelutka EvoX is the most popular brand currently, so if they give out a free head in December, definitely get one. Akeruka gives out free group gift heads in December that are EvoX compatible, but their group is $L 150, whereas Lelutka's is free. LOGO is currently updating their heads to be EvoX compatible, and their heads are also a good option. Genus isn't EvoX compatible, but it's still a good option. I'd suggest to Demo Akeruka, LOGO, and Lelutka EvoX compatible heads. It's easier to find skins for EvoX heads than for Genus heads, but there are Genus compatible skins available. If you join "SL frees and Offers" and "Fabulously Free", these groups are 2 of the best for finding freebies and discounts. 7 Deadly Skins has some Genus skins. Their group join fee is usually expensive, but sometimes they set it to free. I also recommend Nuve skins for their many group gift skins - body and head, EvoX mostly, but also some for other heads. That group is $L 300 to join, but last December was free to join, when they had a pack of free head & body skins in all their skin tones. If you like fantasy tones, Moth and Moon, is free join and has 2 sets of group gift EvoX compatible skins in a greenish-grey and a light mauve, as well as a group gift in 6 natural tones - theirs & Velour's.
  22. There are a few YouTubers who also have videos out showing the gifts at Shop and Hop. My advice is to pick up the gift cards and store credit first, then head to your favorite stores from the Fab Free list. Here's a good video on the shops with gift cards and store credit. Get a notepad and pen, and take notes before you go.
  23. Black Friday weekend and all of December are big sale periods in SL. Right now there is also the Halloween Shop & Hop event going on, if you want to check out those shops for sales and gifts. - None of the more popular mesh heads or bodies, probably, but there may be skin & hair on sale, and definitely clothes.
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