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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Try Legendaire (women's clothing). The creator always put a notecard in her outfits with a Bible verse.
  2. You cannot join parcels when they don't have a shared border. You could have noncontiguous joined parcels only if another parcel was created between them after they had already been one parcel.
  3. If the OP wants to network with and support other Christians that's fine. I'd do the same thing with Pagan creators. If I were a follower of the Flying Spaghetti Monster, I might do the same thing. Christians and Pagans both have many many sub-groups and differences in beliefs among them. I think Pagans may be even more contentious among ourselves than Christians are, or maybe not. Either way, it's not my place to critize someone else for wanting to connect with other people with whom they identify.
  4. One way to get customers to keep buying more is to give them store credit that accumulates as they buy more stuff. If your products are desirable, they'll like having a excuse to shop more. If your customers don't think your products are desirable, they'll cut their losses and go somewhere else.
  5. I have an old sculpted chair that wears out with use. Eventually it's supposed to breakdown into a pile of wood. It's a cute idea, but I don't use it. Besides the fact that sculpted furniture is outdated SL technology, the land impact and extra scripts are wasted, because they don't improve the form and basic function of a chair. Clothing that has autohide scripts, more realistic movement, and color or texture change capacity is what people in SL want. Sometimes we might want shoes that can change between flat or tip toe or maybe that could change shape to fit multiple mesh bodies. I don't know anyone who wants clothing that would actually look more worn out over time and would then delete itself. While you're at it, how would you like to make a clothes washer and dryer to use with clothing that looks soiled when it's worn for a few hours? That might work with the It's Not Mine system at least. 😁
  6. I love that you said "Zombie babies." Are you picking up a bad habit from one of our other frequent forum posters?
  7. A couple of us said "Alienware", which is an expensive computer brand. We've also referenced servers and replacing parts.
  8. Maybe both person A and person B can be mean sometimes, for instance when they feel like they're being baited, cornered, misrepresented or triggered. Bringing up the past, likewise, can sometimes be a narcissistic tactic, but can also happen when a person feels wounded and hasn't healed from a similar past hurt. As an example, I couldn't let go of my housemate letting me wait for 5 hours in a motel parking lot, saying I was being oversensitive when I told her I was angry, and then never apologizing (though she did take me out for dinner and breakfast the next day). Months later, I would still post on Facebook about how some people are insensitive and can't apologize, because she had triggered an even earlier wound that hadn't healed. When people overreact, this may be a sign of deeper issues they need to work through, not that they are "bad", oversensitive, narcissistic or whatever label we want to put on them to try to make them easy to pigeon-hole.
  9. If the cylinder is hollow and textured on the inside surface, that would work..
  10. Sometimes the demo is boxed, so you can just pull out a new one. I don't mind most timed demos, but other customers do, then it's a bad idea. I never see anyone complain that there's a big DEMO sign over their head, so clothing creators should probably go that route.
  11. And then when your 10 minutes are up, they take the clothes off your body and leave you standing in your underwear. Timed clothing should probably only be used in RLV play.
  12. If you find a cheap 512m mainland parcel, you could always use it for a skybox. The New York Appartment from Apple Fall is free, low land impact and modifiable. Makes a great office or studio apartment for an alt. Then if your other region is offline, you can have a back-up home.
  13. Some people might turn a prim copy of an old Linden Home into a mesh version, to lower its Land Impact even more.
  14. There are people who live stream SL on YouTube. Examples: Lab Gab, Meet the Moles, people who go to shopping events and comment on them, live musicians.
  15. Oh, that's fine then. I have several $L 50 house in my inventory that I know I'll never use. They were just too good of a buy to pass up.
  16. This is my prefurred hat when walking dogs or taking them to a dog park. It covers the back of my neck well enough to keep me warm and dry. Bonus feature: When worn with a husky face mask, I look like a furry. 🐺
  17. Great idea. You could start a thread in the Lifestyles and Relationship sub-forum for this discussion. Would that be "Interspecies Relationships in SL", Avatars Who Love Mammals", or "Avatars Who Love Breasts"?
  18. Peeve: Confusing euphemisms. For instance, when someone uses "romantic relationship" when they might really mean "sexual relationship"?
  19. Extra Bonus Peeve: People who reduce bisexuality and pansexuality to wanting to have sex with anyone, everyone, or being promiscuous.
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