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Persephone Emerald

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Everything posted by Persephone Emerald

  1. Peeve: When you successfully get through a couple of stressful days that almost make you believe Friday the 13th and an eclipse are bad luck, then on Sunday morning the delayed anxiety hits and you feel like crying.
  2. How we look after an intense Forum discussion. 😳
  3. I assumed they have so many people blocked that they didn't actually see any of the posts after the one they were referencing. I went back 6 pages until I found one that made some sense as the one they were referencing, but I didn't have anything else to add to that conversation.
  4. One question to consider is how interested is he in getting a good skin and a bunch of mesh clothing for his avatar? If he wants a mesh body, Belleza Jake, Signature Gianni, and Legacy Male all have plenty of skins and clothing made for them, but each of these bodies are priced very differently. Each looks a bit different, has a different HUD, and each has varying levels of render complexity. He should Demo all of these, but if he gets impatient, that might feel challenging. If he wants an almost free mesh body that doesn't have mesh clothing made specifically for it, the DNA bodies (with heads included) could be an option for him. (I think these look better than the free Altamura male bodies, and they're BOM compatible.) If he wants to play around with a mesh body for free, there is the Blake body in the Library of our Inventories, - but it doesn't look much better than a system body and there are no clothes made for it except the ones in the Library and at the Welcome Hub. There are many choices for mesh heads too, but if he wants a good-looking one, it should be EvoX compatible. I think Lelukta EvoX heads are best, but Akeruka and LOGO also make EvoX compatible male heads.
  5. I'm sorry you had a horrible, miserable rotten day. Some days there just is no silver lining. I'd advise prayer, if that works for you, or burning a green or white candle and asking for some money or help to come to you. Eat whatever treats you like, have a good cry if you want, then sleep off this miserable day, and try again tomorrow to see what you can make better. Maybe you'll get lucky with the furnace, and it won't be that bad or the repair guy will cut you a break on his fee. / me sends hugs. Better days are ahead.
  6. A raccoon has the intelligence of a fox, the cuteness of a hedgehog (or panda), the lack of timidity of a bear, and opposable thumbs. They only time they seem to fail at intelligence is when they have a bowl of water and cotton candy. They can't stop themselves from trying to wash it before eating it.
  7. Women end up violently dead whether they're wealthy, poor or middle class. We only hear about the famous, wealthy ones.
  8. Men wonder why women carry purses with so much stuff on them. If they're married or have kids, it's because we have to carry all the emergency equipment for everyone else. If we're single, it's because we have to carry all the emergency equipment for ourselves - such as a run-stop stick or a bottle of clear fingernail polish. Women do not cry over a run in a stocking. We swear, then deal with it. If we were to cry, we'd just mess up our mascara too.
  9. Pet Delight: Imagining wild animals taking over towns and cities if all the humans disappeared or died off. A post apocalyptic 3 Bears story would be great. 🐻 🐻‍ 🧸 👧
  10. Update: Peeve: Phone navigation went wonky. First it told me to turn around and go back when I got to the town, so I lost 15 minutes. Then it kept trying to tell me to drive onto a road that was blocked off. I ended up going through the truck entrance, but I got there in time & the interview seemed to go well. Ironically, it's for a QC job at a coffee company and I don't drink much coffee because I'm sensitive to caffeine. ☕
  11. Husky with the car window open: Husky with the car window closed: Husky photo bombing their human's selfie.
  12. Of course people don't have to read profiles, but if they use that as an excuse to be creepy and push past someone's clearly stated boundaries, then that's wrong.
  13. It cost quite a bit more for a single apartment than it does to rent a room in a house with other people. If one has a dog that needs a yard, an apartment might not even be a viable option.
  14. Peeves mixed with good news: I have a job interview tomorrow. I need to fill out an online application for it, even though they already have my resume. I'm tired from clearing out my storage unit this afternoon. My car is full of the stuff I moved out of my storage unit. Tomorrow I have to drive 25 miles to another town for the interview, and I'm worried I won't have money to buy more gas when I get back.
  15. I had a wonderful landlady who I lived with for 18 years before she decided to sell her house and move into a senior apartment. After that, I had some terrible housemates and some ok ones. The one I thought would be the worst was smoking way too much weed and taking meth instead of his prescribed medication. He would play the same song all night long, over and over, night after night. He started talking to himself in the bathroom like he was talking to the devil. He strung up the fire alarms in the garage like some kind of Blair Witch homage and took apart 2 wooden stools to burn them in some kind of ritual in the garage. We had to call the police on him twice, the 2nd time when he went out into my other housemate's van and was banging his head on the floor saying "My real calling is a werewolf." That guy was crazy, but he never threatened me, my dog, or my stuff, and he didn't traumatize me and reactivate my CPTSD like my last evil ex-housmate did. She seemed fine for 2 years. We would watch streaming shows, eat pizza and drink wine together during the height of the COVID pandemic. After my temp job ended and the other housemate had a mental breakdown that traumatized both of us, she started getting worse and worse toward me, though. It's hard to explain how she made me feel trapped in my room and scared of her just by complaining that she couldn't stand the sound of my desk moving or my spoon scraping my bowl, by telling me I wasn't to take a bath before 10 am when she might want to use the bathroom when she came back from her gym, by how she would say mean things to me or purposely bump me if I was in the kitchen when she wanted to be there, when she purposely broke my cereal bowl and would eat part of my food then throw the rest in the trash. She wasn't being irrationally crazy, but was purposely invading my boundaries, controlling me, and destroying my possessions in order to destroy my self-confidence and sanity. It's a good thing she doesn't want to ever have kids, but I suspect she's left a trail of psychologically damaged housemates and romantic partners in her wake.
  16. I wasn't picked on by everyone, just by the bullies who probably resented me for some reason or another. I was still different, the loner who befriended the other kids who were picked on, because I had been picked on too.
  17. Pretty similar for me, except I didn't lose interest. My 6th grade teacher accused me of cheating because my Mom was a teacher and one of my answers was "too close" to one in her answer book. (My Mom taught 3rd grade and didn't have a 6th grade answer book.) I ended up having my IQ tested in 6th grade & it came out as 149. I had been bored with standard teaching and was drawing in the margins of my workbooks in lower grades, but I'd also gotten behind from not doing my math homework in 5th grade. My Dad helped me with my math homework, and I got caught up. My Mom, who almost never went to my parent-teacher conferences, had somehow suggested in 1st grade that I should be in the slower reader, early class, so I was tracked as a slower learner until I had that IQ test. By then it was too late for me to get into the gifted program, though I did benefit by being able to take advanced placement classes in junior high and high school.
  18. My thoughts exactly. Personally, when I feel like presenting as a psychic vampire, I like to add semi-transparent, animated tendrils to my avatar,...but then I think most people would never understand the reference anyway and would just think I'm some kind of weird creature.
  19. If it were a zombie virus or something similar that got out because one didn't follow proper laboratory protocol, then I think someone else would be fully right to tell them "I told you so".
  20. I think this where a more sallow or ashy shade would be used in movies.
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