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Polenth Yue

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Everything posted by Polenth Yue

  1. The best place is inside the building. There's food! Still some work markers on the mountain, so could be more to come. Or could just be that someone needs to clean up the markers.
  2. Given your interests, you might want to visit Raglan Shire, where the tinies and dinkies live. Most are small animals (a lot like the Animal Crossing style of avatar). Artwalk has just started, so there's a lot of art on the hedges to look at. This is the welcome center: http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Raglan Shire/105/196/59 The group "Bellisseria Citizens" focuses on Linden Home stuff. I'm assuming you picked up a home from your comments, so this will help you meet your neighbours. In big events, the next up is SciFi Con, which starts on 18th May. Even if you're not huge on science fiction stuff, you might want to have a look around to see what big events can be like. That will have displays, shops and parties. The website will have the location when it opens: https://www.scificon.org/ Do pay attention to what the viewer shows you on the opening screen and the message as you're logging in. That can include links to current events and locations. There's also the destination guide: https://secondlife.com/destinations I hope you continue to have fun in Second Life!
  3. In the old chicken days, there was a chicken farm on my mainland region where they were all dead. Also all twitching constantly, creating constant collisions. That was a terrible way to make a breedable and used up silly resources. I wasn't sad to see them go. The kittycats don't really cause the same issues, though I'm not keen on pets I have to feed. My only kittycat was a free forever pet one.
  4. Bad timing as you just missed Fantasy Faire, which runs tabletop gaming events (and a lot of other things, but that's the board game stuff). I've been to some skill gaming regions on hunts and have never seen someone playing those games. But that doesn't mean the same is true everywhere or that nothing is popular. RFL has RelayStock at the weekend. Raglan Shire's Artwalk starts on Sunday. Sci Fi Con is a bigger event for RFL that starts on 18th May. If you have other interests, state them, and people can recommend events and communities. You need to see what's out there before you can come up with the plan that'll fix everything. Otherwise, you're the one falling into a nostalgia trap, by assuming that because stuff that was popular when you left is dead, everything is dead.
  5. Could just be that they're working on an upgrade for Fairstone Quarry. Maybe it's another portal. Maybe it's a really huge greenhouse full of compost.
  6. It's a copy of Fairstone Quarry from the fantasy area.
  7. I'll do the sums for both types of account. See which is cheaper. Even as a creator, cheaper uploads isn't a huge draw, as most products pay back their upload costs in a few sales. Other things might be nice perks, but not enough to want to pay more for them.
  8. It's usually the opposite problem. Something looks like a single person seat, but it's loaded with couple animations. I'm cautious about sitting on public seats as a result and will stand up again if I see couple poses. I usually sit because I'm going to be busy with something for a bit, so I don't want to have to monitor that. Keep in mind that even a fairly PG couple pose might get you in trouble if someone decides to grief you with a naked child avatar, take a picture, and then report you. Keep couple poses to places where you can control the furniture and access.
  9. It's been a year of rainbows for me. I got a cute animesh golem pet from Positive Wavelength. The one sold for relay is a rainbow crystal look. Clover has pet rainbow maggots. The capybara shop has rainbow capybaras (avatars and decor, but I got a decor one). Plus I have rainbow skins for various Teeglepets.
  10. Next up, the train space cannon! Science fiction theme confirmed.
  11. I like the full cosmic power to edit everything, but hats are the one I most often need to resize. I need them bigger than a human avatar. Editing holdable items is also a must, as I often need to remove the hold animations.
  12. This is a thing coming up with people wanting seasons. Changing the textures to snow on one region isn't a big deal. Doing it over hundreds of regions is a nightmare.
  13. It should come as no surprise that I love that channel and appreciate how they've added more and more googly eyes to the videos as time has gone on.
  14. Generally adding giant eyeball monsters improves most things.
  15. It'll be great if they join, though I wonder if one end (the west side) will go through Sakura as well before ending up at the chalets. That's be a really pretty route if that's the case.
  16. On another forum that tried this (unrelated to SL), it only works because they ban people from that sub-forum the moment they break the rules. I don't see it working here with the current moderation, because the moderators don't step in unless it turns into a boiling lava pit and they don't really recognise microaggressions and such. I'd rather see an improvement in moderation across the forums. It's very easy at the moment for someone to be a bigot with a smile, someone to complain, and the complaint get removed without the original bigoted comments being touched. This happens in threads with racism and ableism and such as well. Some of this stuff isn't easy to see if you're not the daily target of it, but it's possible to learn to recognise it.
  17. I passed on the info to someone I know will want one. Hoping for some floating ring rezzers in the final regions! Imagine floating past all the canal boats.
  18. I'm more interested in why Squeaky is trying to cover Patch's ears with cushions. Making sure he doesn't hear the latest mole plot?
  19. It's also an unwise one. The next time someone using it complains about something, it'll be thrown right back at them. "I can't log in!" "Nevermind, at least you didn't die in a war!" "But... help!" "Sorry, too busy raising money for good causes."
  20. I'm non-binary. I haven't run into problems inworld on that basis, but the forum does have anti-trans people, so I'd suggest that this is the worst place to ask about this stuff. Better to find a support group inworld if you're looking for help on stuff specific to Second Life. There's no official gender marker or anything in Second Life though, if that's what you're asking.
  21. One thing it might do is fill a region, causing people to then be assigned to the next available region. Sometimes it's that new region which is the one they're hoping to get. We're long past the days where someone won't get a home because of this, so I wouldn't worry too much. If you love your spot but hate all your neighbours being the same person, hold tight, because they'll be gone soon. The next shiny will come along and they'll leave for that one.
  22. I suggested before that we needed somewhere to get popcorn so we could watch the drama, which seems ideal for Drama Llama.
  23. Oh wow, they did what I said! What else can I recommend? Carnivorous fungus pits? Rivers of chocolate? (I'm hoping there will be a river in the joining bits, though I'm guessing it'll be boring water.)
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