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Polenth Yue

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Everything posted by Polenth Yue

  1. It should come as no surprise that I love that channel and appreciate how they've added more and more googly eyes to the videos as time has gone on.
  2. Generally adding giant eyeball monsters improves most things.
  3. It'll be great if they join, though I wonder if one end (the west side) will go through Sakura as well before ending up at the chalets. That's be a really pretty route if that's the case.
  4. On another forum that tried this (unrelated to SL), it only works because they ban people from that sub-forum the moment they break the rules. I don't see it working here with the current moderation, because the moderators don't step in unless it turns into a boiling lava pit and they don't really recognise microaggressions and such. I'd rather see an improvement in moderation across the forums. It's very easy at the moment for someone to be a bigot with a smile, someone to complain, and the complaint get removed without the original bigoted comments being touched. This happens in threads with racism and ableism and such as well. Some of this stuff isn't easy to see if you're not the daily target of it, but it's possible to learn to recognise it.
  5. I passed on the info to someone I know will want one. Hoping for some floating ring rezzers in the final regions! Imagine floating past all the canal boats.
  6. I'm more interested in why Squeaky is trying to cover Patch's ears with cushions. Making sure he doesn't hear the latest mole plot?
  7. It's also an unwise one. The next time someone using it complains about something, it'll be thrown right back at them. "I can't log in!" "Nevermind, at least you didn't die in a war!" "But... help!" "Sorry, too busy raising money for good causes."
  8. I'm non-binary. I haven't run into problems inworld on that basis, but the forum does have anti-trans people, so I'd suggest that this is the worst place to ask about this stuff. Better to find a support group inworld if you're looking for help on stuff specific to Second Life. There's no official gender marker or anything in Second Life though, if that's what you're asking.
  9. One thing it might do is fill a region, causing people to then be assigned to the next available region. Sometimes it's that new region which is the one they're hoping to get. We're long past the days where someone won't get a home because of this, so I wouldn't worry too much. If you love your spot but hate all your neighbours being the same person, hold tight, because they'll be gone soon. The next shiny will come along and they'll leave for that one.
  10. I suggested before that we needed somewhere to get popcorn so we could watch the drama, which seems ideal for Drama Llama.
  11. Oh wow, they did what I said! What else can I recommend? Carnivorous fungus pits? Rivers of chocolate? (I'm hoping there will be a river in the joining bits, though I'm guessing it'll be boring water.)
  12. The success rate for getting unbanned from these systems is low, because the people who make them are convinced that they can never be wrong. If your favourite place uses it, contacting the land owner and explaining about the false positives might get it removed from that place. That's about the best you can do if contacting the person who runs the system failed.
  13. There's not been a reveal at Fantasy Faire before and nothing has been announced for this time around. Which isn't to say it's impossible, just that nothing has been said.
  14. You could use "Malvinas Boxes" if that's what's being referenced. Which is pretty funny for the theme, but the vision bit I'm not getting.
  15. When it isn't the plural, I think crisp like a crunchy lettuce. Crisps are pretty much always going to be the plural, unless you're asking someone to give you one crisp from a bag.
  16. They're selling out often enough for people to be asking about them and the new regions aren't exactly sitting there empty. Plus, these are areas that had been sitting for ages and people kept asking when they'd be released. You might not be interested in them, but that doesn't mean that nobody is interested.
  17. Abalone (stilts) has switched to "Linden Home" though not seeing any claimed yet. Edit: Now one is! Let it begin!
  18. In addition to the other things said, make sure you include the basic product type in product names. If it's a tattoo or eyeshadow or whatever else, put that in the name. So "Juice Eyeshadows" not just "Juice". Also for the full body tattoos, I'd add some detail pictures of some different areas, so it's clear what the tattoos show. I've never had much luck with promotion groups and such, as it's just other merchants wanting to sell their own stuff usually. Where you find shoppers is at events. You're going to find it tricky to get in with few things, but some events are more open to newer people (I know some very tiny new shops have made it into Fantasy Faire before). Add your store to your forum signature.
  19. I find this as a mushroom. People are more likely to assume that small cute avatars aren't going to sexually harass them, so are more likely to start chatting.
  20. There's no reason to hide that I'm in England. Though sometimes people don't believe me given my active hours.
  21. You specifically said that it'd benefit people on slow computers, hence my comment. I only recently switched from a computer that was over ten years old, so this is one thing I know about.
  22. Steam was always very slow to load and use on my old computer, so it's not an advantage on a slow computer. It just means more time to load and more things that have to run. The best thing for a slow computer is to be able to run as little as possible (so only the viewer and nothing else).
  23. They released some houseboat regions very recently (some are sitting empty waiting for you) and some stilts a little before that. More stilts regions have been named and look set to go. So go now (and watch the SSP and recently seen homes thread, as that's where the news of new releases will be).
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