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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. Lots of people are confused about Slink bodies. There is Slink Physique and Redux. Physique bodies use appliers and alpha cuts. The Redux bodies use BOM and alpha layers. Within in both Physique (or Classic) and Redux (BOM) there are various bodies; Original, Original Homme, Original Petite Hourglass, HG Homme, HGPetite So overall there are a dozen variations of the Slink body. Since few can keep even the idea of Physique and Redux straight, it is not surprising to see odd naming of Slink bodies. Of course this distorts the ranking with Slink being spread across multiple variations of the body. The #25 could be Slink Physique Original or Slink Redux Original. Appearance-wise Physique and Redux are the same body. The difference is in the ACI, poly county, and script complexity.
  2. @DrusaTheWicked The Clothes have to be made for the body you are wearing. It looks like the dress is NOT made for the body you are wearing. Slink clothes fit Slink bodies. Maitreya clothes fit the Maitreya body. Wear Maitreya clothes and a Slink body and body parts poke through the clothes. It would look similar to the picture you posted. SL has many legacy 'features' that will seem confusing. Like why don't clothes just fit? THAT is a very long and technically complicated story. Suffice to say, "They don't." You haven't said which body you are wearing, Mesh? Classic? So we can't give you specific help. You are new to the forum and probably SL. So you may not understand what we are saying. It can be complicated figuring out how avatars and clothes work as there are at least three generations of avatar and clothes and they all work differently but use similar jargon. Most people here don't really understand how this stuff works or how it evolved and thus mix terms across generations of body and clothes when they try to help. It is WAY confusing to new people. Using the default SL viewer open the Outfits Panel. Select the WEARING tab. Take off or detach everything you can. You'll end up with three or four things you cannot remove. At this point you are looking at the Classic avatar aka Ruth/Roth. You may also click Develop in the top menu, or press Ctrl-Alt-Q to enable the menu item. Then DEVELOPE->AVATAR->CHARACTER TESTS and select male or female. This will give you a 'dressed' Classic avatar. Currently the popular avatar is what we call a mesh avatar. But everything in SL is a mesh. What we mean is that we are WEARING (attaching) a mesh head and/or body over our classic head and body. Classic bodies use system layers. Here are some system layers: Thee top 3 rows are system layers; a shirt, shoes, and underwear. The cubes are attachments. With a mesh head and body there will be an attachment (cube) for each. Mesh bodies use Appliers or BOM. Newer ones are almost exclusively BOM. Appliers are common in SL. When mesh bodies and heads came out they were ALL using appliers. THe tech has lousy performance. BOM was created to improve performance. SO now we have applier bodies and applier+BOM bodies and just BOM bodies. Some use a HUD with alpha cuts. Others rely on system layer alphas. Mixing applier, BOM, alpha cuts and alpha layers can make a mess and get really confusing. Hopefully with this information you can figure out which type of body you are wearing and may be even the brand. If not, just do a screen capture of your Wearing tab and paste it into a forum post. Then we can help. Use Windows Snipping Tool to capture the screen then paste it in a post here. Simple.
  3. It seems to depend on the day and time-of-day.... but Warehouse 21. If it seems quite, then say Hi to someone.
  4. I suspect the closest one gets to what you are asking about these days are the "Backdrop" regions. People go to those to take pictures. The forum has a couple of threads for photographer-models.... check the People Forum->Your Avatar section to find them. As for hanging out... oddly it seems easier to stay in touch on the forum. People do not have to be on at the same time.
  5. I don't know about the babies... I do know that you can write in you native language to better express your questions and often get answers back in your language. When looking for quick responses, English works best for speed. And I have seen some post in both their first and the English language.
  6. I have responded, "No. I would look dumb dancing with an 8' giant."
  7. This was on my Flickr stream... 😀
  8. There are various adult regions that have impressive bedrooms. Rooftops Club is a region with adult rooms. Also "Japan Tempura Island" has some nice rooms. The nice thing about these places is they ALL have animations. All the backdrop region I know do not. There are places that rent rooms for 30 to 60 minutes. Many of them have themed rooms. This is about as close as you'll get to have "backdrop" control. With a lot of exploring you can probably find something you like.
  9. Or... do what you were doing at Flickr; Download, View all sizes, pick a size, and right-click on the Flickr image, Then select Copy Link. Paste that link into your post.
  10. It is pretty amazing what one can do in the viewer. I suggest you play with the Gamma setting. Small tweaks. Nothing wrong above. It is a way to add a bit more pop... I think I could have made this better if I had tweaked Gamma and Ambient light or used a projector-face-light. Santa is so fun. But he will eat cookies that are not hidden well.
  11. In Midwinter... They have a huge ice skating pond...
  12. There are weapons & combat HUDs used in various RP games within SL. These use an external server and provide XP accounting and leveling in the game as well as weapons damage control. Plus they enforce part of the game rules. For instance with play rules if you have been killed is disables your avatar to some extent. In addition to a game HUDs weapons have separate HUDs to make the weapon conform to the games rules; fire rate, magazine size - 10 rounds or 50 then stop to reload or whatever. Plus there are left-right wear, draw and holster, etc. While there are lots of things in SL that can be used for griefing I doubt 99% of weapons + HUDs are designed for griefing. I think most (may be 90%) are designed to be compatible with as many games as possible. There are griefer guns. One only has to look at the controls and bullet types to know which is which. Having bullets that shroud one in smoke or kicks the target into orbit teans to be the griefer toys. I've never seen a game that allows either of those bullet types. In SL lots of people have opinions. And many of those opinions have no actual support. So whether I or Belinda have it right, it is hard to KNOW. I'll suggest that anyone that makes blanket statements about SL likely has it wrong. SL like RL is complicated...
  13. With the EEP upgrade came the ability to change the default 4-hour day cycle to any length of day that one wants. So, it is possible to find places where the day cycle seems to be stalled. Check Lindal's link and learn how to handle your environment. When sailing or flying I have to set an unchanging environment to avoid changes at every region crossing.
  14. @Clarke Millar Last first, accountable? I say definitely: NOT! Some designers use private servers to control their product in SL. Doing so gives them control over the product. Your HUD sends changes you make to the remote server which then communicates the changes to the product. Since the designer is between your HUD and the product, they can decide what does or doesn't happen. The common problem is that at some point it is no longer profitable to maintain the private server. The designer turns it off and walks away. Your HUD stops working. I have never hear of a product totally disappearing. They just stop working. So you could still wear a body but you wouldn't be able to make changes to it. Thinkers now ask why do this remote server thing? The most common reason is to protect the product from copy-bot theft. Anyone stealing then has to make a HUD to run the product and revise the product to talk with a HUD. Not an easy task. Even the non-thinkers ask why the Lab would not hold the designers accountable. Most people are now conditioned to think someone, usually government, will take care of them and tell people what to do. That isn't reality, common yes, reality no. So the Lab is a service provider not an enforcement agency. They see such damage as a user-to-user issue that belongs in RL courts. Basically it is up to you to hold such designers accountable. Buyer beware.
  15. You can copy-paste and image into a post...
  16. The default classic body built into the viewer has about 7,000 polys.
  17. So... in SL we measure attractiveness by the number of IMs one gets while in a club? I suppose that has some merit. I tend to think it is more a measure of who looks f-able and easy. I am convinced that at some level good looks are counterproductive for dating. Which if true, reinforces/supports my idea that it likely isn't a simple matter of looks that attracts males to females in SL Is the OP trying to find the best, most attractive body BRAND? Because what one does with a body after they buy it would seem to be more a factor than the brand it self. So, what would be a good measure of attractiveness?
  18. @Cinnamon Mistwood Robert has pretty good taste... the darker looks better. I prefer well saturated colors. The second is too washed out looking for my taste. However, it does provide a very different feel for the moment. So... better depends... I think this is my oldest friend in SL... awesome Role Player and great region builder. And she has a really great looking butt...
  19. I seem to run into this type of guy. I now try to stay away from those with avatars they have obviously put little effort into. Conversations... guy's ask what I am up to... usually something, sailing, flying, shopping, trying on demos, making outfits (as much fun as playing with dolls ever was), exploring, doing a photo shoot... then and what about you?, I ask. What are you up to? Answer: nothing.... Its like wow dude, that's boring. These guys are usually one's that have made it through the first round getting past my filters. They offered enough intelligent and interesting conversation that we ended up friending. Yet... they have no real SL life... If they said "I am out chasing chics. Are you available?" then There would be lots to talk about. Where are you? Are the girls pretty? Are you striking out? Do you have your pants on? 😆 I need conversation material. Otherwise it is just boring. If all they are doing in SL is me... I've been hanging around with me all day... I am ready for some change. As to the OP... I am pretty sure females get hit on more often than males. I think in any of the blatant meat markets that is going to be true. But even there I seldom get random IM's. I do note the places where I have more interaction with people, more IMs. I arrange my club land marks by which places have chatty people. Unfortunately... it changes by the day.
  20. Yes... sort of. You have to give up your home and pick a new one. There is no way to do a trade or exchange.
  21. You are conflating several things. In that thread I agree with Baloo. The server is going to provide updates on what is happening in the simulator. But only 45 times per second. So there technically is noting for the viewer to interpolate to after the latest frame arrives. The viewer takes an average of recent movement in past frames to guess (extrapolate based on history) where moving things will be to render what I will call the in-between-frames and show smooth movement. Often when the next frame arrives the viewer corrects it extrapolation of past frames and we see the avatar snap to a new position. Or do a huge rubber-banding thing in extreme cases. As the camera moves the render engine can provide in-between-frames that work well because the buildings don't move. This isn't extrapolation. The viewer knows where the buildings and camera are. Things only jerk to a new position when the camera is moving with the avatar and a new server sent frame updates the avatar to a location different from the viewer's extrapolated location. Often when we loose connection to the server side we can spin the avatar around. Everything moves but the avatar is stuck in one place. Animations play, rotating objects continue to rotate. Animations do run on the viewer side. Object rotations run on the viewer side. So the viewer can create in between frames and the server is not going to update that information. So the viewer is not extrapolating animations or object animations, like a rotating sign. I doubt most people can notice a difference in an animation running on a screen with 30, 60, or 90 FPS regardless of how many frames the card is generating. While the computer screen usually updates at 60 fps some screens update at 144 fps or to be more technically correct 144hz. If one wants to use a VR headset or NVIDIA's 3D glasses they need a card that can render 90 fps or more. In the cases of the glasses 144hz to provide a frame for each blink of the glasses. The card has to provide left and right eye renders. If I remember correctly the same frame is rendered twice in these cases but from different camera positions. So while the video card is rendering 144 fps we see 72 FPS and literally get by with 72/45=1.6 original frames per second. The fractional frame is the reason the viewer uses the video card's ability to handle vertical sync to avoid screen tearing when things are moving quickly. Since few people ever use SL this way it is moot. The only people that this type of discussion matters to are the combat gamers in SL. They are generally more interested in generating more frames viewer-side for keystrokes and clicks so they never have a viewer signal missing a server input window. In general we get by with 30 FPS for most of the video we watch. So most people can tell no difference between 30 and 60. To spend hundreds of dollars more to get tech most cannot see is foolish. Oz Linden thought SL was playable at 10 FPS. In general he was right. But no combat gamer in SL will agree with that idea. The serious ones turn their graphics way down turning off most of the viewer candy to allow the fps to skyrocket.
  22. Few here understand how viewer graphics work. Nor are there many that understand how the viewer uses the computer. I'll give you some of basics. SL Viewers are multi-threaded, meaning they can distribute their work among separate CPU cores. What this means to the non-techie is that multiple cores or needed. An Intel CPU like the i5 is ideal. The i3 will work but but it will bottle neck at times. The i7 and above is more than is needed... but that is as in needed for SL. So depending on what else you do i7 and up may be justified. While SL Viewers run multiple threads (parallel tasks) the render thread in the view is ONE LARGE CPU CONSUMING THREAD. All other threads basically feed that thread. So faster CPU speeds are WAY better. I think CPU speed is the most impactful single feature. I consider 3.5GHz a minimum. But viewers will run on 1.5GHz laptops. But things will be slow. I overclock mine by 20% to 4.1GHz. Memory... you need lots of FAST memory. 8GB is a minimum by the Lab's thinking. I think 16GB is more like the minimum. I prefer 32 or 64GB. Memory comes in different speeds. The faster memory is the more it costs. So, you balance performance and cost. You can look at the motherboard's specs to find out the fastest memory your motherboard can handle. That is the ideal speed. Data storage... there are some misconceptions as to what is fastest. SSD's (Solid State Drive) are considered best. But, they aren't the fastest and if your motherboard has ePCI bus limits you may find an SSD is no faster then the less expensive mechanical hard drive with a fast disk because the PCI bus is overloaded. All these components have to work together. For the absolute fastest storage performance buy extra system memory and use a RAM Disk. Video... NVIDIA has been way better at supporting the OpenGL system that SL uses. Apple/AMD is moving toward their own proprietary system and has poor support for OpenGL. So even if you ignore Apple's ties to the CCP and slave labor, Apple/AMD is a restrictive choice. OpenGL, and SL in particular, do NOT support many of the great new features in NVIDIA's 3000 series cards. NVIDIA 1000 series and in particular the 1060 and 1080 cards are more than adequate. This is another performance vs cost balancing act. Newer is better overall. A 3060 is better than a 2060 than a 1060. But once a card gets you to 45 FPS in SL you have reached the system limit of what SL can use. While the viewer can render more than 45 frames what is being used to make the render can only be updated 45 times per second (Server FPS - frame rate). If you buy the hottest game machine going and set your Draw Distance to 1024m in the viewer, depending on where you are standing, you are likely to see FPS in the 10 to 20 range. In other places you may see 150FPS. So in my opinion what you buy depends mostly on your budget because my OLD i5 6th gen machine with a 1060 video card gets 10 to 120+FPS depending on where I am standing.
  23. The rest of us are not having that problem. And the SL password process is as difficult to hack as any bank's login process. This has me wondering what you are doing that has made you a target? Ans then there is the matter of how you are catching them? How do you know you are being hacked? In most cases a hacker figures out a password and logins in and takes your L$ before one can even know there is a problem. So what happening? And Sam is right. This is a user-to-user forum. Occasionally a Linden staff person reads the forum. But if you need help, contact Support. Right at the start you begin with threats. You also admit you are into abuse. That tells us a lot about you... which likely is the root of Nick's response.
  24. This one of those grey areas. Adult conversation is pretty much acceptable anywhere in the forum, provided it is not lewd, raunchy, or explicit.
  25. One of the tech gotchas in SL is the shift between mesh and classic bodies. The modeling concept of shape is different with classic bodies and mesh bodies. They both use the same sliders but but with the classic body the sliders adjust the percentage of morphing between built-into-the-viewer preset shapes. For mesh the sliders are adding or subtracting an amount of displacement for whatever vertices a designer has supplied and tied to a given slider. With classic bodies clothes were designed with the idea that people would adjust the body to fit the clothes. With mesh bodies the idea is the clothes are designed to fit a specific body and displace at the same speed as the target body... thus avoiding poke-through. Regardless of which body one uses, if you attempt to use clothes not made for a specific body, you'll run into problems. It can't helped. In some cases you can find a work-around. In others cases, not.
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