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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. This can happen if your Desktop or Toolbar icons do not get replaced.
  2. Focus Magazine's photo fair is always fun to check out.
  3. I find there is lots of drama in two places; RP games and Safe Hubs, where newbies land. In RP communities there is in-game drama (IC), supposedly all make-believe, and OOC (out of character - outside the game) drama which gets VERY turbulent. You just have to try out the various communities to find a level of drama you want and can tolerate.
  4. You seem to have the idea effort equates to talent/skill. Also, the idea that they can make a nice-looking avatar and yet have no 'skill' doesn't hold up. If they can make a pleasing avatar, they have some measure of skill. For some, it is in making the avatar, for others dressing the avatar, for others posing the avatar, and for others their level of photographic skill. Each of us has varying levels of each of these abilities. If people are "liking" an image it suggests there is SOMETHING that works for those people in that image. Since the same thing happens in RL as in the SL realm... it suggests there is something in the art you are doing that just doesn't work for many people. That makes it neither good nor bad. It is what it is. The things that go through YOUR mind are totally you. It seems you are trying to take value for your art as something that is measured by the amount of approval you get FROM OTHERS. Do you see the problem? The idea that a few hours of effort makes art is not a reasonable idea. Talent, skill, imagination, emotional state... and more... all contribute. This is an image by Natsumi Xenga. The "how to" video runs an hour and a half. The time to make the video and capture the image in SL... I have no idea. But I can see the effort and skill put into making a photo-realistic image, which I consider very well done. But, I prefer photo-realistic, sharp, crisp images to 'artsy' Monet-like images. The Monet that Scylla posted is considered great art. I'm not into it. Does Monet suck... or do I have lousy taste in art? I prefer to think neither. However, Monet's work is an influence on what I think is meant by art. But, that doesn't change what I like and don't really care for. So at some point, one must decide why they make the art they make. Is it for one's self... or is it for others? And if others, which others? I tend to make images for myself. If I like them enough, I share them. Sometimes I ask for feedback. Most of the time I don't really care because I see more stuff wrong with the image than others ever seem to notice. I click LIKE on various images for a number of reasons. There are some long discussions here about why people click LIKE. I have decided it varies from person to person and image by image. I have also decided while most people are interested in the number of LIKES they get... that is seldom the reason they are posting images. I suspect you'll be happier if you get clear on why you do what you do.
  5. @Bagnu Just started a thread... and no link aaaaaaaahhhhh! To clear the screen for 3rd party screen capture use Ctrl-Alt-F1.
  6. I gave up my expectations for SL marketplace search. I also suspect there will NEVER be any use of AI in the marketplace search. I suspect the Lindens are worried about the cost of psychiatric care for the AI...
  7. Open two Inventory panels. Drag from one to another. You can have your target items in one and your destination showing in the other. Also, if you are only going to do one inventory panel, select your targets to move and press Ctrl-X to move them. Once the sort of gray out you can scroll and click all you want. When have the destination folder selected, press paste Ctrl-V and the items move to that folder.
  8. There are some possibilities. When you ask a tech question we need information about your computer and viewer. Use the viewer's HELP->About... and copy that information into your post. Otherwise, we are making wild guesses. Assuming you are Win10... or possibly 11, open a command window as Admin. (Type CMD in the search field and run as an admin). Run the built-in diagnostic SFC /sannow. (System File Check) This will assure your computer is working well. It will fix any problems. If it finds something it cannot fix, it will alert you and then there is more to be done. That the problem is happening with more than one viewer suggesting it may be a computer or network problem. Since you did not include the 'HELP' info I can't tell if there is a network issue. If your computer is OK and no repairs were made, go through the steps on the Firestorm wiki: https://wiki.firestormviewer.org/inventory_corruption Hopefully, this will resolve your problem.
  9. I suspect whether a thread is reported or not makes the difference.
  10. The problem with gardens is figuring out how much to water...
  11. Thanks for outlining the gotchas. I was going in circles trying to figure it out on priority of attachments only. I think the rendering process takes some shortcuts. Changing a single item does not always work. When the whole avatar has to be rendered the results seem to be more consistent. ...but may be not.
  12. No... try talking to those silent people. My thinking is they are either there listening to the club's music and doing something else while only occasionally looking in or they are in IM chat with someone. I've been in clubs with 50 people that are basically chat-silent. Running 50 bots would be expensive. Also, if there are a few people in the crowd doing gesture stuff it forces everyone into IM...
  13. Appliers and BOM... I think no one has pointed out that whether one can mix appliers and BOM depends on how the item has been built. For instance my GA.EG Jennifer head was made before BOM was a thing. That head has onion skin layers. Gael adapted the head to BOM by providing a way to set the Skin Layer to BOM. None of the other layers in the head can be set to BOM... well not by the HUDs Gael provides. So, I can use appliers on any of the other layers in the head without the BOM setting for skin being overridden. Then poof goes the skin. I love being able to mix appliers and BOM. The advantages are outside this discussion. My Slink Redux mesh body has a single layer. No onion skinning. Making it a lite ACI and script body. But any use of an applier would disable the BOM. So all tats, and other things, are added by wearing System Layers on the Classic body. Various heads and bodies use various levels of onion-skin layering. The individual construction of these items determines whether one can use a mix of appliers and BOM. The SL limitation is that the prim render pipeline only allows one diffuse texture per face. Mesh heads and bodies are run through the prim pipeline. You can experiment with what is possible by editing and playing with a cube. The Classic Avatar passes through the 'avatar' render pipeline. Some time ago the Lab built Server Side Baking (SSB). All the System Layers are baked into composite textures on the Linden server side and passed back to the viewer. The result is no matter how many layers you wear the avatar body only ever renders as wearing 3 textures; head, upper, and lower. The new BOM (Bakes On Mesh - aka bake the classic avatar layers and put the results on a prim) changed the SSB to make the composite textures available for use on prims. This was all done to improve performance...
  14. SL search has always been a PITA. Once you find something close, like C-String, you can look at the category it is in. Using the category, you can click on Underpants, this will broaden the search. You can look through the results and find... other names designers have used for the same thing... sometimes. SL search leaves it up to you to figure out what the designers have.
  15. You may be thinking of something like this: Tool Tip Tuesdays are a thing of the past. (2016?) But, the videos are still on YouTube.
  16. Try searching the marketplace using C-STRING. I think you'll find something close. Finding the exact same may not be possible. But there are 146 pages of them. Also, making system-layer underwear is simple. So you could make your own for a BOM body.
  17. I'll point out that the built-in eyebrows and makeup can all be turned off allowing you to use most BOM brows and makeup. Plus, there are numerous makeup packs made by GA.EG.
  18. GA.EG makes mesh heads and loads of add-ons. For a quick look go here. This head sort of looks similar and is discounted L$1,500. Several other heads are on sale. The full retail price of other heads is L$3,000. When you take a closeup like the one you posted, you need to click Ctrl-0 about 5 or 6 times so we can see how the face looks without distortion. Ctrl-8 & 9 are companion controls. Most of the images in promotional material have been taken with camera settings adjusted. The in-world store is here. The marketplace has the Barbara head Demo here (free). It too is on sale L$1500. The heads have a load of cute animations controlled by a HUD. Which ones play can be selected or all can be turned off. You can add many more. I love my GA.EG Jennifer head. Makeup and skin are easy.
  19. @Aasgeir If you are reporting after the incident, include the region name too. The Lindens will look for the region server logs to verify your report. Of course, if you are in the incident region that info is included automatically. When it comes to reporting, the Lindens verify reports and check the evidence. They will make a decision based on what they find. They do NOT blindly react. So... if you are overreacting or out of line, they'll figure that out. Hopefully correctly. So it is not a big concern if you goof up.
  20. You could email @Strawberry Linden and ask. She is the heavy-lift social helicopter of SL. While you mention the SL blog and forum, have you seen these? These are the articles on machinima that search returns: Machinima Depending on the TYPE of machinima you are interested in there are various blogs covering specific genres. Google search is your best hope of finding those. Vimeo, Instagram, TicToc (if you are foolish), Facebook, and Twitter have some posts.
  21. Fixing hair can be a pain. As to apartments... think SAND...
  22. This can be really confusing. There is a lot going on and completely different render pipelines are in use to make it even more confusing. For a simplified explainarion consider: Think of the Classic avatar, no mesh body, as the body that wears the BOM skin and tats... and other system layers, shirt, jacket, etc. Now think of wearing a prim cube. If you make BOM active on the prim cube (you can if you are into prim editing), everything on the Classic avatar will be baked onto the prim. What we have done is assign the texture from the Bakes On Mesh engine, which it creates from the Classic avatar's system layers, to the prim. However, if we fire off an applier it replaces the prim's texture will the texture from the applier. Each face of a prim can have ONE texture and only one texture. So to use the applier's texture and the BOM texture we need two prims. The previous applier bodies used several onionskin layers to make things work, essentially multiple prims.
  23. Thanks. It goes with the rest of the outfit... which you can't see in this image.
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