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Nalates Urriah

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Everything posted by Nalates Urriah

  1. When things are difficult to verify the Lindens will ask you to name your friends, like 10 or so of them. So this time record your password, ID, and some friends names in a safe place.
  2. Nice to see you posting. You have been quite lately... or am I just missing your posts? I suspect you are right about video file size being the reason for non-support of video files. We do have an image file size restriction. So it figures. I suspect the Lindens don't pay much attention to supported file formats in the SL Forum. They likely let the author of the forum software deal with those issues. So, one could dig through Invision's documentation to see what all they support. I'll go with trial and error.
  3. I have seen several clubs move to new regions and keep their clientele. They send out notices to their group and retain the parcel for 4 or more weeks to hold a We Moved sign and LM. There is really very little about a location in SL that is special. All locations are a click away. So staying to prevent him from getting the land is just being spiteful and silly. It is a nose cutting thing... I have a friend that has from time to time gotten irritated by a neighbor. She puts up huge signs only readable from the neighbor's parcel. The level of rudeness depends on her level of irritation. You might consider doing the same and saying something like, "Let my idiot neighbor know how much you enjoyed his bots. We have people over here." And I have seen signs put up for the World Map that point to BOTS --> So there are things you can do to make it uncomfortable for the pesky neighbor. But you do have to remember not to violate TOS or irritate your landlord.
  4. I am petty sure it is the woman in the center of the image... 😆 lovely.
  5. Not that I know about. You can export the old shape files with Firestorm as pointed out above. If you are a scriptwriter/programmer you can write a program to parse the data to extract what you want. If you just want the sliders, you could open the shapes and screen capture the settings. Or just write down the values, as many people do for sharing shapes.
  6. 😄 It has gotten pretty hot but not lava. I do love the splash of color. Some facial expressions just beg for a caption... PS: Has something changed in how we can paste images here? I seem to have to upload and then insert the image. I used to just copy-paste the image file.
  7. If you want that capability, file a JIRA feature request. I suspect there is a hidden treasure trove of information in virtual libraries. But I am not sure how useful that information would be. Most of our gaming tech and how to info we put in the Wiki. The rest we talk about here in the forum.
  8. You are apparently accepting woke agenda perpetrated by a political agenda. The political arena has plenty of haters and strives to divide people by any means into small voting blocks with little if any power thus giving their power to to the manipulators. In SL many accept the ideology but we do not have to. In SL you are free to experiment with gender, ethnicity, personality and dress. When you ask, "Are both not okay or is this flickr post different?" you seem to be looking outside yourself for rules and social acceptance. I suggest you ask yourself why you would chose to have an avatar that looks Asian. Are you making fun of an ethnicity? Or are you more in the realm of "imitation is a sincere form of flattery'? If you are RL white and choose an SL black avatar you may learn something about how minorities are treated. The same with Asians. In RL Asians are discriminated against and limited in admission to universities in the US but not in SL. The idea of racial discrimination and racism is highly distorted in RL because of political agenda and its associated propaganda - which works. In SL the community is an international melting pot where people can mix at will and learn first hand what other nationalities and ethnicity are really like. Which counters the control political agendas push on us. Enjoy SL. Stop worrying about whether you are PC or or woke enough. A red flag should come up when you meet such people.
  9. @Marianne Little Everything in SL is mesh... and Prims... All mesh items anywhere use a list of vertices to render a shape/object. In SL most prims have a list of vertices built into the viewer. Saves downloading. Only a list of parameters which define how the prim looks has to be downloaded. The exceptions are Sculpties and Prim Mesh objects. A sculpty uses an image for the list of vertices. We set the X,Y,Z values by setting the RGB values. Prim Mesh objects use a list of X,Y,Z values which we set by modeling in Blender or 3D Max. Prim Mesh objects render faster as it requires no decoding of the RGB image values. Sculpties were a work around for not having editable mesh prims AKA prims with an editable vertex list.
  10. @Lord Derryth You need to work on your math. For Premium I pay ~US$100/year or about $8.25 per month. But I get L$300/week or about $62/year. So my actual real cost is $3.14/week. About half the cost of what you a touting. Also, I sell stuff in SL. That drives my cost down more. In the sense SL is expensive, it is for the same reason Super Bowl ads cost so much. Those 'working' in SL took about US$80 million out of the game in 2021... if I remember correctly. How much did players take out of your less expensive game? So, if you look at the entire user base's cost, which is more expensive?
  11. Because it is a common Tuesday problem. One that most new people learning in a couple of months and anyone here more than year should think of first thing. Rolling restarts run for several hours. When there is any significant problem the Lindens will re-roll the grid to revert back to the previous version. So even more down time. The operations team has years of experience. They normally do an excellent job of rolling the grid to an updated version. But, there are times when things go side ways.
  12. OMG! People it is Tuesday.... the restart day. Try again in 20 minutes. Or... log into a different region. If they are restarting your home or last visited region then your login WILL FAIL. Bounce to the web version of the Destination Guide and pick a place. Almost every Tuesday the Lindens update the region servers with new software. That requires a restart. About 80% of the grid is involved in the rolling restart. When things go well it takes a region about 10 minutes to restart. When things go wrong... well... no telling. But I have seen it take 2 to 4 hours for a region to come back online. The Lindens have something like 4,000 computers to update and restart. The operations team is watching the process and is usually on a problem before we users know there is a problem. But, file trouble tickets for those times they miss something. On Wednesday morning the Lindens are restarting the Release Candidate (RC) regions, about 20% of the grid.
  13. @Kittycat1591 Also change your camera. I suspect the promo image was taken with a camera tweaked by 5 or more Ctrl-0 presses. Use Ctrl-8 - zoom in for for more fish-eye look, Ctrl=9 - Reset camera to about 50mm, and Ctrl-0 - zoom out for more telephoto look that moves away from the fish-eye distortion. You'll have bit of learning to do using these camera changes. Once you master the technique your in-world photos will improve a couple of notches. And they are handy for flying and in combat games.
  14. Search using the World Map. Its there. It is at the southern tip of Satori. Any empty, stuff & people, region will do. The Lindens have provided a number of such regions to facilitate sailing and flying. So, Furball, Pounce, Windover Cay, and Rathais are examples.
  15. @2Tessa Thanks for starting this thread. It is awesome seeing how neat some of the early avatars were. From my first year in SL... (shudder) I was doing a bit better making my avatar a couple of years later. This is from the era where I was into combat games, NOR was my favorite. We had some awesome battles. In spite of all the lag these were great fun. Losing a battle often left one at the mercy of some really dark people, which introduced a whole new level of tension to the competition. And the RP story telling was WAY creative. When off the battle field I went for a more feminine look. I think this is my last avatar before I started buying mesh, hands and feet were first. Then a body and lastly a head. I have kept some of my early outfits for the pre-mesh looks I really like.
  16. I find many of the people I meet have nothing to talk about. I find that somewhat surprising in SL since there is so much going on. Sharing knowledge... I am curious what it is you are expecting. I have one friend that I have known since my first year in SL. I met her playing in NOR. We always have stuff to talk about. But I don't talk to her about Blender of making mesh clothes. She could not care less. Nor about scripting. While I know lots about both subjects these aren't subjects most of my friends are interested in. So sharing is very much a two-way thing. I also have been around SL long enough that I am a bit burned out on teaching SL basics. Then there is the frustration of dealing with people that want to hookup but have no idea how to flirt, play, seduce, or use their avatar. And never bother to learn. And one doesn't just start teaching those things to another. That two-way thing has to be working. I am convinced SL needs sex ed and like mesh upload one should be required to understand the in-and-outs before being allowed to buy genitals. SL is meant to be fun. Spending all of ones time teaching others soon becomes drudgery.
  17. Better with a dark forum background... Dancing at Hydra...
  18. @Shuandra Winger In the viewers Preferences you can set responses to incoming and out going text to assist with RP and for various alerts. Look in Preferences->Chat and check in all the tabs. There are various HUDs and attachments that modify chat. Translators and RLV collars commonly modify and/or restrict chat. Various game HUDs and Experiences modify chat. I suggest you switch to the 'default Ruth' avatar to clear all attachments and see if that resolves the problem. Developer (Alt-Ctrl-Q)->Avatar->Character Tests->[male or female] If you have RLV enabled the switch may not work. Also, if you are in a region with active Experiences the fix may not work. So you may want to try changing your avatar/outfit in the Linden default SL Viewer and do that in a Linden region like Furball that has no Experience active.
  19. Looks familiar but I am not making a connection. HOWEVER... Google thinks: LINK Unfortunately Google recognized the image as an avatar... so the results were limited to other avatars... which sucks. To do your own searches use images.google.com PS: This is a more funner image search...
  20. Tweaking face shape is a rather esoteric skill. I suspect most of us seldom tweak our face shape once we are happy with it. There are artistic guides for getting proportions that fit the human eye's concept of beauty.
  21. @pron1234 Wow... that is a look. Happy New Year... may your viewer never glitch... 😄
  22. In-world you can search for ballroom dancing. I consider most of the resulting places more romantic than not. RMS Titantic aka Ship of Dreams, Milonguita @ Retrospect, Foxies - Formal Ballroom, and Japan TEMPURA Island The in-world Destination Guide has a Music & Clubs category. That will take some trial and error testing. I suppose it makes a difference whether you are taking someone out or going to meet someone.
  23. Welcome to SL. 🙂
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