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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. /me smells a personal dispute Distance between the Lab and residents where we all discuss our opinions on whether we all feel this distance because the Lab Gab is not run like an open house for bearing grievances in real time and how best to have your points to them heard.
  2. Yeah, when I shack up with Cookie Moster, I don't want to walk in and find Oscar the grouch. I should probably know the Wisteria Lane reference, but I don't. Peeved.
  3. Grubs are high in protein and micronutrients. They are also a much better meat option for the environment than current options. Our future might depend on recipe options given to us by moles. Ummm... especially for the NEXT THEME. There, stayed on topic. The next theme release should include some favorite recipes from the moles. I'll just check the mailbox for the recipe update.
  4. This^^^ But I was going to say "Come to the dark side. We have cookies."
  5. One more piece of advice on building a reputation: Find a perceived slight. Grow it. Feed it. Encourage it. Let it occupy your mind unimpeded. Hold it in as long as possible and never let it go. Hug it. Use it as a security blanket. Replay it over and over in your mind. Let the felling grow inside of you. Feel the hate and spite. Wallow in it. When you're ready, put your fingers to the keyboard and release it. Release it into as many different threads as possible. Share it with others. Don't hold back. Remove any filters an adult might put in place. Tact is for the weak. Then, enjoy a nice cocktail or smoke a joint and prepare for a forum vacation.
  6. How to get a bad reputation in the forums? Over react to everything. Assume worst intent Take every difference of opinion as a personal attack Say cruel things then call everyone hyper emotional when you're called out Assign a negative tone to other's posts as often as possible Never admit you could have been wrong. Ever. Hold tight and double down. Play dumb.
  7. /me lifts a few old logs looking for juicy grubs, then Googles some recipes. I'm thinking stir fried or baked so they have that special crunch.
  8. So much to unpack here, Scylla. I appreciate when a guy initiates conversation, but I am also extra cautious when they do. Not all of them are after friendship and conversation. I put in effort to make myself approachable - friendly profile, generally dressed as a wallflower, superficially chatty in local to show I'm engaged in the moment. I've had pretty good luck attracting potential male friends no matter who initiates. This is where I am comfortable. I have very few female friends in either life. Women just don’t seem to like me much and I am uncomfortable in large groups of them. A glance down my friends list confirms this. The closest I came to a really accepting and mostly female group was back when The Ladies Who Lunch first started. I agree the context of a meeting has a lot to do with initiating conversations. I meet a lot of people here in the forums and reach out pretty often inworld, but almost exclusively men unless i feel someonehas been treated in an unkind manner here. Gender doesn't matter anymore then and ill reach out inworld. I carefully initiate conversations in music clubs. This is my own bias and I recognize it, but I like being around men Those large groups of women may be intimidating to men, but they are to me, too. Oh, and the bigger a misfit someone appears to be, the MORE likely I am to reach out. I don't like people feeling left out of activities because they don't fit someone's expectations and I invite them in or at least try to set them on a path of success. Anyway, I do like when someone else initiates a connection.
  9. Probably, but only in that horrific shade that clashes with everything
  10. I wish there was a prize for distance traveled without tp'ing, but I am having so much fun with just seeing new places. I haven't even started the Victorians or Chalets, yet. Since I didn't make it to the Chalets last year, it will be a priority this year. Only found 2 orbs that break covenant so far. Both were in the stilts regions. One person was unaware of the covenant and changed the settings. The other one was not so nice.
  11. Yes, this. If you show us the avatar you are using now, people can help with ideas for similar items that are less heavy. That way you can stay with the look you like.
  12. I love seeing some of the old threads. It's sort of comforting to know some of the same people are still here and I've been posting with them off and on for more than a decade. I miss some of the people that no longer post here, though. How was that for a derail? In SL. In the SL forums. The rules have recently changed and an innocent derail can be removed. We're all still figuring out how to play the new game. So, you're here to test the limits with us, right?
  13. I never look at anyone's reputation and only think to look at mine when someone brings it up. Only you can decide what kind of poster you will be. We have all kinds here from kind to cruel and funny to serious. Some skate right on the edge of banning jumping in to every thread with their opinions on the topic and the poster. Others pick and choose where to reply. Some want to derail topics and get them closed while others pride themselves on spirited debate or humor. Who will you choose to be? Welcome back!
  14. I collected from a bucket that had only been touched 4 times yesterday. Maybe it was put out late, but it was fun to find it. I think my candy count is around 70 now which is close to what I had last year. So far I've traveled by on foot, air, bouncy ball, red scooter, and jetski.
  15. My B movie list for for the last few days: The Mist - hated the ending. Will never watch again. The Fog- the newer version. It was okay. I'll need to watch the older version. It looks better. Poltergeist- not a B movie. Will watch again. Fabulous! I haven't watched Amityville Horror since I was a kid and had nightmares. That one freaked me out... but maybe as an adult... I'm always on the lookout for unknown B movies in sci-fi, horror, monster, or disaster movies. If you have ideas for me, I'd love to watch them. Bad acting and terrible special effects are welcome.
  16. Happy rez day! What have you learned? What has been your favorite thing to do in SL?
  17. Have I found any of yours, yet? I am only walking, running, flying. If I found one, you got a thank you message. I have found several very low count pumpkins πŸŽƒ
  18. Hi Bbuk, welcome back. Are you looking for human avatar looks? Male or female? There are several posts on kitting out an avatar for low cost. You may also need to watch some tutorials on using mesh bodies, as well since you've been gone for a while. New tech means new learning. Good luck on your journey and take your time making decisions. Demo Demo Demo.
  19. I am on board with the whole big sister role 😁 You now have the start of a family. Tell your mom to use a bit of conditioner to tame those curls.
  20. I only hear Charlie Brown's phone conversations when I read something like this. /me nods her head knowingly and makes remarks like "yeah, uh huh, I know what you mean, good job" in an encouraging manner. I'm glad you are almost to the part of making something DO something even though I don't know what that something is. EtA: the forums are chock full of lovely intelligent humor in several threads today. I am smiling just reading it. I hope none of it gets nuked for being off topic.
  21. Thank you @Edohandsome for dancing with me. I am glad our time logging in finally lined up. You are charming and full of mischief, so just keep on being you!
  22. So, you're saying it's mermaid houses with fishy pests???? *tosses a shrubbery at Abnor*
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