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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. I had a blast decorating this house for Halloween and making an entire haunted house, but it was always a temporary catch. It is in an amazing location on a hill/cliff with just a few other houses. I enjoyed watching the activities at Milbank (which you can see if you turn up draw distance a bit.) I want my hopper back to find new locations, so I'm letting it go. I hope the next person has as much fun as I did. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Ashton Village/97/72/37
  2. *rubs her eyes and looks again* Still seeing double, but your avatar looks great! We have threads just for sharing our avatar creations and looks. Check out the "Your Avatar" section of the forums.
  3. When do you log on? What do you like to do? Any hobbies?
  4. I need an eye roll emoji. Stop giving people the wrong ideas. 🙄 <------ there it is!
  5. Gawd, you are such a troublemaker, but the adjustments do look good. I'm going to use it.
  6. Hey now, those are classic songs... just not classics for the faint of heart.
  7. That's enough soft music. Time to pick up the pace just a little.
  8. I am one lucky woman. My SL has been a rich web of some of the most amazing men on the planet. I am blessed to have a handful of true friends and I wish that for everyone else. Someone to sit with you when you are overwhelmed with life. Someone to listen when you are having a bad day. Even when their rl homes are thousands of miles away on the other side of the planet, they can be with you here to offer support. If anyone wonders why I logged into SL for the first time, it was to find this. Connection. My world is better for it. I am thankful for this platform and grateful to my friends.
  9. I agree with Scylla in that it is difficult to age a female avatar. I have a few add-ons, but wrinkles are awful. They just make a face look look angry. I use hairstyles to have a more mature look. No pigtails, ribbons, or plastic barrettes. I dress fairly conservatively out in public. There are ways to appear more mature, but it is a struggle at times.
  10. The ages I perceive depend on where I am. If I go to a music club, everyone is in their 20's. Every time I show up at a science talk the avatars all appear to be over 40.
  11. /me slips weapons into her pockets and prepares to defend her octopode 🐙 Don't you dare touch Sucky!!!
  12. Okay, I took a chance in meeting someone in world who is very different from me and I now have a new friend. He was a perfect gentleman the entire time even though he's probably not used to having someone as prudish as me around (rules, boundaries, social awkwardness). We cycled through animations in the couch while chatting and taking pics - which IS something we have in common. He may post some, too. It was interesting seeing the differences in what we each captured in the same animations. Thank you, @Bagnu for indulging my wish to understand who you are and where you are coming from. I couldn't decide whether I liked the lighter lighting or the darker lighting, so I am putting them both here.
  13. Lol, I missed the sarcasm and took the post at face value 😅. Carry on with the laughs!
  14. The cartoon was good. I thought the live action was avoided because they cast a bunch of caucasians in the main roles. Did you want to post this in "Make us laugh" or did you mean to post in "What are you Watching"
  15. I understand this. I absolutely hate bright lights. I consider the sun to be evil. At home all the windows are covered, and my bedroom is in a windowless basement. I think I would be quite happy with just candlelight at home. The dark is safe, cozy, and comfortable. Light is glaring, burning, and miserable. Peeve: light
  16. ❤️ @vanettda Lassard awwww That is just so sweet. The entire post gave me a warm fuzzy feeling. ❤️ /me tries to scrub it off, but the feeling sticks
  17. It's a very good photo and, yes, provocative. I wish I could discuss it more. I like how you found a way to use an old myth in a way that pertains to life now. (I'll see myself out after that comment.) I hope you continue to post provocative and thoughtful SL photos.
  18. @Scylla Rhiadrathat just makes me want to cry. People can be so heartless. It is beyond my imagining how humans can so callously kill. Any other comments would get me in trouble, so I'll have to leave it at that.
  19. Most of the time I want to know why I need to do something a certain way. I want to know how it works and I appreciate someone spending the time to help me figure it out. I want to learn. However, if I have been trying to fix something for a while, I am struggling, and really discouraged at my attempts, I just want a quick fix. I am not in the right frame of mind for half page explanations of how and why. Just tell me what button to push. I don't want to learn.
  20. I think they mean here: https://my.secondlife.com/katherine.heartsong That is yours. You don't seem to use it. I use mine regularly. https://my.secondlife.com/cinnamon.mistwood
  21. A couple days. I've had it twice. First time no symptoms at all. Second time sneezing for 3 days and a little sore throat. I hope you only get my symptoms and not @LittleMe Jewell coughing. 🤧
  22. You should only keep a house because YOU like it not because you think others like it. I've caught houses that I felt I should have liked. They were exactly what others said they wanted - like on the water, sand, or sunset views, but it didn't feel just right or I didn't feel that spark of excitement to start decorating. I've also caught houses that didn't look like much on the map figuring I'd just log in and toss it. Then I arrive and see it and something is exactly right. It's spectacular! It was not at all what I thought I wanted, but it is just what I needed. I love those moments ❤️
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