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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. These truly are moments to treasure. I am really glad you found that. SL really has some beautiful people mixed in here and there and they tend to appear out of nowhere. ♥️ I have found connections like these a few times over the years. Some people really are a blessing found when they are most needed.
  2. *waves* Haven't seen you post for quite a while. It's nice to see you peek into the forums again.
  3. Peeve: Not SL related. I've played PokemonGo since 2016 and there is a very active adult group in my small town playing as well. I get that it's cold today, but i can't pull together 10 people for a primal raid. Peeve: also, I forgot my shoe chains and it's really icy.
  4. I hope you use the tools available. I don't expect that people follow my requests when I feel the need to order them around about how I think they should be posting. Maybe some people think their word is law and others should just do as their told.
  5. Yes, the ignore option. If a person feels their life is somehow less livable and somehow ruined by feeling like they are forced to read something they don't want to, they should use the ignore option.
  6. Peeve: people who consistently and loudly negatively judge others for posting differently than they do. Those people should NEVER be given the power of censorship over others. What a lonely place this would be if everyone you didn't want to read was silenced for everyone. If you dislike the way a person posts, scroll on by instead of constantly complaining that you don't want to see it.
  7. I still say most of those theories are pure bull-hockey, but I will gladly debate you on them anytime. Who comes up with some of that? I can't help but to think "If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bull spit." I am just so thrilled to have found the club we were in. It is REALLY rare to find any music clubs that play the kind of rock I listen to most (and I've been around for a while.) I've will definitely go back. I know you didn't know a single song that played (except the one you requested,) but I was singing along to every single one of them at home. I, too, took a pic. I don't have all the fancy editing tools you have, but I did what I could with it. It might belong in the Spicy thread, but I'm putting it here since you already posted. I like it and having no faces showing just adds to the feel I was after.
  8. I got my first ever manicure today. (Don't laugh. I live in the woods and have a physical, dirty job) I keep looking at my hands thinking they are not mine. They must belong to my avatar, because my real life hands just don't look like that.
  9. Explaining how things are going to work with one of the best listeners around and one of my best SL friends. We first met 11 years ago. Most of my very best inworld friends are people I reached out to first instead of waiting for them to make the first move. They are also people that I "saw" several times either in the forums or inworld, so I had a good feel for who they were before sending that first message or were interesting enough that I simply wanted to know more.
  10. I love Fantasseria - The landscaping and colors, the seasonal lighting changes , all those water parcels, and the sounds. I do wish there were smaller house options AND some more interesting fantasy choices for the houses.
  11. Sounds like some of these threads are really stressful for you. I hate feeling frustrated and unheard, too. Have you thought about just leaving people to work things out for themselves? If reading a thread does not feel good, don't read it.
  12. This is an age-related joke. Old cartoons for Kool-Aid. Oh Yeeaahhhhh
  13. I've always loved the community of Bay City, so I took my kick scooter out to revisit some fave spots. Some of the nicest people live and play there. I really should think about picking up a parcel sometime since I spend so much time there. One of my favorite spots is the underwater tunnels The rollercoaster and the Ferris wheel on the waterfront are fun rides. Make sure you are in mouselook for the roller coaster, so you get the full effect of vertigo... *Grabs a barf bag*
  14. That is an interesting selection. One of the background sounds reminds me of an old-style typewriter.
  15. I wasn't at all sure how to dress for a progressive rock theme, but I did have bellbottoms and a joint.
  16. Thanks for hosting Monthly Music again. The progressive rock theme was new for me, but I loved the music. The hosts Ghosty and Elora knew exactly how to dress for this theme. There was a really good turnout. Looking forward to next month.
  17. I love to go to science discussion groups and this weekend was no different, but I also enjoyed spending time with a lovely group who gathered to listen to some music. The theme was progressive rock. Loved the chatter here, so I can't wait to see what the music theme is next month.
  18. I've been busy in SL again. There are so many things to do, it's hard to cram everything in some weeks. Several days ago was Mole Day I love dancing with people. I find it's the best way to get to know someone - like having a captive audience. Of course, I go out dancing with people I already know. I also like dancing with people I just met. This new friend is Stranger. He is no longer a stranger. He wears a dove on his shoulder and loves drum circles. If you ever see him inworld, say hi.
  19. Awww sweet! I didn't take a single pic yesterday. Thanks for accepting my dance invite. I still can't believe you've only gone out dancing 4 or 5 times in all your time in SL. You really need to get out more 😄 How did you get the movement effect? You are almost transparent.
  20. Ooooh, Scylla has tempted her inner siren out! Watch out men of SL. It is a spicy photo ♥️
  21. I'll be there! I have invited 3 others. Including @archangel969, but it's middle of the night for him. Hoping the other 2 show.
  22. Something old Something new Something classic Something blue
  23. Adding this one to my personal Playlist. Love the video too!
  24. Check the employment section of the forums. This is for avatar related posts not job ads.
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