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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. You guys are exhausting. I don't particularly care if a bot lands in a region I am in to see what mesh bodies are being worn or how much land is available and where it is. Good stuff there. I would like that info to be anonymous and not tied to my particular avatar. No one needs to know that. I also am not worried about someone attaching my avatar to my real life. I do NOT want my avatar tracked around the regions and harassed. I was vocal in other places and in several groups about how to opt-out of a particular group of bots when they were nice enough to offer that. 3 times now an imposter avatar with a very similar name has landed in a region within 2 to 3 minutes of one of those bots landing and scanning the region. They IM, threaten, and take pics. I am almost ready to accept the pattern and make the leap that this group (or someone in it) is using that army to locate me for special attention. I do care about my inworld life and comfort. So if these bots ARE being used to track and harrass, I don't want them in my region. I have one unrelated question. Can the new tool to not allow scripted agents on your land be weaponized in a way I am not seeing? What is the negative?
  2. Happy Rez Day! /me throws confetti 🎊 Do you have a favorite moment or some wisdom to impart from those years in SL???
  3. Today my SL looked like putting up a warning sign to prevent the unwary traveler from getting injured while simply walking around minding their own business. (We'll all just pretend I didn't contemplate putting in a quicksand trap.) For the landowner who hasn't fixed it yet: "IT'S OVER HERE!" I see you tried to hide it (instead of filling it in) with some phantom rocks which makes it even harder to see when walking.
  4. @Doris Johnsky are all these avatars your creations or are they photos of others? The range of looks is impressive if they are all you.
  5. The pond is fine. I like it and I can easily avoid stepping in it. What I'm talking about is a foot-sized hole in the sand that you can't see until you step in it and your whole world view tilts across your monitor. I'll mark it with a safety cone. I'll discuss any mental distress with my SL lawyer.
  6. I'll have my SL lawyer sue you for my SL medical bills if I twist a mesh ankle in that hole in the sand. As a landowner, aren't you responsible for the terraforming and safety? In the meantime, I'll put up hazard tape and safety cones.
  7. When a friend offers you a corner of their region and says you can build whatever you like within a theme, you take them up on it. Tropical is not a theme that speaks to me (I am anti-sun and sand,) but I had so much fun shopping to stay in this theme --> tropical, modern, and adult. Thank you @Bagnu for pushing a creative outlet and a challenge on me. I don't want to steal his thunder since I know he wants to have an open-house for his and his wife's amazing mansion when the rest of the region is ready, so here is a little tease of the house I put in (for as long as you let me use up all your prims.) I have lived in Bellisseria long enough to know how to stay in theme and, just like every other house I own, it will be open and public. Whenever this open-house is announced, feel free to wander through. It is only 4 rooms, so it will be a quick tour. I might have spent more time on the landscaping than the house. /me laughs at her attempt at a tropical, modern, sandy, and adult theme but is actually pretty happy with the result.
  8. The only edible that peeves me when it's not good is chocolate. It better be an amazing chocolate or it's just not worth the calories. Margarine vs butter is so far down the list that it doesn't even register as a peeve. Don't screw with my chocolate.
  9. Looks like just another video showing the wide range of avatars to express yourself with. Just a fun video to advertise SL. I've never been anything but human in SL, but I love seeing all the different avatars people come up with. I'm not reading anything into it.
  10. Been keeping myself busy in SL again decorating a new house and just running around like crazy. Nothing new. Tonight, was Ghosty Kips Monthly Music gathering. The theme was female voices in honor of Women's History Month. Great music, fun company. I computed the average age of the avatars present. 14.1 years. Alright, young'uns., it's time to represent.
  11. So fun, again! The female voices theme was fun and the company even better
  12. If you tell Cinnamon that she has to go on a diet for her own good, you're going to get an earful of husky sass. /me hands you some ear plugs
  13. Well, finally picked up a little angry stalker. Should I be flattered at all the attention? It seems that a few people who were outspoken against a bit of info-scraping are now being tracked by those same people. You know, the ones who said all the info was just innocent fun and couldn't be used for anything evil? Yeah, those guys. A bot lands in a region I am in and withing a few minutes an similarly named avatar land and starts snapping pics and threatening retaliation. I told them to use a better EEP and take better pics. I even invited them to go dancing with me. It's happened 3 times now. The info IS being used to find people.
  14. You can stop avatar animations. Maybe something else animated you like furniture and it stuck.
  15. Perhaps all the dark mode users should format white text for a while just to see what happens. That might peeve a few people though.
  16. Bluesday Tuesday! (Not quite as exciting as Topless Tuesday day, but postable!) Really, everyday is Bluesday, but for the sake of the post....
  17. I visited Sandor's and Caitlin's new mansion to see how they are doing with the decorating and personalizing. It looks great! The place is so big it has a small movie theater. So, I grabbed my popcorn and espresso and watched rock videos on YouTube. If you ever stop by to visit, the singles seating is on the edges and the couples seating is in the middle.
  18. You can't change your friend's notification settings. Only they can. If they set up their preferences NOT to notify others of incoming messages, then you can ask them to change it, but you can't change it for your convenience. I don't send out typing notifications. I probably should. If I get long winded in my typing, I get the "Are you still there?" response. Maybe I should let people know I am responding.
  19. I am not sure our ideas of playfulness and silliness are the same, but I am very glad you have happy memories of your SL past, as well.
  20. I had the best day in SL today. Playing a hot tune:
  21. Since I know I have 5 days stuck at home I decided that I would visit every wilderness location in the Destination Guide. These 6 regions are rather dated now, but they fit right in with my silly mood. Started out on my own taking a boat tour: Then I invited @Bagnu (Sandor) to tour with me. I'm totally going to ruin his rep, but he was in a G region riding side-saddle on a yak. 😁 Running top speed through the Amazon rainforest on a primtastic yak. Loved the way his locks flowed in the breeze as we ran. Thought I was going to die laughing when Sandor pulled out the gun (really, not okay making a sick person laugh so much.) We survived. Thanks for the protection. *Rides off into the sunset* I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard in SL that my face hurt.
  22. I'm stuck at home on a 5-day quarantine and decided to just do some silly stuff today. For the first few years I was in SL, I just ran around doing random silly things. I don't seem to "play" as much as I used to and finding eccentric, fun, and inclusive places has gotten difficult. I recaptured a bit of that today. I'm normally not home on Fridays, but today I went to a regular Friday gathering that I have missed attending lately. This gathering takes place every Friday in Belliseria. Come as you are and bring your happy: Yes, that is a flying granny. In RL this would have ended with broken hips. I got whacked in the head by more than one purse. Size doesn't matter here: It always ends with a group hug:
  23. I disagree. It sounds awful to look at and worse to actually put in your mouth. Sugar covered snot is still snot. There is no way to hide a texture like that.
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