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Cinnamon Mistwood

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Everything posted by Cinnamon Mistwood

  1. Here I am just relaxing in another beautiful location on SL, just minding my own business at my favorite time of day. It was just before dark and the first twinkling stars were appearing. I was trying to decide what kind of trouble I could get myself into next. Unbeknownst to me I was being watched... A lovely jeweled humming bird stopped to chat for a while. He told me to follow the green lights. I had noticed them earlier and was curious, but not enough to actually go there. Never one to ignore an order, I thanked the bird for a purpose and set out on my way. The path led me to a strange alien pond. A circle of weird glowing rocks made me a bit uneasy, but my exploration resumed. Soon I met an odd-looking pink and purple swan that promised to take me to the Heart of SL. Now THAT is a quest I couldn't say no to. So I hopped on and enjoyed the flight over the hill. I was dropped off in another interesting area on the same island. There were pendulums and a large glowing circular object that I couldn't identify. What a strange place. After a bit more exploring, I finally located it - the heart of SL. I couldn't believe it. So THIS is how they keep SL running ( a lot of civilian made power - at least they provided water). I hope someone benefited from the surge of extra power I worked so hard to generate. After all that hard work, I needed a break. I flew the swan back over the mountain and climbed the hill back to the stump. I had a lot to think about, but first a nice cup of hot tea with my new friend watching over me.
  2. I'm up! I'm up! /me grabs a plate of pancakes on her way to work. Thank you Dee!
  3. I found your wayward pandas, Val. It seems someone left the nursery door open... And THEN!!!! I found Maddy outside encouraging some of the younger pandas to play in the mud. I distinctly heard her say, "Mom LOVES it when you get dirty" and "Yes, yes, the puddle is deeper on that side." I even heard a rather mumbled, "It shows extra loving feelings when you sit on your siblings." Shame on you: You will have to label the guilty yourself, Val. All pandas look the same to me....
  4. I must be missing something here. I am not even sure how this sounds like a good idea. I would not want to show up to a sim (rp or other) and see a bunch of people walking around that aren't real and can't really interact. How would I find the real people if there are any? I understand the atmosphere stand, having a bustling city, but in my opinion it would take away from role playing if all these AI people kept me from finding actual avis to chat with. I could use the radar to locate other players, but it is easier and more realistic to just 'see' where they are. I hope they are easily programmable, because by the tenth time I walk down the same street and the same beggar is yelling "got any spare change?" again, the realism is gone. I don't get it, Cinn
  5. Yay! I will be trying this fix next time I log in. Thank you all and I will report back when I know if it works. That "premature termination" has been an issue for a while... Cinn
  6. I ordered a few things on a Saturday a few weeks ago. Nothing arrived. I waited the 24 hours recommended and still didn't get the items. I sent a note (not to the creators) but to LL. I found it here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/English-Knowledge-Base/Shopping-in-the-Marketplace/ta-p/700195 Under support for shoppers is an option for "Unreceived Items", then clicked on "Submit a support case" I told them what happened, included my order number and what was missing. This just seemed easier than contacting each individual seller to ask them to resend what Marketplace messed up on. A few days later I got a response back from LL along the lines of - so sorry you had this problem, we verified your order and have resent the items. Great! I logged back in - no items. I figured I'd take care of it later. I was logged in for almost an hour when the items suddenly started arriving. I got them all eventually. I am sure your stuff will appear, if not a quick note to LL should fix it.
  7. Hi Maia, Welcome to the forums. I have been having this issue for more than a month. I always seem to be just a bit blurry unless I constantly rebake. No one else sees me this way so I just ignore it unless I want to take a picture or something. I use both the SL viewer and Firestorm and the same happens on both. I will be interested to see if anyone has a solution. Cinn
  8. Yes, you are correct. 7 billion - I feel even smaller now. Root beer is rather tasty, isn't it. It should have a celebration month. Should we come up with one or just celebrate it on days that end in -y? *In 1960, the US. Food and Drug Administration banned sassafras as a potential carcinogen, however, a method was found to remove the oil from sassafras. Only the oil is considered dangerous.
  9. I am a true American mutt. When I tried to go back and do a little family history investigation, I could not find one culture that was represented more than another. Apparently the line I come from loved who they loved regardless of what nation that other person came from. I have nearly every European country, native American (I know they wandered over a land bridge long ago), African, Middle Eastern, Russian represented in my past. I have not found Asian or Indian yet, but it is probably there. A celebration of just one of those doesn't make any sense. I am a child of the world and will celebrate the similarities and differences of being 1 of 6 billion humans. Besides, I am sure history is written by whoever won the war whether they were right or wrong. Of course, none of this mixed heritage means I would deprive myself of having a German in October, an Irish beer in March or enjoying a Margarita in May. The good thing about being a mutt is I can celebrate with anyone. As far as your original question... You have no reason except political correctness to deny yourself your history. If you are interested in European cultures and history, there are many history books to choose from. Celebrate who you are and don't worry about how others see it, you can invite anyone you want to celebrate with you including those who are not of European heritage. It is harder and harder to find "pure blood" anyone these days. Most of us are mixed breeds. ETA - okay, it is pretty obvious I work in an animal hospital. I laugh when people come in with designer dogs - cockapoos, labradoodles, puggles. All they are is a pure bred dog and a sneaky neighbor dog. So, sorry about all the mutt and mixed breed analogies, but people pay top dollar for these mixes - lol.
  10. Whew!!! I finally have a day off. I have missed everyone!!! Happy birthday, Val and HAPPY OCTOBER everyone! /me digs through the garage for all the Halloween decorations. Now where did I put that fog machine??? That Hansel and Gretl cartoon has me in the mood for something spooky....
  11. I wish I had a great story... I just used my real first name and figured no one would believe it anyway. I have hippie parents and shudder at all the possible names they could have come up with. I like my name and always have, but I wonder of being called Moon or Sunny or Amethyst would have felt the same. I put zero thought into choosing a last name (it was the first one that worked). If I had known I could have had so much fun with the combination, I definitely would have put more effort into it. Even so, I am very glad to have a last name - I like running into other avatars with the same one. Cinn
  12. Hi Hippie! I LOVED mine! I DID flatten an entire sandbox rezzing it. I envisioned a smaller 2 or 4 seater spacecraft. LOL!!! I apologized profusely and rezzed it at the space port instead. It is awesome!!! Thank you!!!!
  13. Storm Clarence wrote: AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT CINN! What??? I didn't laugh (not at Mayalily's situation anyway). I may have giggled at a few of the responses. NOW do I get my troll badge??? Okay Maya - you have an option for privacy that does not require you to leave SL. If you can pick up the entire house, furniture and all, and move it into a skybox without messing up any of the placement, that sounds like a good plan. I know people's houses are an extention of themselves, I saw how proud you were of it when you posted a pic in the vanity thread. It would be a shame to give up something you worked so hard on, so give it another shot before you log out for good. Do I have to give my troll badge back now???
  14. Mayalily wrote: Anyhow, I'm speechless now. I have nothing more to say. I don't want to discuss this further. Why do I get the feeling this thread is about to be 'locked'?
  15. I forgot to post this. Was this the thread you were referring to??? http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussion-Forum/Yay-Private-parcels/td-p/1016499
  16. Storm Clarence wrote: I respond to this post only, but I wanted to respond to all your posts in this thread. I will post an emoticon: I post this emoticon because I will face a suspension if I really stated my opinion about your OP and your rants. You must grow up. I hate to say it, and probably a little tact could have gone into this response, but ^^^^ THIS!!!! You do not own anything in SL. You are paying for entertainment not ownership. You pay money to go to a concert and have fun, that does not mean you own the band or the venue. You are paying money to play in someone else's playground. If you don't like the rules, you can leave, create a jira to see if this is a problem for other people, deal with the fact that everyone can see you or buy a private island. It is more than obvious from all the visitors you had to your house today that anyone can get in both with their cameras and their avatars. I suggest you learn to use the camera controls yourself so you know what others are capable of doing. There is no rumor, just fact. It is not a conspiracy to fool you into thinking that you have privacy. Read the TOS, read the wiki-pages, read through the knowledge base. You were told by numerous people where to find the information you seek and still seemed to believe everyone was lying to you about whether they could cam into your house simply because you never bothered to learn the basic camera controls and didn't know how they worked. I hope your expectations of privacy are a little clearer now. Ignorance is terrible to have to live through, but you now have all you need to continue your second life. Wow! That may have been the meanest I've ever been in the forums. Do I get a troll badge now? Cinn
  17. I have never posted to the vanity thread. I am not much of a photographer or photo editor, so this one has only been cropped to cut out an ugly couch that was on one side. Somehow I was able to time it right so I was actually looking towards the front when it snapped the pic. Okay... Here it goes:
  18. Carole Franizzi wrote: You touch on a sore point with your question. I've NEVER been stalked! Not once! Even though a heap of people know my RL info!!!! What the heck is that all about? What has a gal gotta do to get stalked round here??? I'm sooooo jealous... @Void and Carole - I am feeling a bit left out as well. I have never been stalked - what kind of fun have I been missing out on? /me puts on her emo persona... Someone would have to actually want me and care. Oh, where is the love and attention???? Doesn't anyone out there have the energy to stalk me just a little? We could all make a pact to stalk each other I suppose. Please IM me all you personal and real life information so I can start on that right away. I'll start with anywhere else on the web you post and your hometown, best friends in RL and SL. Provide me with any employers, the names and ages of your children and the names of their fathers. Finally, please send your phone number and Facespace info so it can be used as well. I can't be a credible stalker without something to go on. Oh, and be sure to pretend to get personally upset by every thing I post about you - no matter how farfetched it may be. Without a little feedback and negative response, it wouldn't be proper stalking... Thank you for your attention to this matter, Cinn
  19. dude, What viewer are you using? Have you tried a 'character test' yet?
  20. w00t! Stopped by the other day and saw the start you have on the area for the upcoming event, Hippie. Looks great! I can't wait... Peace!!!! Cinn
  21. Good Monday morning everyone!!! Had a great time dancing at the spaceport last night, Hippie! Those dance balls were great. I will send you a picture next time I'm in-world. Kisses all !!!! Cinn
  22. First tab at the top "Avatar" >>avatar health >>stop animating avatar I am pretty sure I am remembering this right. Good Luck
  23. I really need a picture. Azrael. I just can't get the correct visual in my head... :matte-motes-smitten: Cinn
  24. There are no words... It is a good day to celebrate a place that can bring people from all over the world with different cultures and religions together... I hope...
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