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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. I am confused. If the problem is your ISP why are you filing a jira with SL? Or did I get that wrong. Shouldn't you be filing complaints with your ISP?
  2. There is lots of info here on the differences http://meshbodyaddicts.com/ I use Lelutka Simone bento head and have been very happy with it. Lelutka do have 4 more bento heads coming out in the next week or so. My advice is demo demo demo. Everyone will like a different head for different reasons
  3. If your L$ are missing, it sounds like maybe your account has been compromised in some way. Did you give your password to anyone or click a link somewhere that asked for your password details? I suggest contacting support https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support
  4. OMG I was talking about grabbing all the bling shoes and free clothes. I think that horror of bling shoes is part of why I am barefoot all the time now. I did get tp'd to some sex dungeon in the first week and then found out I was pregnant and to give birth in 9 days. Took me a while to discover those onduty things can work even if someone just walked into you.
  5. Do you use lumyia? I had a broken link issue a couple of years ago. Uninstalling lumyia and reinstalling fixed the broken links.
  6. Waiting for the other half to get back from a weekend away 2 more hours and counting
  7. It was reading an article that got me here in 2009 too. Trash Sunday paper article about a woman who was divorcing her RL husband because he was hooking up with men in second life. I had never heard of SL before and thought omg that is too hilarious not to check out. I wandered the orientation area a while.. maybe 3 days of confusion before accepting a tp to freebie dungeon. I went wild there
  8. Have you tried relogging on a different sim or resetting your router?
  9. I should have added similar to my post. 3 years ago I had a still undiaghosed incident which they think is likely MS but until it happens again they don't know. Anyway, after having to learn to walk again, its left me unable to walk far, needing a wheelchair on some days, fuzzy vision when tired and fatigue that can hit like a wave at any moment. SL means I can dance, DJ, fly, communicate with people any time of the day and night. Basically feel normal.
  10. Feb 2009 and have only had an enforced 1 week break due to being in hospital. Thanks to lumyia even 2 HD deaths haven't been able to disrupt my love for SL. Though these days my time is split between SL and our opensim region.
  11. I agree. I am still having issues teaching the other half how to wear mesh clothes. I am not sure I amstrong enough to ride the storm of getting him used a mesh body. I will just keep avoiding looking at his feet.
  12. Wow I just watched the video for that. It does look great
  13. Yep everything Alwin said but with even fewer gestures People are more likely to tip if they get the personal touch and not some click of a hud. They may not have any money to tip that day but if they feel welcomed and included they will return and maybe with L$ next time and will remember you.
  14. If I attach a hud that disappears off screen, I find it in my inventory, right click and edit and when the arrows appear on the screen, I drag the little sucker across into view. Also the Lara hud can minimise into a smaller hud. Once you have located and repositioned it on your screen, tap it and see. Hope this helps. I also found this which might help
  15. 8 years of dressing up in silly costumes as a host.. so yep.
  16. Still working my way through that nasty inventory clean out.... down from 52K to 31K but some things I just have to keep just in case
  17. I have a club alt that stores L$ club donations to pay for anything club related. I have a store alt that is the bank for anything store related and holds L$ to pay tier, events, and stuff like that. I have a peace and quiet alt that occasionally is allowed play money
  18. I would keep the body, more importantly the feet. I am barefoot in sl 99% of the time and when mesh feet got rid of the horrible classic feet I was overjoyed. A bento head is only a recent addition and prior to getting a mesh head many people asked me "what mesh head is that?" and were surprised when I told them it wasn't so I must have looked ok I have a saved no mesh anything body for testing animation uploads and I really hate having to drag her out of my invent. So happy when that part of testing is over and I can get meshed up again. It took me a long time to have more than just feet and hands in mesh but now that I have made the full change I am hooked.
  19. I looked at my feed. Apparently I posted a message to try it out about 4 years ago then forgot it. Ihope it gets sorted for those who use it regularly but for me I'm good
  20. and me too replying and not noticing it had been dragged up from the grave
  21. Because in cases where its owned by 2 people and those people fall out.. one clicks delete group in temper...
  22. I know people knock them but maybe I am just lucky with mine. It's my bolt hole when my sim is being restarted. Its a different sim to place a backup vendor dropbox and there never seems to be anyone on my radar. Nor is there the lag I was expecting. I had planned to move to a 512 ever since I got the linden home but theres always more fun things to do that go looking for a parcel,
  23. She lists the benefits of buying the package from the MP vs downloading it all yourself and personally after using it for a few years now, the example items to help you are well worth the purchase cost to me personally. The choice is there "AVsitter and plugins were made open-source and released to the community on 31 July 2017. The AVsitter scripts can be freely obtained from the GitHub repository (https://avsitter.github.io). The official packaged AVsitter will continue to be available here on the marketplace. Benefits to purchasing the official packaged AVsitter include: * the latest release in-world, packaged and “ready to go” * automatic in-world updates of new packaged releases * over 40 example items showing AVsitter's many features at work - a valuable learning tool"
  24. Not entirely sure. I think it has something to do with automatic updates. ie if you rez a previously purchased box it will automatically send you any updates. This is not a definite. Just what I saw mentioned in the unofficial avsitter group.
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