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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. My advice for things I tried, what worked and what didn't Marketplace with with good images and a slurl to where it can be seen in world. Most purchases are on the MP but I think having an in world location gives customers confidence. We started with a tiny store in the sky above our home which was a light commercial sim so there was no issue with the covenant. I tried mall stores in some locations and found this NOT to be successful. As others have said not many people shop in malls. We picked up the odd passing trade sale but nothing close to covering the cost of the rental. I applied for lots of events. The big ones are hard to get into but the smaller ones at least we made enough sales to cover costs especially if the event was themed to what we were selling. Eventually we outgrew our little store and so expanded and actively started trying to drive traffic to the in world store. Hunts were a great way for this and we did notice in world sales rise during a hunt. Another way is the one day "insert $L amount" events where you reduce at least one item to the event price and members of that group will come to see and hopefully buy your item, notice your brand and maybe buy something else. Advertising in appropriate in world groups, especially if you can offer a free gift, brings exposure to your brand. I was stunned how much flickr brings exposure too. There are literally 100's and 100's of SL related flickr groups for you to share your latest product info. Doing this got us requests from people to blog our stuff. This is a bit of a minefield as some of them just want free stuff but others have a real passion for it and produce lovely images of your product, sharing it with the groups they are in so more exposure So we now have a small blogger group that we use each time we have a new release. Advertising and promoting can be hard work but I think over time it works. There are 2 of us, him doing all the creating and my role the advertising. It frees him up to just create and not have to worry about the advertising part except when I say "we are in this event next month. It has a theme, can you make a gift too?" In my experience I wouldn't bother with booths unless its a particular event booth for a fair that suits the product you are selling. I would use your 512 to start an in world location where you can join hunts or L$ one day events to bring people to the store. This keeps your costs down while you build your brand. Anyway that's just my advice taken from what worked for us. Have fun and enjoy your creating
  2. In my personal experience.. my annoyances with it comes from hosting and trying to greet a few people arriving at once and deciphering their names as fast as I can before they leave as "nobody greeted" (Mostly caused by my slowness due to new meds for a past brain infection)
  3. Scouse and Chip butties and as it's 5.30 pm here I need to eat
  4. Is the parcel landing point set to outside, where your friend lands, or is it set inside the building? World - parcel details - options - set landing point
  5. This! I would never leave a negative review until I had attempted to speak to the merchant first. More than one occasion I have.. it's been a simple oversight where the wrong colour was packaged or something and the merchant is extremely grateful for it being brought to their attention, fixes it immediately often with a refund and/or grateful thanks. From the flip side after getting a negative review for something that was completely our fault (listed LI as 5 when it was actually 6 after we forgot to check the increase adding scripts) but I messaged him, apologised, refunded, fixed the LI in the listing and without me asking he went and changed his review praising the customer service and bigger plus he has been a returning customer, purchasing more from us. So my point is, have a chat with the merchant before writing a negative review.
  6. Cindy Evanier


    It's restarts day https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/k7r4nxz67lxb It's possible your region is under a restart
  7. and theres my first question. how to delete the gif above that didnt work lol
  8. Having spent a few days anxiously waiting to hear if I managed to kill my laptop for good and restricted to using a 10 year old wreck, I decided to pass the time reading through the forums. I am gripped and must applaud the patience of everyone who replies and offers help. It has really made me question my own patience levels and head desking. I know now if I have an issue nobody here will make me feel stupid for asking and if someone can help, they will.4 Thank you all
  9. KiX is looking for a photographer to join our team. This would involve promotion and marketplace images for our products. Apply here Application form For more information contact Cindy Evanier in world.
  10. The Christmas Quiz is Back Along with the Winter Wonderland Ball Formal attire would be nice but not mandatory Fun Prizes and Tunes 12-4 am slt Quiz Mistress Sonja and DJ's Dani and Sonja will be hosting this fun event at Harvest Moon Grab a sleigh
  11. Cindy and Sonja are ready to kick the sand from between their toes, crank up the volume with 2 hours of dance tunes. Requests are welcome. New friends are fun and a warm environment is a given. Come and join us at Harvest Moon and join the good times DJ Cindy & Sonja Tuesday 13th December 1-3 am slt and probably a little longer Grab a taxi come and join us or explore the sim where you can find fishing, games, cuddles, whale and dolphin watching and many other pastimes
  12. Looking for some light relief from the world and to get those avi's fit?It's the Wednesday Twerk Out Work Out with Cindy and JeniferWe go back just a little way in time this week to the norties and oh just think of the jokes Jen can make about that. Quiz and twerk along with us from 4-6 am slt.http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Taylor/155/234/22 Grab a gym bag and come on over
  13. From 12 am slt Harvest Moon will be kicking off our celebrations. We have contests, raffles, spot prizes and amazing DJ's including the Infamous Quiz Mistress Sonja with her Halloween quiz from 2 - 4 am slt Ccome on over with a SPOOKY RIDE 
  14. DJ Cindy 2-4 am slt Every Friday 80's rewind Here's your boogie bus 
  15. It's our mid week Twerk Out Work Out at Cafe Musique Trivia, Best in Spooky Contest and Twerking. Time to get those avi's fit for Halloween Grab a tp Cafe Musique 
  16. BLONDES HAVING FUN DJ Cindy 80's Rewind 2-4 am slt I plugged in my jukebox and polished all my 80's hits, all I am missing is you! 
  17. The weekend starts here. DJ Katty has prizes to give away, fun to be had and tunes to tingle your ears Come on over to Harvest Moon and bring your swimwear 
  18.  DJ Cindy and Jen take you back to the 60's with tunes and trivia Wednesday 4-6 am slt Cafe Musique
  19. BEST IN BEACHWEAR ◑▂◐ DJ CINDY ◑▂◐ FRIDAY 2-4 AM SLT BEST IN BEACHWEAR CONTEST PRIZE DONATED BY KiX SUMMER TRIVIA SUMMER TUNES http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Marina%20Bay/209/221/21
  20. DJ Cindy and Hostess with the mostess Jenifer PJ Party 4-6 am slt Contest - Trivia - Tunes Cafe Musique
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