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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. you hit it first try but coming from Liverpool it could have been a lot worse
  2. I was also named after a Beatles song in rl
  3. I read that as boob floatie Thinking about it a boob floatie could attract the hot guy?
  4. I am with Talligurl.. I saw rules and stopped reading.
  5. invites @Skell Daggerand @anna2358 to come live with me in the luxury of Liverpool internet I have I have cake That's all though, nothing else to offer on sim crossings to help
  6. A quick search of these forums will show you many posts about it going back to early June. search for posts by Oz Linden
  7. Started by DJing an Arabian Nights themed party
  8. I must be doing something wrong. 8 years and still not bored There's always a sim to explore, people to chat to, wandering about discovering something. I often just open search and type in a completely random word just to see what comes up.
  9. Yeah my opinion too. I have found sharing pictures to SL flickr groups useful. I have a blog too but it doesn't get much traffic. I think its more of a memory box for me to look back on.
  10. Thank you! Have to do some product pics tomorrow for a tai chi, meditation set up. I have been looking for the right outfit for it
  11. Mine seems to have updated absolutely fine . (On the 3rd attempt because I didn't read the instructions properly about placing the updater in the center of the board )
  12. No contest. Rewarding in a different way to your experience. After a month in SL I was disillusioned, confused and bored of all the bite requests, poseball requests and still clueless about why I was here. I was dancing by myself at some beach and this 0 day avatar walked past me. For some reason I was drawn to look at his profile and as he had actually put something in his RL tab saying he was from the same place as I am, I said Hi. 8 years later we are still together and still having fun but never bored.
  13. Did you go ti https://secondlife.com/ on the left side of the page under Account - go to Change email address. Don't change it but see if there is a "verify email" there.. click that and LL will know they have the correct email for you.
  14. If I remember correctly (8 years ago now) when we partnered the request from him ended up in my spam emails and you have to accept via the email. I suggest check your spam email, check you verified your email with LL on the website.
  15. Just want to send you a hug and hope it doesn't take too long to sort out for you
  16. oooo he looks like he wants to devour you
  17. Naked Tai Chi but can't share a picture
  18. .....and the lovely profile pics of their home and prim babies when they show up using the facilities in my store with their new week old friend. Getting a shock when I ask them to dress and leave the store to shoppers.
  19. Does your transaction history tell you where the money went? If not I would suggest submitting a support ticket to LL
  20. I am not bullying sweetie, it was called having a laugh
  21. Created new folder name it for example "Favorite destinations" Create new notecard and name it something like "Best photographic sims" Make a landmark you want to keep and remember. Open the notecard and right click, drag the landmark from invent onto the notecard. Add a sentence of text for your own description, click save, Put the notecard into your new folder. You could do it by copying and pasting the landmark slurl but I prefer to save an actual landmark.
  22. I use a notecard, named appropriately and placed in a folder called favorite places. Then drag the landmark onto the notecard.. write a sentence about why it was a special place to revisit, save and there you go. It stops my inventory getting clogged with landmarks as the important ones are attached to a notecard. There might be better ways but this is my way
  23. Landscaping playing around. My favorite hobby. New waterfall in one area to hide the back of a building. I am am not quite happy with it yet getting there
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