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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. I have lost count of the new residents I have taken on over the years, spent a good few hours of my own time showing them how we work etc only to find they don't show up after a week for many reasons; they got bored of sl, they found another busier club, they realised nobody is going to throw money at them and they might actually have to do a bit of work, and my personal favorite - they opened their own club because they are suddenly an expert who can do it better. It used to hurt a bit at first, my time is important too. Eventually I got tougher, what was important in my own SL changed and nowadays theres a little club on the corner of my sim which is not busy, not profitable but its laid out as a club and in my mind I feel, there is a space, use it, don't use it. People who do use it do their own promoting of events as I don't have the time to run a club, I just made a space for them to do it. I totally understand why there are 30 day rules in places for many reasons. I am still learning stuff about SL after 8 years lol. That first month was such a huge learning curve and I admit I almost logged off forever myself a few times. These days though it seems throw away accounts for griefing/money laundering and other nasty reasons seem more prevalent so club/land owners just have to do what they can to protect themselves and their customers from it. Stick around though, 30 days goes fast and these places will all be open to you sooner than you think
  2. You say you are familiar with hunts but not sure how to get involved. Have a look here https://huntsl.com/ something might fit
  3. Early morning partying (avoiding moving the store into it's new building)
  4. There is your answer https://support.secondlife.com
  5. How come there are currently 40,000 people logged in?
  6. Sure that works too but sometimes there has been an update and I have no idea how that brand manages its updates. Glad its worked for you though
  7. Suggestions are - 1. Join the Bellezza inworld group first and ask there 2. Check the profile of the owner of that group and see what instructions they give for customer support contact. 3. If all else fails, go back to the store and get a redelivery of the item and start afresh Best of luck
  8. I just replaced all my outfits and set up the new simone head. It is a wonderful new hud for moods. I am feeling aloof right now
  9. Fair enough. My opinion is if the founder doesnt want to find himself with a problem down the line, don't make anyone else a co-owner apart from an alt. Anyone else who needs extra perms - thats what the officer role is for.
  10. My comment still stands. If a founder sells the group on (which happens a lot) your idea makes it easy for them to just take it back again from the person who has bought it. I know of incidents where someone sold a business took the money, then 6 months changed their mind and they wanted the business back. The new owner did not want to sell. With your scenario the founder could just simply change their mind and take it back from the new owner.
  11. You wont get it every day. You will get a split each time someone pays to join the group. eg if there are 10 people in the group and a 11th person joins and pays 50L$ then that 50 L$ will be split 10 ways. Next time someone joins and pays 50L$ that 50 L$ will be split 11 ways. It doesnt happen daily, only one time after a new member joins and pays. BUT all in the group with liabilities enabled have to pay out a share of 30L$ a week if the group also owns land set to search. ie payments in and payments out are evenly distributed between those with the setting enabled in your group this post might help explain that
  12. Group fees count as group dividends as far as I am aware ie all money going into the group by whatever means is a dividend. Who gets a cut depends on how the group roles are set out. I don't know how often payments are made. It could be weekly like stipends. I am sure someone more knowledgeable will be along soon
  13. It depends on the groups settings Information here on group dividends might help you
  14. Group founders often sell their group in cases such as selling a club or business to a new owner. If they can just take their group back after receiving payment for it, that is going to cause a whole other drama.
  15. Duh sorry I misunderstood. I thought you meant it wasn't showing in your enhanced click through stats page (forget what its called now) There are likely 100s on the home page, the chances of seeing yours pass by isn't very likely i guess without hours and hours refreshing
  16. I have my eye on May and Spencer
  17. fed up and miserable. Working on new animation uploads so we have to do testing with and without mesh and no AO which means *sobs* HORRIBLE FEET AND ANKLE MOMENTS
  18. I don't know when you listed them but sometimes it can take a few hours to show up. I don't know why but have noticed it in the past.
  19. There are a couple of threads about it around. LL are aware I think
  20. I am confused. If the problem is your ISP why are you filing a jira with SL? Or did I get that wrong. Shouldn't you be filing complaints with your ISP?
  21. There is lots of info here on the differences http://meshbodyaddicts.com/ I use Lelutka Simone bento head and have been very happy with it. Lelutka do have 4 more bento heads coming out in the next week or so. My advice is demo demo demo. Everyone will like a different head for different reasons
  22. If your L$ are missing, it sounds like maybe your account has been compromised in some way. Did you give your password to anyone or click a link somewhere that asked for your password details? I suggest contacting support https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support
  23. OMG I was talking about grabbing all the bling shoes and free clothes. I think that horror of bling shoes is part of why I am barefoot all the time now. I did get tp'd to some sex dungeon in the first week and then found out I was pregnant and to give birth in 9 days. Took me a while to discover those onduty things can work even if someone just walked into you.
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