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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. yep mine is a Jian gacha resell
  2. check your transaction history on the website go to account - transaction history. that will tell you where your L$ have gone. Or relog and see if the balance resets
  3. I have a lelutka bento head. I use the additional orchidea hud if I ever need to open my mouth when using furniture Most furniture animations were created before bento even arrived
  4. search the marketplace for wandering pets or wandering dogs.. there are loads of gacha resells. I got my wandering german shepherd puppy that way for about 50L. He doesn't need looking after, just rez, set his range, how loud you want him to bark and let him go
  5. @venusD67 Start here https://support.secondlife.com/contact-support/
  6. Try resetting your router. Until someone more technical comes along
  7. As I stand in frustration with 2 inventory windows open pulling folders into MY NAMED folders again trying to tackle the dreaded tidy up job, I wish for some feature that would just make the whole thing easier.
  8. Or moving the updater right into the middle of the board? I got this message too and moving it worked
  9. I got naked at this years SLB too. Opened my invent and accidentally double clicked something that removed my dress. I recovered fast and nobody noticed.
  10. Kind of reminded me of the first time I was passing a texture and let go too soon, texturing my whole house. The first thing of any real expense I had bought. I had no clue about mod copy perms back then and didn't know what to do except cry. I may still do this occasionally after 8 years but at least I know how to fix it now myself without tears
  11. @Tari Landar Thank you for sharing that. I don't think its right to click the like option. So sending a squeeze hug instead.
  12. I did similar. Clicked a mass tp instead of decline and landed at the dj's feet naked in a very busy club during a charity event. Then got brain freeze in panic and couldn't remember how to tp home so just logged off and logged back in at home 20 minutes later hoping nobody had noticed. They had
  13. I have just been scouring my invent for a picture of one of those moments. I am sure its in one of my boxed up textures
  14. Remember in the old days when the grid was down for 2 days and your shoe rezzed up your bum after a tp.... feel free to share your funny moments.
  15. I haven't had any problems apart from not being able to rez some furniture for about an hour yesterday mid maintenance. Suggestions I have seen around to help those who do have issues... reboot modem. If using FS (don't know about SL viewer) try Avatar - Avatar Health - Reset default avatar (Character test) relog, then try putting your preferred avatar back together.
  16. Have you checked with the maker of the orb? I know of one creator who has been advertising in his group of an update to security orbs
  17. I noticed that too. The message seemed to appear around the time they were doing the maintainence. I have not seen any other reference to it
  18. Read the instructions/notecard/menu button/advice then read it again before screaming it doesn't work
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