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Cindy Evanier

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Everything posted by Cindy Evanier

  1. Yeah it's been happening to me too. I figure with all the other stuff LL are having to work on at the moment, I can type my password in each day
  2. I have always found this very unfair. The person who lost them in the first place has often (not always) been careless in clicking a dodgy link or accepting something that took their L$ whereas the poor merchant gets caught up in it through no fault of their own
  3. We are just residents here like you, so we would only be guessing why LL removed your linden dollars. You should really contact support https://support.secondlife.com/?lang=en-US
  4. Actually I had this or similar problem during the week. Overnight the sim had dropped offline randomly. I contacted the landlord and she couldn't tp there but said she was contacting LL. I filed a support ticket with LL too and as soon as support was open (5 am slt on a weekday) I got an email to say they had sorted it. As Alwin said, your first contact point is report it to your landlord. My sim was showing on the map too as if it was all there but it wasn't. Do you get a message when trying to tp. The message I got was Teleport failed. Failed to grant teleport capabilities
  5. I think we have all done that at some time maybe once *coughs* or 10 times. I have learnt over time to make a note of coordinates when I rez a skybox or home for just these little errors which are NEVER MY FAULT
  6. Two different issues. One issue had been an ongoing thing for 2 week where a lot of merchant's had found their listings delisted, if you read that status from its start on 22nd November and was only identified yesterday. The current issue is billing and affecting the marketplace in a different way
  7. Unscheduled Billing maintenance affecting the marketplace https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/zrfkyms1phr0
  8. They are currently performing maintenance. Check again once they are finished and give the all clear https://status.secondlifegrid.net/incidents/nylvk04mplfd
  9. Yep because they are doing maintenance https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/zrfkyms1phr0
  10. Yeah you might be right. I would wait for the grid status all clear and if the L$ don't appear, submit a support ticket
  11. Finally! Now to do support tickets instead of sitting patiently for almost 2 weeks.
  12. Just going to leave this here because I am proud of her. My alt is almost 8 years old and I kept her invent perfectly from the start and normally under 6k. Unlike my main who is only half as organised and after my recent purge is at 31K down from 52K but that includes business stuff too
  13. Right side of the forums page - create a support ticket and ask them for access to Aditi
  14. Must admit I logged in fast and tp'd to mine to check I still had a second home
  15. Unless it is something to do with this https://secondlife-status.statuspage.io/incidents/dfgl51dm33lz
  16. Good luck. I did a purge a couple of months ago, dropped about 25K worth of rubbish and started a better folder system. Still have a way to go before its complete but don't have the time to have another attack at it any time soon
  17. Sometimes it will be back in your invent after a relog. Sometimes it can take up to 24 hours. Some of these links might help if a relog doesn't http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Inventory_loss http://wiki.phoenixviewer.com/fs_missing_inventory http://blog.nalates.net/2010/08/01/second-life-lost-inventory-and-missing-inventory/
  18. If they aren't a second life resident they could gift you money any way in rl or send it to your paypal account and you buy the lindens yourself from the paypal balance. There is no other way I can think of that someone without a second life account can gift you L$
  19. Of course but a child would be excluded from a strip club in RL so why do the child avi's cry discrimination when they get excluded from them in SL. The safe community is in the G rated sims
  20. If its adult land, like mine, they have no reason to be there. There is adult stuff everywhere and people using it. I am not going to take any chances, nor do I have time to be a nanny for them. It goes down the the old rule, you pay for the land, you make the rules. Lots of places have rules about who is and isn't welcome on their land. Vampires, escorts child avi's, non human avi's. those with weapons. I remember years ago being suddenly booted from a club because *gasp horror* I have a collar. Some child avatars turn up at places as a form a griefing too, just to see how far they can push it then cry boo hoo this place is mean and discriminating. I have also been shopping places and had a kid follow me around begging me to be their mother... NO! All that said I have nothing against child avi's they are just not part of my SL
  21. The marketplace is the best place to start. Look for loin cloths with a demo version which is almost always free and use that to check before purchase . There is a link to the marketplace at the bottom of this page. BTW... it's not a game
  22. Wait! I have been here for almost 9 years and I am not going to get a prize at the end?
  23. You might have better luck in the land forums or the wanted forums
  24. Eeek then I guess contact support https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/tickets/new
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