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Sylvia Tamalyn

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Everything posted by Sylvia Tamalyn

  1. I love all those as well, and have some of each (including my main home, which actually is a rental in a private estate community)!. But the thing I liked best about the homestead was learning how to terraform and use the other land settings. I met my first Linden there when I clicked on "revert" to see what it would do to the land. I got a mini-scolding from Spike Linden after he did the rollback "Now don't do that again!" lol And THAT was the other thing I loved about a homestead. SO MANY PRIMS. This was in the pre-mesh days too, so that was even more important back then!
  2. Yes! I post this on Facebook regularly. lol
  3. I like sending one of my alts over in cat form (yes, she's a member of the Bellisseria Cats group!) to snoop around. I feel less conspicuous that way!
  4. It's fun to see how everyone likes something different. I actually perked up at the idea of a homestead. I rented one for my first couple of years in SL and loved it!
  5. There's the deal breaker for me right there. I cannot stand flickering alphas/textures, not even a tiny bit of a flicker.
  6. That reminds me of one of my very fave SL bridges, the one in Nailsworth.
  7. Grumpity said that when the time comes, we will be allowed to upgrade and they will take into account what we have paid under our current extra year plans. It's somewhere in that huge thread if you have an hour or so to spare and feel adventurous. lol
  8. The auto refresh is not required; I did not use it to get my houseboat. Some people have chosen to use an automated way to refresh the page, hoping someone will abandon a home and their automated refreshing will catch it as opposed to doing the clicking themselves. It's an option a resident came up with, but it's definitely not mandatory.
  9. I have that same red rocker (from Hive, I think), and I use it just about everywhere. I just love it!
  10. Shoot, I'm at work or I'd sign up. lol
  11. Ooh maybe they are the portals that the ghosties travel through!
  12. Yeah, I looked for a site too, and I did find where they apparently at some point took applications for "volunteers", though I did not see an explanation of what that job entails. It's all very hush hush I guess, not at all like in prior years.
  13. That reads to me as "chiding", as does: /me shrugs
  14. Wow, that looks like there are only 9 or so moles assigned to help all the exhibitors. That's not going to end well. lol
  15. Is this year's event being run solely by LL and moles? I have been an Exhibitor Assistant for several previous SLB events, and I can't imagine the moles having time to do all the work involved in getting exhibitors situated on their parcels with the instructions given, group invites sent, music streams set, etc. What were they thinking?
  16. The Lindens have said here in the forums that there will be a super premium option offered... soon. ETA:
  17. Exactly. I'm puzzled why there would be any need to chide people about using the nice mesh option(s).
  18. Rex was the founder of the in world Bellisseria Cats group, so yeah, he's got a legitimate claim to the title "Bellisseria Cat". (Aside from the fact that Ziggy is pretty clearly posting tongue in cheek here...)
  19. I agree, you should take a look, then you will understand the challenge better.
  20. Exactly! I don't build anything, but I do like to decorate homes and dress my dolly.
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