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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. As Ethan said, your viewer is using the dedicated graphics 'AMD Radeon Vega 8" rather than the "AMD Radeon RS 560X" -- see hilighted: You should be able to assign the viewer to use the other card, though I've no clue how to do that with AMD. Nvidia has a control panel that lets you do it.
  2. In case you weren't paying attention to chat while you were shopping, you earned store credit for every purchase. Depending on how much you bought, you might have enough credit for a free item or two - or at the very least, maybe a really good discount off of the already low L$50 price of something. To use the credit, click the item to get the menu and select 'credit'.
  3. I saw a bunny outfit I liked, so decided to join the crowd
  4. They don't use absolutes in their wording. Key words highlighted:
  5. I don't know how she managed to miss you when she put this together
  6. You have been here long enough to know better than that............. or at least you should know better.
  7. I actually hated brussel sprouts as a kid, but they were also almost always way over cooked back then and so much of their true flavor had been cooked out. I love them now, as long as they still have some firmness to them. However, I still totally detest cabbage. And a similar but different thing: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/asparagus-pee_n_5ab932e3e4b0decad04cc745
  8. You actually don't **have** to leave the payment info on file, but you would definitely need to remember to re-add it before the yearly fee is charged again. I have an alt that is currently Premium, but I plan to downgrade him. His current Premium doesn't run out until mid July but I have already removed the payment info from his account -- and I have NOT yet actually requested the Downgrade.
  9. LL has not yet given a date, though based on some activity that we see on the map and a few other misc things, there is some speculation that it will be soon after the current Home and Garden Expo ends - so possibly as early as Monday, April 8th. They will definitely announce it via the Blogs, so keep an eye on those: https://community.secondlife.com/blogs/. I don't think a large percentage of the SL residents read the blogs regularly, so I'm guessing that they will send out an email. Since they want anyone with a current Linden Home to move, I'm guessing that at the minimum an email will go to those folks and probably to all Premium members.
  10. Whirly isn't talking about any sort of "advanced" sky, but the regular sky itself. The steps she gave will stop rendering the normal sky -- the sun, the clouds, the blue, etc... -- and just result in you seeing nothing but black where the sky would typically be.
  11. Most of the suburban communities that have been built in my metro area in the last couple of decades have the house close enough that without proper window coverings, you actually can see IN your neighbor's house. The joke is that you can hand you neighbor a burger from the grill without ever leaving your deck - and the decks are not large. Even in my much older housing community, which has tons more yard space than other communities (you could truly drop a house between mine and the house behind me), I can still easily see into some of my backyard neighbor's windows. I think it is mostly a combination of the screening material and where the sun is at the moment, but I can still see them while they watch their TV or eat at their dining table. Most of us keep our shades fully closed in our bedrooms when we are in them, day or night. I agree though that the common areas and all of the trees and shrubs will help with the sense of community while still giving a feeling of privacy. Given that it is SL and anyone can cam anywhere, I'll still have the parcel set so that avatars are not visible outside it.
  12. San Antonio River Walk? I loved meandering around there on our visits.
  13. This is also a good time to practice your camming skills. Center your mouse cursor over that white square. Press down your Ctrl and Alt keys together. If you now push you mouse away from you, you camera will rotate down until your view is actually under the water. Once you are under the water, you should be able to then right click the object and Edit it.
  14. I was fine for the last 2-3 days and then had a TP stall on me today. I tried to cancel it but it just locked up my av - I could still cam around, click notices, and even turn my av, but she wouldn't move otherwise and I couldn't do any more TPs. A couple of minutes later things disconnected. *sigh*
  15. I have learned from experience that I am not one of those people to save the stipends and cash them out yearly to pay for the Premium renewal. Instead most of the alt stipends go to Lil's account to fund her constant spending. Even so, $72/yr is still only $6 a month for that 1024 of tier, rather than $7 /mth to add 1024 to an existing Premium account. And the stipends I choose to spend total L$15,600 in a year and that would have cost approx. $63.50 at today's rates, including the transaction fee. Thus it is still a win-win in my book. So yeah, if you already have one Premium and are thinking of more land and/or Linden homes, that adding another Premium really is the cheaper option, whether or not you save the stipends. The math only works if you can afford to pay the $72 year fee as opposed to monthly or quarterly billing.
  16. What Chic said. Given the current status (or non-status) of things like the Last Names, I don't think I'd hold any part of my SL hostage to what might come in a month or many months or even next year.
  17. Kiera's comment mentions a 30 days and Oz says "a fairly long grace period". To me, 'fairly long' could imply many months, though I'm sure they won't let you go "many months" -- even though in my comment above did say "after a month (or 2 or 3)" If my memory holds correctly, I believe it was 6-8 weeks after my mother's premium should have renewed when her account got locked (that was probably 7-8 years ago). The card on her account had expired and she didn't notice the email, which had ended up in her spam folder. When it happened to my mom, she had been winding her inworld time down anyway and thinking about leaving. Her husband didn't want to pay the Premium anymore, so she decided not to pursue getting her account unlocked. Her tier disappeared from my group in either the 2nd or 3rd month after the Premium was due for renewal, but her actual account didn't disappear entirely for another 6 months or so, maybe a bit longer even.
  18. Even if you don't own any land, if you are Premium and your membership comes up for renewal but the payment method fails, then after a month (or 2 or 3), your account can get locked until you pay up.
  19. I'm keeping some of my mainland, but simply downsized it so that two of my alts can pull their tier from the group and get a House and a Houseboat. I decided I wanted some variety.
  20. I nabbed about 3 dozen demos last night and just barely managed to try everything before I needed to log out for the night. I'm pretty sure I kept a bit over a dozen of those demos for my "to buy" list -- and I bought about a half dozen accessories w/out even getting demos. I never have any restraint when stores close since I know that I won't be able to just go "buy that item later". I'm pretty sure I bought close to one of everything when Last Call closed. Ditto with Ivalde, Mashooka Designs, and a few others that I'm blanking on the names of right now. *sigh*
  21. I do like that bumped priority for events. It isn't very often that I use it because I am usually more than willing to wait, but every now and then........... Increased groups is a biggie for me. This is one of the most beneficial benefits for me, and I'd possibly be willing to pay an increased fee for even more than the 60 I'm currently allowed. And yes, i do know that is a controversial topic with some folks.
  22. For those of you that remember and like PurpleMoon Creations, she's closing up shop. Everything is marked down to L$50. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Etherea/167/73/21
  23. For those of you that remember and like PurpleMoon Creations, she's closing up shop. Everything is marked down to L$50. http://maps.secondlife.com/secondlife/Etherea/167/73/21
  24. How many Americans - you know, us USA folks - have you specifically asked that question to? I've always said that I was American and a great many of the people I know say the same thing. Based on my many decades of being an American and living among them, I'd say you are generalizing a bit too much.
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