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LittleMe Jewell

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Everything posted by LittleMe Jewell

  1. You'd probably be better off claiming you joined when the teen grid was still here and that you were too young then but fudged your bday for it.
  2. What error are you getting when you try to sell? If it isn't an error, but the sell order isn't getting filled, you might need to cancel the transaction and try again. And if you are trying to use Limit Sell, either change the exchange rate or revert to Market Sell. As Rowan said -- Whether or not LL has any money doesn't really have anything to do with the LindeX (except that if they were truly broke, SL might not even be up and running). You buy & sell L$ between other residents.
  3. I'm more of an Impulse Buy kind of gal. If I see it and I want it, I grab the demo, try it on, and buy or not. The only time I don't do that is at any event. Then I grab all the demos throughout the event before going home and trying them all on. Then back to the event to buy everything marked as good. There's no way I could ever check anything against similar/duplicate styles in my already overflowing inventory. I mean... I could check against the things that are already properly filed, but then there are still all of the various 'to be sorted' folders that very likely do contains many duplicate styles under different names.
  4. I seldom have patience for them either, but every now and then I'll pretend to play along and start asking them all sorts of questions about whatever they are trying to sell me or spam me with. If I'm in the right mood, I can get them to hang up on me within 15 min.
  5. I thought your response was absolutely fabulous. Some people just don't understand good humor, I guess.
  6. I'm guessing that is is not a required field because I do see it on some items and not others. Maybe it was a required field before. One item I just looked up : Here is the link to that item - to see if you do see the LI listed: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/AMBICE-AKIO-STUDIO-APARTMENT-Unpacker/25600301
  7. Ingredient lists are required to list the ingredients in the order of how much there is in an item. So, while there are lots of other things in it, since 'ham' is listed first, there is a larger amount of ham than any other ingredient. And some of the "other" stuff is the preservatives needed to keep it fresh and edible.
  8. I have done 50L & less items in the past, but these days, there is nothing I really need and I'm tired of being burned on the "no demo" front.
  9. LittleMe Jewell

    Linden help

    Oh yeah - I forgot that part. As Rowan alluding to -- just buy the L$ from your main and give them to your alt. I prefer to keep the number of accounts with payment method to a minimum anyway - and always use one of my accounts as "the bank"
  10. How the hell did I miss that. Sorry @Gabriele Graves and thank you !!
  11. You people must just be skimming pictures and not reading all posts. You are failing me: ETA: My bad - ignore the above whining. I'll leave the post though so that later stuff still makes sense.
  12. LittleMe Jewell

    Linden help

    Ahh, in your OP you said: You can always call Billing on Monday Billing support phone numbers Toll-Free (US/Canada): 800.294.1067 Long-Distance: 703.286.6277 Our Billing team is available from 9am to 5pm EST(6am to 2pm PST), Monday through Friday. https://lindenlab.freshdesk.com/support/solutions/articles/31000131008-billing-support
  13. LittleMe Jewell

    Linden help

    It could be account age. The limits take 30 days to get all the way up to normal max. Access the limits page from the Manage part of Linden Exchange:
  14. It's been said a thousand times before and will be said a thousand times more: PEEVE: Merchants that make clothes and do not provide Demos. I do not care how cheap you have it marked for the sale. If I cannot get a demo, I am not buying it.
  15. you only see adult listings in the events calendar when yóur settings are on AMG .. While this is true, as Rowan pointed out (sometime in the last week or so), all event descriptions are supposed to be General in content - even listings for Adult events: https://secondlife.com/my/community/events/tos.php?nextpage=%2Fmy%2Fcommunity%2Fevents%2Fedit.php%3Flang%3Den-US By the same token, I just did a quick skim of the first few pages of Events and did not find anything "sexually explicit" in the descriptions.
  16. Even thought this technically does not belong here, I don't want to open a new thread for what is very likely a quick simple answer: I've not been paying much attention to the new Senra stuff. Is the Head UV the same as the original System Head? I'm wondering if "BOM for Sentra" will work for me.
  17. I have seen some people do that with the Linden Homes. I just figure they are incredibly needy people that require lots of attention and validation. It does suck when it ends up having a negative impact on the work being done. I do feel for you folks.
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