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Caitlin Tobias

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Everything posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. heh, since it is now almost 3 years...I am over my most embarrassing moment enough to share it. I just joined a Samurai Clan and was very new in the whole 'way of the warrior'stuff and Bushido, hardly won anything but had lots of fun trying. Anyway, I was sent to an official inter clan-tournament for beginners, representing my clan in that class. I was so nervous! It was in the middle of the night for me, and I had been training all day and evening. You always start a fight with a certain gesture, which makes you bow and say "ready". When both fighters have performed that gesture, the fight starts. So I stood there, on the mat, in my official Clan outfit - all shakey and nervous - while my clan (and many others!)was watching from a sim next to it (appr 70 ppl audience). Then, to my horror I did not trigger the appropiate 'ready' gesture, as my Japanese opponent just did before me (and boy was he ready!) but I triggered the embarrassing: "Time To Riverdance" (it was the R that did it, really!). The audience, the referees, my clan, my opponent .....all just went silent and perplexed, watching me doing the Riverdance. You know that gesture? It takes FOREVER and I was so frozen that I could not find a way to stop it. Not very Samurai-like eh? Of course, many of my clan in IM, asking me why the H**.. I was doing a riverdance ....Yah, as if I always do that to start a tournament? Gah! I deleted the gesture....it is still a pain to hear and see it, till this day..... Editted to add: I lost the fight. The riverdance did not help....
  2. Carole Franizzi wrote: Too kind, Orange-knickers. I've been cheeky and presumptious - speaking not only for myself, but for on behalf of others. My only excuse is that I get the strong impression that quite a lot of people are getting a little weary of being treated in a less than respectful way. LOL@Orange-knickers! Um, hang on......how do you..? Never mind. Oh the presumptious part, wel nah....I hereby declare that you spoke for me too, as I totally agree, so that is okay! orange knickers....pff!!
  3. Pserendipity wrote: I am in a totally different time zone from you lot. Pep (is way ahead of the crowd) 7PM for you, 8PM for me! Dinner at the meeting. Or at least the pudding!
  4. Perrie Juran wrote: Lyle Maeterlinck wrote: Hi Charolotte, great question. The Bloodlines system was designed to spread like a real vampire curse through Second Life. If there were vampires running around trying to bite everyone in real life, surely there would be some people who were upset. I think it has been an interesting social experiment to see how a curse of this kind can successfully spread through a virtual population. I think it's even more interesting if people think of the vampires as "despised", as people might despise a real vampire curse. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Vampire-Events-Discussion/Your-favorite-Second-Life-vampire-story/m-p/1216391#M844 I do believe that harassing and / or encouraging others to harass residents is a violation of the TOS Yeah, I just read it and was almost shocked. They openly admit it's purpose is to affect a whole virtual population. Nice....
  5. Just stick it in there, I am sure they will be happy to bite it off
  6. Just stick it in there, I am sure they will be happy to bite it off
  7. Pserendipity Daniels wrote: I am delighted that the injustice has been righted. But it is only a beginning. Pep (thinks we should also have a moment's silence for those who laid down their avatars in the struggle.) Cato Badger Storm Clarence Derek Torvalar Charly Muggins and in collateral damage Pep Resident Yeah...cheers for them too, the brave ones!
  8. Sy Beck wrote: Celestiall's ban has been rescinded, well done one and all and to those who also fell. https://my.secondlife.com/rodvik.linden Yay! And cheers!
  9. This is me with my best friend Ratt. We just finished our build at SL8B and tried out some poseballs at one of the neighbouring parcels. Just when i realised I was on the blue ball and he got the pink one, my phone went and Ratt got distracted by rl stuff as well. I think we stood like this for almost an hour....
  10. I have not seen anything inworld yet, will look out for portals!
  11. Marigold Devin wrote: Caitlin Tobias wrote: Thanks for your feedback. Thanks for your back feed (forum badge )
  12. Venus Petrov wrote: That new subforum is being spammed. Not enough or not good enough, reading this question overthere....
  13. CaramelBombshell wrote: Or at least find a place where all the black people go, especially when there's a million sex places and even places for perverts to have sex with CHILD avatars. Seriously? Seriously? And I may hope you have reported those places?
  14. Wow. I am all for attracting new blood residents, and getting to know stuff in SL..but the endless flow of new threads in the vampire-section is a bit em...overdone? One hardly gets the time to read and voila..the next expert is presented. Or a sequel of another one, that has hardly gotten any responds. I dunno, the overkill is not getting me excited about Vampires at all.
  15. Perrie Juran wrote: I've been puzzled about this sub fora also and agree, WTF is up with this! But one can not accuse whoever started this sub fora of brown nosing Rod given his stated prefernce. Rodvik Linden wrote: The most fun I have had is with tinies. My goodness people are so NICE to you if you are walking around as a 2ft tall little creature But seriously, I know the original objections to a separate GLBT sub fora but with all the men who play women and all the women who play men maybe we should petition for one of those also! And a Gorean and a Robot and a Faerie and a Neko and a Furry and one for Purple Unicorns. Oh. Can I get one for Blond Dutch Samurai on high heels ?
  16. Actually it all of a sudden makes sense to me. After all, the Lindens wake up when it is getting dark here......!
  17. Void Singer wrote: ah.... I vaguely recognize two names (Ivey, and Sinatra), but that's only because of my game age (been here too long) I have no idea what their selection criteria was, but I'm going to assume at least part of it was inworld creators of halloween-esque content and machines powerful enough to to use all the visual goodies on ultra to take high quality snapshots... all to the end of promoting high end SL content. apparently they still consider SLKids to be an image problem, otherwise Marianne would have been a shoe-in . I do agree that tapping people with more forum placement would have been preferable, and can only hope that it happens in future events. Yep, you got my original point in your last sentence. Well that and also the SL Kids! I have nothing but admiration for those who create content that makes our SL beautiful and enhances our sl-experience, that was not the intention of my feedback. I just mean: being a forum-host or engaging people in discussions and responding in a way considering timezones/cultures and all that...that is something completely different from creating the most wonderful stuff inworld...That was all .
  18. Oh, well, apparently LL has asked Resident Hosts to 'do blogs and forum' for Halloween. http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Inworld/Best-of-Halloween-Host-MiaSnow/ba-p/1191889 That is one example, allthough I do not wanted to name/shame ppl. If you look in the subforum : http://community.secondlife.com/t5/The-Best-of-Second-Life/bd-p/Halloween, you will see what I mean.
  19. First of all, I am not writing this to bring down the idea of LL's latest idea of 'Resident Hosts' to participate in blogs and content on the forum and/or blogs. The only thing that struck me, when Resident Hosts were introduced just before Halloween, apparently residents were picked because of their outstanding reputation Inworld. Fine, I can see the idea behind that. However, a designer/creator/builder Inworld, no matter how popular and/or skilled, is not per definition the rightg person to create lively and attractive threads/blogs on the website site of Second Life. I have read, with interest!, the posts and threads started by our 'Resident Hosts' and could only come to the conclusion that this was a missed opportunity as far as 'hosting threads' concerns. Yes, lots of OP's were started...few got a decent follow up but most did not. Hosting, guiding and 'nurturing' a thread on a forum is a different game than hosting events or designing fabulous content Inworld. I like the idea of 'Resident Hosts', really. But for fora and blogs, dear LL....., please consider recruiting people with 'forum'and/or 'blog/ experience. People that keep up with replies and 'mother' a thread.People that know what it is like to keep the focus, respond to all posters can identify themselves with different cultures or at least understand SL is a world filled with people from all over the globe. It is disheartening and in some cases even annoying to see OP's with a great potential for a discussion fade away into oblivion, because the threadstarter either does not have time to respond or is not prepared for the comments a specific post may generate.
  20. Charolotte Caxton wrote: Ew! Scary! Heh, yeah...that pumpkin in the background is certainly horrifying!
  21. Monti Messmer wrote: Europe ? UK and Germany are on the 30th October too and i think the rest is the same The Netherlands switch on the 30th too, I do not know which part of Europe the OP means. Anyway, thanks for the reminder but I will no doubt forget it and miss stuff in SL...as every time the clock changes..hehe!
  22. There are a lot of reasons to chat in IM, even when only with two people on an empty sim . For one it can be the topic of conversation, sometimes you do not necessarily want others to drop in something private. The main reason I am often in IM with my friend, even when we are just with the two of us on our empty sim, is that is it easier. Specially when he is building or doing stuff on one of our buildings - while I am doing the landscaping and terraforming around it.This means we fly and run around all the time and it's just not handy to stay in chatrange for local chat all the time, when you are busy with large building and/or mountains . I have to add that in those cases we do not even type, but use voicechat, in IM. Perfect handsfree and nobody has to listen to our argueing . When not building/terraforming, but just hanging around..yeah, then we prefer local chat.
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