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Caitlin Tobias

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Everything posted by Caitlin Tobias

  1. Ceka Cianci wrote: i've never unmuted.. if they are muted there was a good reason for it..if i forgot the reason ..then the mute was a success..hehehehe Oh I dunno. Most ppl I mute are noobs, when I am in a welcome area, that are very new and don't know how to behave (yet). So after a while I figure they either left or learned and if I ever meet them again and they are still annoying, I can always mute again. Now, those fountains and waterfalls I NEVER unmute! Waarrrggh!
  2. Checked my block list and I don't have that many names on it, maybe 5-8.Must have been annoying persons for some reason, I may unblock them as I can't remember them . What I always block, yes ALWAYS, are fountains and other sounds of running water. I can't stand that. It makes me need to pee all the time.
  3. LeeHere Absent wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: IBTL Really? I've been behaving myself. Me too!
  4. Pamela Galli wrote: I am shocked that Google is throwing my name around so promiscuously without my permission! Does Google have NO respect for privacy???????????? And half of them are about some other Pamela Gallis in RL that obviously stole my name! That's a good point, instead of a Google Alert Message it should be Google Permission Request! Oh and about those ppl using your avatarname....be glad it's people, in my case it's spaniels! Tsk!
  5. LeeHere Absent wrote: Caitlin Tobias wrote: Oh, I love to google! And yeah, I am vain enough to google my SL name - Caitlin Tobias My own blog always comes up first, then a lot of posts and comments on various fora and other blogs. However my sl-name is apparently also a common rl-name, there are a lot of Real Caitlin Tobiasses on facebook! Whoa! Oh, and it is a popular dogname...I found some adorable Spaniels. Ahem. Maybe it is easier if your name is not so ' reallife-like'? I tried with some forumposters, just for the heck of it. Ceka for instance, gives up pages and pages of SL related fora-posts and flickr. Mayalily too, although I had a giggle that her first hits were about activities of an adult nature, which surprised me (i cant remember those posts, then again, I miss a lot lately!) I use google.nl, would it make a different in searchresults per country? Seriously? People have been naming Spaniels Caitlin Tobias? Ya know I'm gonna have to Google you now, right? LOL, ya nut. No, not Caitlin Tobias...but a couple of nice doggies named Cait or Caity came up when I googled my full name. Go on, google me! I love attention!
  6. Suella Ember wrote: Excuse me? I'm looking for the bi-monthy "SL is dying" thread. Is this the right place? No no, this is the weekly: ' SL is one big lag-fest thread' . The " SL is dying thread' will be posted tomorrow around lunch!
  7. LeeHere Absent wrote: p.s. Y'all know about setting up Google Alerts on your own name, yes? I have google alerts on all my names....it's still beta though, and not always a success.
  8. Oh, I love to google! And yeah, I am vain enough to google my SL name - Caitlin Tobias My own blog always comes up first, then a lot of posts and comments on various fora and other blogs. However my sl-name is apparently also a common rl-name, there are a lot of Real Caitlin Tobiasses on facebook! Whoa! Oh, and it is a popular dogname...I found some adorable Spaniels. Ahem. Maybe it is easier if your name is not so ' reallife-like'? I tried with some forumposters, just for the heck of it. Ceka for instance, gives up pages and pages of SL related fora-posts and flickr. Mayalily too, although I had a giggle that her first hits were about activities of an adult nature, which surprised me (i cant remember those posts, then again, I miss a lot lately!) I use google.nl, would it make a different in searchresults per country?
  9. I noticed some lagmoments and have been the cloud/egg a couple of times this week, while usually I hardly experience problems. I just think it all has to do with the upgrading and maintenance work that is taking place this week and assume all will be better once this is done, till then I try not to be annoyed too much and just accept it. But oh well, what do I know?
  10. There are Viewer Wars? geez, I always miss all the fun!
  11. JeanneAnne wrote: Everything on SL should be free. Everything that's good about SL is already free and everything that's wrong with it is due to it being run by Capitalists who care about nothing but corporate profit. I call upon everyone who Creates to renounce greed and share freely with others, in the spirit of Jesus Christ, Karl Marx and John Lennon. Imagine! Jeanne Seriously. This smells to coffee.
  12. Laurin Sorbet wrote: Mayalily, if I may be so bold, what is your rezz date? 26 march 2011 (no perving or camming involved, just public information!)
  13. Mayalily wrote: I'm crying my head off here. Yes, I asked for proof, but that doesn't change how I feel. I don't want anything to do with this anymore. That's it, I just don't. I'm outta here, and not coming back. Can I have your stuff?
  14. Mayalily wrote: Ian Undercroft wrote: I find the way this thread has progressed ironic, if not bizarre. Having started out wanting to preserve the privacy of the interior of her house, that interior is now, at her invitation, apparent for the world to see. No, Ian, it's not my house; it's my avatar and my dressing (and undressing, I should say) and I was thinking of buying a bathtub to see if it created relaxation into my mind; taking a SL bath, that is. Anyhow, I'm speechless now. I have nothing more to say. I don't want to discuss this further. Oh I have a lovely bathtub in my SL home and use it a lot! It relaxes my neighbour.
  15. Venus Petrov wrote: Evidence! Here is your fairy room I photographed by camming into your home. The door is locked. I stood on the other side of your bridge to cam inside. Then I cammed upstairs, clicked on your chair, and sat in it. Again, your front door is locked so this is the only way I could get in. I TP'ed back outside to leave your home. You live next to a bar (if anyone else wants to check you out). /me waves to Stella (who was there, too) ETA: I removed the SLURL to your home but if anyone goes to that sim and finds the rental area (it is surrounded by water) and finds the BAR, your home is next door. I lol'ed....
  16. Venus Petrov wrote: Mayalily wrote: What on Earth? I wasn't at work. How in tarnation did you get that idea into your head? People have been sued on the internet for saying people are at work whether it's on Facebook or wherever they print that. Where, pray tell, did you ever get such an idea? I do real life with real life people called family on weekends, but I would like an explanation please of this nonsense you have printed here. As far as OP, bridge seems to be created fine. If I have more problems with said ROCK, I'll have to check out more later this afternoon. The bolded bit is declarative. Ima just asks for an example or two to back up your statement of fact. Not gonna happen I guess? Well, at least not when I am work!
  17. Ima Rang wrote: Mayalily wrote: wiked Anton wrote: hmmmmm, what bothers me is why are you logged into SL when you are at work?.....I dont know why eric linden did that...perhaps you can ask him? What on Earth? I wasn't at work. How in tarnation did you get that idea into your head? People have been sued on the internet for saying people are at work whether it's on Facebook or wherever they print that. Where, pray tell, did you ever get such an idea? I do real life with real life people called family on weekends, but I would like an explanation please of this nonsense you have printed here. LOL! How does one get sued on the internet? I would love to see any article you could produce citing a case where someone was sued for having falsely claimed someone was on the internet during working hours. I am going to sue YOU now. You are on the internet while at work. No need to deny it!
  18. Storm Clarence wrote: I was made aware of this issue from a friend and I, too, attempted to post to this OP and can not. Is the lithium software censoring/moderating our replies, too? It looks different too, I think it's something in the software - the thread does not look closed, but you can't reply. Oddness. Gives the webmaster something to do tomorrowmorning . About the topic of said thread: I got a RL-Second Life T-shirt and some badges AND a bumpersticker! It was a x-mas gift from Blondin Linden a couple of years ago.Had to do with the X-mas and wintersims (I forgot the name of the event, it was from Halloween till newyear and involved snowball fights with Lindens and all). I got a parcel in the auction and as a present all participants received a RL-package with SL goodies, really cool! (Okay, it arrived in June...but the thought counts!). So....there are (were) rl goodies....
  19. You accepted it - as in: clicked on keep instead of discard. Or maybe you got it on purpose and try to find an explanation for your partner, on this forum? Just delete it if you don't want to keep it and next time be careful what you accept
  20. Ishtara Rothschild wrote: It's part of the welcome package for new residents.
  21. valerie Inshan wrote: I was bored this morning scrolling through the marketplace when I found one these face emoters. Good enough it was a freebie, considering the results! :smileytongue: Have you ever tried making faces (and incindentally get ridiculous in public? :smileyvery-happy:) Heh. Yeah, I have an emoter in the mystitool hud that makes faces like this, although I never use it. A while ago I took some pics of myself, for a new skin or something, and was snapping away happily. When opening the folder to pick the best ones to use, I found this....I guess Caity was tired of posing? I think it has something to do with zooming, I have not been able to reproduce it on purpose!
  22. Marigold Devin wrote: Mulan Mayako wrote: For over 8 weeks at Olaf 95,141,20 I have had this poking into my land Palm Coast Roof 2 . I have IM amd Notecarded the item owner and also IM and notedcard the land owner with no affect There has been over 40 abuse reports filed. 3 Lindens have been sent a notecard and no reply. Live chat says they cant do anything. I have been trying everything i can think of to get rid of this{Palm Coast Roof 2] I cant delete the item either, over 90 % of it in the other land. This has been a pure nightmare for me. I am currently at the location you have given. I do not see the object to which you refer. Edited: I see it now, poking through your very ugly mess of colour-changing megaprims as per following photos: Offending prim...   Your ugly colour-changing megaprims... The Palm Coast Roof 2 would appear to have been left behind by a relatively new person to Second Life. The fact they are in a group belonging to Dilbert has absolutely nothing to do with the owner of Sweethearts Jazz, and frankly, if I were him, I would be more than a little annoyed at your poster rant with him named in it (see photo above). As that The Palm Coast Roof somehow has rezzed mostly on the land in the next sim (Bjorn sim) to where your sandbox is; my guess is that they were making use of your sandbox, and because the root of the prim is not on your sandbox, it has unfortunately not auto-returned. However, submitting an abuse report is inappropriate, and submitting 40 or more really ought to get YOU suspended for abusing the system, not to mention the defamatory rant that is overwhelming the views in the most ugliest of ways on Olaf sim. In view of everything, I feel the best thing for you to do is just derender the offending object. Then you won't be able to see it. I really am surprised your neighbours haven't ARd you for all your ugly colour-changing megaprims. (And Dilbert too.) Also, your megaprims are littering on someone else's land!    Wow...just wow. I would say some apologies to Dilbert are in place...
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