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Suella Ember

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Everything posted by Suella Ember

  1. Jinnywitha Cleanslate wrote: I have a busy RL that also is filled with hobbies, but SL does fill a vital gap for me, so I always come back, even after several weeks of breaks. Do you ever get weary of your RL activites too though? I know I sometimes do (actually, I get weary a lot, but there's a particular reason for that!) My point is, Yes, I sometimes get weary with things in SL just as I do with things in RL. It never really has to do with SL itself though. It's more that I get weary of particular people, attitudes or activities, just as I do in RL. Best thing to do in those cases, as you have rightly stated, is to simply take a break, refocus on something else for a while, try something new etc. That's always been my advice to anyone who feels 'weary' about anything - take a break. However, the absolute worst thing someone can do is blindly destroy the thing they were weary of only to want to come back to it weeks or months later. Somthing that I have, unfortunately, seen happen a few times with SL when people close accounts only to come back later annoyed that they have lost tons of inventory etc!
  2. Akme Aeon wrote: Hi All, ... We are trying to get in contact with P. Rosedale but want to interview a professional Second Lifer ... You might want to also try Rodvik Linden (Rod Humble) who is now the CEO of Linden Lab (I believe Philip is still on the board, but has taken a back seat and is working on other business ideas). As for a 'professional second lifer'. Well, there are probably a number of people who make a living from SL who may want to talk to you. Hopefully some will post here to help you out. In my opinion though, some of your suggestions don't really have people you could assign to them. I know that Linden Lab have a 'press corp' group that they sometimes use to find people who might be interested in talking to the press, so you might also want to consider asking LL about that. Perhaps try the press contact email here: http://lindenlab.com/contact Hope that helps
  3. Ossian wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Again, I appreciate LL's efforts at consolidation. There was a thread posted a few weeks ago open for coment. It was discussed at a CTUG meeting. I will live with the 'result' and see how it works for me. Speaking of that... was there a CTUG meeting yesterday? I keep looking for the transcript but not finding it. I think it was cancelled actually as a number of the regular Lindens had other meetigns. I'm pretty sure I saw a group notice to that effect anyway. (There's an inworld 'SL Community Tools User Group' group that sends out notices for the meetings that you can join)
  4. Having just taken a look at your listings and (i assume) found the dungarees in question, it will be because there are parts of the female nipple showing. We can debate until we are blue in the face about the rights and wrongs of whether a part of a nipple is PG\General or Mature\Moderate, but there's little point in over-analysing it if you just want the issue fixed. So if you want to list them as PG\General, I would suggest the best thing to do is redo the picture so that no part of the nipple can be seen. Otherwise they are only probably going to get removed again if you put them back as PG\General.
  5. Ossian wrote: LL doesn't use Twitter much. The official feeds are not updated very often. You'll get more SL-related news from other users. If you search for #SecondLife (which is a tag) you'll see plenty. In fact, you'll need to filter stuff out (which you do with minus signs, like in Google). This, for instance. Agreed. That is indeed the best thing about Twitter and why I use it - to get SL related news, blog posts, opinions etc from people whose opinion i respect. I would, however, say that it is worth following at least some of the offical LL Twitter accounts as some of them are reasonably active and, as I have a Twitter tool in my Chrome browser, I often see popups of important SL news when I'm generally browsing the web that I wouldn't otherwise see unless I happened to be reading the SL forums.
  6. Dresden Ceriano wrote: While I'm at it, I see the Fashion forum was moved to the Creation category. Does that mean it's meant to be taken as a forum to discuss creating clothing as opposed to just talking about fashion? In my eyes those two things are not mutually inclusive.The way I see it, discussions about fashion would be better suited to the My Avatar forum, in which case, the Fashion forum should be renamed Clothing. Maybe that's just me. Agree with this. I think the two should be distinct. Talk about fashion in general under 'People' and talk about clothing creation under 'Content Creation'. I've always thought we were missing a "clothing" section in 'Content Creation'. Having said that, I suppose some thought needs to be made as to where to draw the line. If we have 'clothing' in content creation then why not 'furniture', 'houses' etc! The way I see it though is that the Content Creation sub forms should cover the main creation tools you get with the viewer as standard - we have scripts, we have textures, we have art & photography (snapshots), we have music (sound) ... we don't have clothing, which is a standard creation tool (Also, as a side note - I would personally suggest that music should remain separate from art and photography, but that's just a personal opinion). On the subject of Feedback. It's going to be interesting to see if \ how LL recreate that forum. It was a popular forum. However, it also suffered from people using it to expect answers to their problems rather than just giving feedback on the community platform. I do think LL ought to consider a selection of feedback sub-forums, but I also recognise they need to be careful in doing so. The danger is people see them and expect to be able to post and get immediate, official answers to their issues. Itw ould be nice though to be able to give feedback on various areas (perhaps centered around how the User Groups are structured) but make it clear that to get answers to particular problems the proper channels should be used (Answers, support ticket, live chat etc) Actually, now I've just put the idea in my own head ... I think the idea of a selection of feedback forums based around the User Groups has some merit. It would be an east, convinent place for people to discuss ideas for the various agendas, and for chat transcripts. Just a though
  7. That appears to be a new Twitter account they set up for music lovers. It's not that surprising that it hasn't been updated since May 25th as there could feasibly not have been any music news to report in that time (it's only 10 days!) However, if that was maintained by Blondin, then I guess it may not get updated any more If you did happen to want to use Twitter for SL news though, there are a number of offical LL accounts that are used regularly which you can find here: http://wiki.secondlife.com/wiki/Linden_Lab_Official:Twitter @SecondLife is the main one that is used regularly and definitely worth following. @SLGridStatus is goof for grid staus updates (obviously!) @slmerchants unfortunately seems to have been neglected, but I guess the marketplace team are busy working on Marketplace stuff. I'd quite like that one to be used as well as other merchant comms channels though! @my_secondlife is good for profile related stuff @SLBallyhoo used to be the most used account, but that seems to be neglected now too. @workinginworld was Amanda Linden and worth following @rodvik is the CEO and worht following if you want it from the horses mouth! (he tweets quite a lot) @bk_linden is the COO &CFO but has gone a bit quiet lately @torley is our lovable Torley Linden (note - he uses this more as a personal account so don't necessarily expect official SL news, although he obviously does Tweet about SL things too!) All, of course, assuming you want to use Twitter. You are not forced to before anyone goes off on one about that! These Twitter accounts aren't the main communication channels and whatever they tweet is almost always commincated on the blogs, forums, user groups, inworld groups etc too!
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: ...never, ever pet the meeroos. They are my favorite snack. I promised Philip I would prepare a dish for him this evening. I am off to the 'menacing creature' market now to pick up some side dishes. When I return I expect... ... to have purchased a variety of cheese snacks made from 'menacing creature' milk to go with my Meeroo meal. Unless my arch nemesis Suella Ember has stolen all the cheese again that is. If she has I'm so going to ...
  9. Void Singer wrote: @Thread: woo hoo, I'm and apologist AND a shill today, because I'm not having the same (vague) probelms as the OP.... woo hoo.... never mind my track record of calling foul when LL blows it, or pointing out their past mistakes... ::rolls eyes:: seriously? think for just a second... if one person is having problems and another isn't, where is the problem? a little application of scientific method, some critical thinking skills, or even good old fashioned common sense should give you the answer.... there's something different between the two users.... could be their tools (everything from hardware to the vehicles they're testing against), could be their environment (everything from region server and load to net connection). I'm not telling anyone I have no problems with it to brag or pat the lindens on the back, I'm stating it because it's different. differnt is good because it helps narrow the field to find what the source of the other persons problem is.... maybe it's a specific product, maybe it's overloaded avatar or region, maybe it's two different server versions that aren't playing nice. dunno... probably shouldn't care, since it doesn't affect me... but I try anyway, so do a great many others here. figuring out the difference, isolating and correcting the problem is what it's about, so that the person having trouble, doesn't; and we all get to be happy and enjoy things. being nasty and trying to lowball people for saying thing that you don't want to hear but is nevertheless true, is just going to get you written off as another whiny person with a victim complex... you might feel better about try to take out your frustration on others, but I guarantee you that you'll get much better results by being polite and thorough. this is not official LL support, no one here is paid to put up with BS, and if you misdirect your anger at them, you'll quickly find less and less people willing to listen. I'm so glad you said that, because the number of times I've got attacked for trying to help by saying 'I don't have that problem and my setup is xyz' is getting tedious! It almost makes me want to stop trying to help and I'm certain it has already stopped others. If someone says they don't have the same problem that is being reported, everyone who does have the problem would do well to try and examine why they don't have the problem. As you say - if one person has a problem and another doesn't, there clearly has to be a reason and that reason has to be some difference between the two users. Identify that differnce and (hopefully!) problem solved. That's what these forums should be about. Helping one another to identify solutions by collaboration, not bitching and moaning at one another simply becuase we don't like the others opinion! (With apologies for bitching and moaning slightly! As you were! :smileytongue:)
  10. I'm a little confused. You talk about major performance problems but don't seem to give any real examples of what problems you are experiencing. If you give some details, someone may be able to help. Personally speaking, performance in general seems to have improved for me recently. In particular, I don't seem to have anywhere near as many problems with 'rubber banding' on sim corssings like I used to. Something which I would have thought would be greatly beneficial in sailing?
  11. Ciaran Laval wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Luc Starsider wrote: Then make that into a poll: Which pie is best? And then a million alternatives.... (How many pies are there?) - Luc - You could just go with: Cream pie Custard pie Fruit pie Meat pie Pot pie Pizza pie Pie charts Pie menus I'm severely disturbed and don't like any kind of pie what-so-ever ...Dres ETA: I almost forgot: 10. Cheese pie *waves at Suella* Steak and Kidney Steak and Onion Chicken and Mushroom Balti! Meat and potato (specifically from Wright's Pies!) I know, i know. It;s hard to believe but I do like some things other than cheese. Basically my diet consist of cheese, wright's pies and Staffordshire oatcakes (when I can get them!) Random cultural observation: I've always found it quite interesting that when you ask an American about pie they think of fruit pies. Ask a Brit and they think of savoury pies!
  12. I haven't been able to attend these meetings for some time, but have been keping up with the transcripts, so thanks for posting them I won't comment on the Facebook thing other than to say I'm not a Facebook user and probably never will be (although the recent info about Facebook pages rather than having a full Facebook profile is interesting. You even got Ciaran onboard with that one!) :smileytongue: I found the Twitter thing quite intriguing though and think it might have some potential. I know it's not everyone's cup of tea, but there are a lot of SL users on Twitter discussing SL matters, and some form of integration with the forums could possibly help enhance such discussions. I've actually thought for quite some time that there is scope to improve SL communication in general with Twitter or Twitter like functionality. So shameless plug for my thoughts regarding that are here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Off-Topic/Should-Linden-Lab-Buy-Twitter/m-p/891635/message-uid/891635/highlight/true#U891635 NOTE: I'm not in any way saying Twitter should replace SL communications, or that people should be forced to use it! I'm merely saying I see potential in elements of its functionality that could vastly improve things such as inworld group chat, group notices etc. On a very simple level, I would love to be able to 'follow' people inworld (in a similar manner to Twitter following) and get quick updates from them in a Twitter like timeline rather than having to wade through group notices from them, or rely on group chat to find what they are saying!
  13. Phil Deakins wrote: How did you see the listings if they were delisted? I'm assuming the OP has others that haven't been delisted, like this one: https://marketplace.secondlife.com/p/Omigawd-Bedroom-Set-OrangeBrown/2277442 To the OP: As Peewee says, you can understand the confusion as it just says 'bedroom set' with no indication it is for cats. I'd recommend you change the title to 'Bedroom Set for Cats' if thats what you want to sell it as. This will both help LL recognise what category it should be in and will also probably benefit you too as shoppers, at the moment, may think it's a human bedroom set and not a cat one! However, there's another important point here too I think. I'm assuming 'pet supplies' is intended for supplies for prim animals. I'm not certain, but I'm guessing that your bedroom set is intended for furry avatars? In this case it perhaps becomes a bit more of a grey area, but I imagine it should actually be in the furniture category.
  14. I think others have clarified the main points nicely, but to add my similar thoughs: > Twitter is, in my opinion, a really great communication tool that can help arrange SL meetups, allow groups of like minded people to share ideas about SL, allow people to quickly and simply advertise their SL creations to people who are interested in them, share great finds in SL etc > The nature of 'following' used in Twitter allows people to follow those giving the information they are interested in. In a sense, it's like group chat \ notices only better. You can follow a person who tweets about stuff you are interested in and get useful, quick info from them rather than wading through group chat \ notices. > A year or so ago I was also of the opinion that Twitter had no real connection to SL. However, having actually used it my opinion has done a huge about turn. It is a great tool for SLers to communicate and share SL related things, and many are using it for just that. > There is a valid opinion the concentration on external social media is to the detriment of the actual inworld experience and that we should be finding means of getting people into SL rather than spending all our time talking about SL externally. I wouldn't disagree with that. However, by the same token, I want tools to be able to discuss SL when I can't actually be inworld. After all, isn't that why we are all here on these forums?! Twitter, for me, is an ideal tool for such discussion. I can't tell you the number of times i've discovered an intersting SL location or got breaking SL news from Twitter when i've been browsing the net (I have a Twitter client that pops up tweets from people i folow in my browser). > I've thought for some time that Twitter like functionality could have huge benefit in improving inworld functions such as group chat. I'd love to be able to 'follow' other residents and see their thoughts, new products etc in an easy to view timeline rather than wading through group notices, relying on group chat etc. I'd also love to be able to 'follow' certain LL channels to get news on particular areas i might be interested in. My thoughts on that are here from the old forum archive if anyone is really interested: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/General-Discussions/Is-there-anything-I-should-be-following-on-Twitter-about-SL/m-p/483692/message-uid/483692/highlight/true#U483692 > In light of all the above, I think LL is missing a trick by not looking at Twitter like functionality that would allow us to both improve the nature of notices and group chat inworld and also allow us to cross communicate between inworld and out of world (imagine, for example, if I could 'tweet' something right now from my browser that would be seen by anyone following me inworld and, vice versa, if someone I follow tweeted something inworld right now that I saw when I was out of world that made me want to go inworld!) > Despite all of that. I very much doubt LL could afford to buy out Twitter, and I'm not sure they should. What I really do wish they would consider though, is adpoting some of the basis of its functionality as a new and improved method of sharing and communicating.
  15. The contents of the 'My Outfits' folder is just links to the location of the other items elsewhere in your inventory. So, if you delete a subfolder from 'My Outfits' it will just delete the links, not the actual items which will remain in their normal locations in your inventory. Yayy!
  16. Ian Undercroft wrote: Over the last 2 or 3 weeks I find that I'm frequently being told that I appear dwarfed and have sprouted little boobies. On occasions, I'm sent pics to prove this. Should I celebrate and embrace my mixed sexuality by using avatar physics to give my little boobies some bounce? In a word .. YES! (And make a video for us all to watch you jiggling moobs! :smileywink:)
  17. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: You are not getting it. The perfect category is not available. The "ok" category is chock full of similar stuff - so we place it there. That category is not acceptable to LL - as they don't have a clue what your product is, so they tell you to put it somewhere else that makes no sense whatsoever, while all the other products similar to yours are getting views all day long in a category that appears to work quite well. You have no experience with what is going on here. There are plenty of other threads where you can suck-up to Linden Lab. At least do it in a thread where you have experience/background to talk knowledgeably about the topic. Throwing the 'cheerleader' card is quite ironic from you Mickey, given that you always used to rally so hard against it! That's the funny thing about forums. They are for people to share their views, dicuss and debate things irrepsective of their 'knowledge or experience'. Fear not though. I have little more to say on the subject and am happy to let readers make up their own mind without resorting to insulting them or questioning their knowledge and experience. I'm off to have some fun inworld so have at it! It's all yours! :smileywink:
  18. Mickey Vandeverre wrote: If you are NOT having to deal with it, then why must you come in here and make a case? You have no basis for your case. If you are not familiar with what is going on, then you certainly cannot defend a party or offer suggestions or in fact, just dismiss it. I really don't see what the point of your comments are, since you have practically ZERO experience with this. Why would you jump in and try to hinder others from explaining the problems and trying to deal with it? Mickey, I 'jumped in' to provide the OP with some links to official word from LL (Dakota) regarding one of the issues they presented. That's what I generally do when I see someone with a problem on the forums - help with whatever I can. I subsequently seem to have found myself in the middle of a slanging match from some very upset people such as yourself. My own stupid fault really for actually trying to engage in a disucssion and present a personal point of view. I should know better by now! I'm sure you have reasons for being upset and I'm not going to deny you the right to be upset. But please don't deny me the right to try to provide someone with some advice that might be helpful to them, or to share my perspective. With that said though, I'll leave you to it. I've given my advice. I've shared my perspective. People can use it however they wish
  19. Dakota Linden wrote: Suella Ember wrote: The main problem lies in misunderstandings about how to use the categories, it seems. In light of which I'd like to offer a friendly suggestion to Dakota that an email to merchants and / or a blog post with a reminder and more detail about how to use category listings correctly might help ease seome fo the complaints? Backlogged Marketplace Items include the ability to suggest the correct category when the product is unlisted, and to send an email to the seller letting them know that their product was unlisted. Thanks Dakota. I think the sooner that gets implimented, the sooner we can all stop arguing over it An email and suggestion of where the item should be listed will help people to get the item correctly relisted quickly without worrying about it being delisted again. It will also hopefully reassure people that LL are taking note of the flags (you'd have to study it in order to suggest a right category!)
  20. Darren Scorpio wrote: Make a throwaway alt. You don't have to come back and tell us the result if you don't want to but at least next time you maintain that this flagging system works you will think twice. Some time ago in the SL merchants group in-world, I had to engage in an ugly debate with a person who was suggesting to another resident to flag an item if she was unsure if the item was appropriate or not. Her philosophy was "If you see an item and areunsure if it is inapproprietely placed or violates some LL rule, or simply you feel strongly about the item then flag it, and let LL decide." There are many people who feel this way, "Oh I am not sure if this is in the wrong place or violating anything so I'll just flag it anyway". Do you really think the understaffed LL will actually go through all the items that get flagged each day? it is much easier for them to take down everything that gets flagged without further review. This flagging system is a joke period, and it is being misused. Well, I'm not going to make a throwaway alt just for the purposes of this. I personally don't believe it's a major problem and have never experienced any issues with my items being delisted. In all the time the Marketplace has been active I've had one item delisted. I can't remember exactly what it was but I wasn't 100% certain where it should go (it was a borderline item that could have potentially been relevant in a couple fo categories) I dropped a support ticket and got a response within the hour on where to put it. I was happy with that and went about my day. However, I'll say loud and clear again right now to anyone reading this. Feel free to flag my items like crazy if you wish. I 100% promise you that if a load of my items start to get delisted I'll come back here and agree with you that there is a problem. There's a small posibility that one or two of my items might get delisted where there is some overlap between possible categories it could go in, but I very much doubt it would be any worse than that (if at all). What I will say is that we could definitely do with a blog post or something from LL discussing this to explain exactly how the flagging process works and to highlight some key issues merchants need to be aware of (such as the categories issue). I will also say that LL certainly need to be cautious where there are grey areas over when an item could or should be listed. It might be an interesting experiment for us to use this thread to detail any items any of us do get delisted detailing what the item was and what category we originally had it in. It might help us all to identify if we were using the wrong category, if it was a grey area, or if LL got it wrong.
  21. Darren Scorpio wrote: Suella, log in to marketplace with an alt, flag one of your own items for no particular reason, then come back here and tell us the result. Thanks. I don't have an alt so I can't. However, for the purposes of this test, I give you permission to go and flag one of my items if you wish. You have it in writing here that I give you permission and won't hold it against you (Same goes for anyone else reading this. Please feel free to flag one of my items at random to see what happens). Of course, you'll have to trust my word on the results. I promise I'll honestly tell you whether it was delisted or not, but it's up to you whether you believe me or not. Also bear in mind that, as I understand it, if you go about incorrectly flagging for the purposes of such a test, you risk the system giving any future legitimate flags you make a lower priority and potentially ignoring your flags altogether.
  22. Phil Deakins wrote: Ciaran Laval wrote: There is something wrong with the system and how it's managed, that's clear from the amount of threads we've had on this subject. It certainly sounds like there's something wrong, but I'm not convinced. I am sure that many people place some of their items in the wrong categories, whether intentionally or not, and many of the unintentional ones can be dumbfounded when an item gets delisted, especially when other like items haven't been delisted from the same category, and post about it here. There is certainly a good reason why these threads and posts keep cropping up that doesn't involve the marketplace people failing to check each flagged item. Indeed, this seems to be the case as far as I can tell too. It seems to me as though a good proportion of the complaints we see about delisting turn out to be becuase they were listed in the wrong category. People perceive this as a problem becuase they don't realise they listed in the wrong category, or belive the category they put it in was the right category. Given everything Dakota has explained, it seems to me as though the flagging and delisting system is working correctly. Flags are reviewed and a decision is made. There really is little scope for the system to be abused. Someone from LL is either agreeing with the flag and delisting it, or not agreeing and it will remain (and it's also my understanding that if someone is 'griefer' flagging the system will 'learn' their activity as the LL 'moderator' ignores their false flag and that, ultimately, any future flags they make will be automatically ignored). The main problem lies in misunderstandings about how to use the categories, it seems. In light of which I'd like to offer a friendly suggestion to Dakota that an email to merchants and / or a blog post with a reminder and more detail about how to use category listings correctly might help ease seome fo the complaints?
  23. Bonadea Avedon wrote: ... any jealous person can just flag an item with no re course or a re imbursement to us for lost sales wheen it is flageed for a invalid reason. I have had several items flagged for in corect category when it is clearly in the correct category. If it's in a top level category you'll need to move it to a sub category. This will benefit both you (as it will give you greater exposure - sub category listings go into that sub category and the top level category) and will meet the listing guidelines and stop it from getting removed. See the post from Dakota Linden here for more info: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Why-does-SL-de-list-from-the-Market-Place/m-p/880587/message-uid/880587/highlight/true#U880587 If you are still unsure as to why an item was delisted or don't know what category it should go in, you can contact support. Again, see info from Dakota here: http://community.secondlife.com/t5/Merchants/Why-does-SL-de-list-from-the-Market-Place/m-p/871409/message-uid/871409/highlight/true#U871409 Also worthy of note is that if a 'jealous person' or competitor repeatedly flags your items without good reason, the flagging system will 'learn' their activity and ultimately ignore flags from them. So the flagging system cannot be abused in this way. LL have confirmed this on a couple of occassions. I entirely agree though that email notifications are something we really need. It has been raised with LL a number of times and they have acknowledged the need, but we are still waiting! P.S. @Darren. I hope that wasn't too fangirlish for you! :smileytongue: In all seriousness though - i've yet to see any real evidence of it not working. It works in the sense that most removals have a valid reason, it's just that merchants may not always agree with or recognise that reason. The main reason for removals seems to be incorrect category listings and, in particular, listing in the top level categories. It seems to me as though LL could do with sending out an email \ doing a blog post etc to remind merchants about how to use category listings which may go a long way to addressing some of the delisting issues.
  24. Thanks for the response Brooke. I've just read the FAQ and is all pretty much as I expected, so no major panic from me. Looking forward to it! I do have a couple of comments on the FAQ though: 1. Re the comment: "Note that outgoing items will be COPIED from your inventory except in the case of no-copy items. Merchants listing no-copy items will be warned that those items will be moved as opposed to copied as an extra check to prevent accidental moves" I'm pretty sure I understand what this is saying, but I fear it may cause confusion. I think its saying that items which the seller doesn't directly own that may be no copy will be moved (i.e. in the case of someone selling a 'second hand' or 'used' item.) The way its worded may cause people to think that it refers to their own items that they sell with no copy perms for next owner. I assume that, as long as the item being sold is the sellers own creation, they can use DD with whatever permissions they want to the buyer. It might be worth considering how to reword that to avoid potential confusion! 2. I'm sure this will be updated on the FAQ at some point, but can you also clarify the way the outgoing folder will work in more detail. What I want to know is that if I put 'Suella's Cool Outfit' in a folder of that name in my outgoing folder, and it is made up of 5 items, then i make a change to one item and replace it in that folder, is it auto synched to the Marketplace? Hope that makes sense!
  25. Lexie Linden wrote: Wildcat Furse wrote: this SCREEN brings me back such good memories Torley.....it makes me smileeeeeee *meows* "while Lindenlabs was banging on things, I am pretty sure some people, when seeing this message popping up on their computerscreen, were banging on things in real life I think ......their partners, furniture, .....talking about DRAMA" Ohh I loved that screen! :matte-motes-big-grin: You know, I actually used to look forward to Wednesday afternoons just so I could see that screen. Which is pretty sad of me really! :smileytongue:
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