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Suella Ember

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Everything posted by Suella Ember

  1. Void Singer wrote: what's funny is how everything DM touches turns to crap.... it's the sensationalism and crudity they bring to any topic. I'm just suprised the headline wasn't "Plastic surgeon discoveres ideal breast size, but breast give you cancer thanks to Brussels Bureaucrats and their conspiracy to kill diana in in cahoots with assylum seekers who are stealing your pension and causing house prices to rise and are therfore going to tax our boobs" :smileyindifferent:
  2. Sy Beck wrote: It's a bit like saying, "If you put cheese on toast into a metal casement it melts.", but neglecting to say that the metal box has a grill enabled within it. Nice analogy. Good to see my influence is rubbing off on you!
  3. Excuse me? I'm looking for the bi-monthy "SL is dying" thread. Is this the right place?
  4. garey Solo wrote: Thanks for the compliments but really I'm interested in why people gravitate to some networks and not to others. What makes a user come back time & time again etc. I'll tell you one thing that's 100% guaranteed to make me not use a particular social network. Repeated and obvious stealth spamming of a forum over a period of 12 months with various different alts. Mind you, tactics like that tell me one thing and one thing alone anyway. It's a fail. It's a desperate attempt to get people to prop them up. People hardly ever post there. It will dissapear into oblivion soon enough. Therefore, it's actually not even worth a second glance. :smileyindifferent:
  5. Eloise Baily wrote: Hi Sandra I think Suella said make it 175 x 190 but mine is 170 x 220. Good to see you here Your new badge pic rocks all sorts of awesome, incidentally I really need to get around to updating mine because I've noticed a lot of people with cool new badges and I feel left out!
  6. My thoughts are that it certain looks like a sensible alternative to Facebook and G+ and has user privacy in mind and won't force you to reaveal RL info and/or data mine your information (unlike Facebook and G+). It's still in its infancy and seems to be taking some time to get it's feet off the ground, but has a lot of potential and I've been keeping a close eye on it for a while. Interestingly, Google also stole the 'Circles' concept from Diaspora for G+
  7. Couldbe Yue wrote: depending on what viewer you are on, you may find that if you add the layers in a V2 viewer and flip to a v1 (like phoenix) the added ones detach. I use v2 occasionally and look lovely with all the added bits then the moment I flip to phoenix I look like plain jane again.. sigh Well, ya know, not wanting to start a whole new viewer wars debate again or anything, but maybe that should tell you something? [insert stuff about nasty sidebar, ugly interface, finding it soooooo difficult to build etc below] :smileytongue:
  8. Right click and choose 'add' rather than 'wear'. Assuming you are using a reasonably up to date viewer you can wear multiple items on the same layer that way
  9. Medhue Simoni wrote: IMHO, the new profiles have quite a bit of value. Now, when a customer asks me how they can find out when I release new products, I tell them to view my profile. Instead of using those worthlessly limited spam groups, I just post things in my profile and any1 can view them whenever they want. There they will see all my past postings and never have to miss anything. Plus, I can post other things like videos and such while cross posting everything to twitter, which is 1 of the best ways to get eyes on what you are doing. It would be nice to be able to subscribe to people's profiles tho, and I think adding classifieds are a good idea. Well, I don't quite understand why our classifieds were left out. It is pretty strange, because Picks are now completely useless and serve absolutely no purpose at all, but classifieds were left out. 1 other note, profiles also allow fellow merchants to help promote each other, by cross posting and commenting on each others feeds. If you don't like what some1 else posts to your profile, you can remove it. It might be nice to ban some1 from posting to your feed tho. This ^ The new profiles and their feeds have great potenital for advertising new products / promotion etc if used wisely. Although we need to be careful they don't become a spammers playground. Not sure if muting someone stops them from spamming your profile or not, but I hope it does (and if it doesn't we definitely need a way to block people from profiles). Incidentally Medhue, you can essentially 'subscribe' to someone's profile by following them (Green 'follow' button at the top of their profile) You'll then see everything they enter on their feed in your 'Home' timeline. I think this is a much better way of doing things than the cumbersome nature of groups for informing people of new releases etc. Get them to follow your profile where they can read your latest news from your feed at their leisure. Although it would be nice to have a way to make this neater. I am going to play devil's advocate a little though and suggest that classifieds should remain out of profiles. Classifieds are paid for advertising that I believe should be the domain of search only. However, that's not to say it wouldn't be nice to have something akin to an area where we can provide specific details on products \ businesses within profiles. Essentially i think 'Picks' needs to be renamed and split into other distinct profile areas - such as 'Favourite locations', 'Personal Information', 'Contact Details', 'Store Details' etc (which are mainly the things people now use picks for).
  10. Sy Beck wrote: Suella Ember wrote: Yeah - I know that Sy is back. Mainly because I'm currently scrounging off his land which he is allowing me to use for free (well, in exchange for the promise of outrageous flirting and the tease that I might one day let him hump my pixels. I'd ban freeloaders, squatters, outrageous flirters and anyone smelling slightly of dairy products. It's a good job I smell completely of dairy products then!
  11. @ Peter and Storm If they did ban cheese I'd so throw a massive, ranting hissy fit, threatening all sorts of obscure legal action against LL along with bizarre, outrageous, conspiracy laden claims about their motives, and then throw all my toys out of the pram claiming I was never coming back to SL again. :smileywink: I was absent in general for a while for a variety of RL reasons that i won't bore you with (one of which was connected with my body having one of it's 'I'm going to make you fell like a you've been through 10 marathons in a row' moments!) I'm back around more now though. However, I'm back around more inworld than I am on the forums. I still check in and see if there's anything interesting going on here. Lets just say that I don't find interesting things as much as I used to and leave it at that (I wouldn't want to be misunderstood and appear to be throwing a massive, ranting hissy fit with bizaree, outrageous, conspiracy laden claims and throw my toys out of the pram over something as insignificant in the grand sceme of things as the content of these forums!) Yeah - I know that Sy is back. Mainly because I'm currently scrounging off his land which he is allowing me to use for free (well, in exchange for the promise of outrageous flirting and the tease that I might one day let him hump my pixels. I'll do anything for free land me!) I'm glad he's back too - he was always one of the most sensible, down-to-earth, fun people in this little community of ours He's learning all the new stuff like Mesh as well, so I'm also using him to do all the hard work in learning that stuff and then he can give me the easier, idoit's guide. I'm sort of in the process of deciding what new enterprise I'm going to undertake in SL to keep up with the latest trends. Well, that and procrastinating as usual. :smileyindifferent: is possibly my favourite emoticon. While it's called 'indifferent' I don't really use it in that context. I use it more in an 'Yes, I'm completely straight faced and not at all joking, honest .... or am I?!' context. It keeps people on their toes, just like the last line of my signature. :smileywink:
  12. Jesica Dragovar wrote: ok I gathered everything that people have complained about, so I figure if we get rid of all these things everyone should be happy .... once all those things are gone Second Life should be fun again! Ok, I gathered a list of everyone who has complained about things they want banned from SL, so I figure if we get rid of all those people everyone should be happy Once all those people are gone Second Life should be fun again! :smileyindifferent:
  13. Josh Susanto wrote: Can someone please show me any actual report of a similar problem from the XStreet era? I would do, but they are buried in a vault 10 miles under Nevada along with the files that prove Elvis killed JFK and then went on to fake the moon landings.
  14. It's a little bit of a catch22 and I've done both at various points (had price on my ads and had ads without prices). However, I'm now largely of the opinion that it's better to not have the price on (and I don't mind that as a shopper either). My reasoning is that the more space you can save for actually showing the product the better. An ad full of writing detracts from the actual product. The important thing is to get the potential buyer interested in the product first. If you can do that with an eye-catching display they'll want to then find out the price and, as you say, it's easy enough to hover or click to get the price. Yes, there might be the issue where a new user doesn't know to hover or click but, that being the case, they also wouldn't know how to click to buy either! That's a spearate issue about educating new user and I don't think you'd particularly lose sales as a result of not having the price on ads. I also prefer the above as a shopper. I want to actually see the product in detail first. I want to get an idea of it's quality. If I like the look of it i'll then check the price and make a judgement on whether I think it is worth that price.
  15. Not wanting to pee on anyone's bonfire (LL could well still be working on something like this) but Rod himself has said that this is just press speculation and he's foud in quite amusing to watch! https://twitter.com/#!/rodvik/status/117388201966047232 https://twitter.com/#!/rodvik/status/117389228563890176
  16. Griffin Ceawlin wrote: :matte-motes-confused: As far as I can tell, you pay to have your avatar's name put on the "R.I.P." page on the website, nothing more. Pretty much by the looks of it. Nice attempt at making a quick buck I guess, and I'm sure some will go for it. All seems completely pointless to me though!
  17. 1N73R35t1NG! Y3P, 1 WA5 ABL3 70 R3AD 17 QU173 3A51LY. D0U5 7HA7 M3AN 1'M 5P3C1AL?
  18. Eloise Baily wrote: She scares me a lot if she's genuinely a presidential candidate. I mean, seriously? She scares me. People who support her scare me more. (This one will definitely get RIC'd! :smileywink: )
  19. Wow! Quickest political rant dreail ever! Since we got derailed onto politics though, I'll add Nick Clegg and David Cameron to the list of peope in the wrong job. They should join the circus along with Sarah Palin, and every right-wing politician for that matter. (Yes, yes I did just call Nick Clegg right-wing - now that's controversial!) :smileysurprised:
  20. No, but they do have biscuits (that's biscuits, not cookies!) :smileytongue:
  21. I'm not sure I have a favourite commercial. However, can I just say that if anyone posts any of the Go Compare commercials from here in the UK, I might be forced to go on a killing spree! :smileysurprised:
  22. Kylie Jaxxon wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: ETA also they don't have lunch in the south..lunch is called dinner..dinner is called supper lol Yikes!! That's another discusstion.... It some parts of northern England (where I'm originally from) lunch is also called dinner and dinner is called tea. It hurt my poor wee brain when I moved south and had to get used to calling them 'lunch' and 'dinner'!
  23. Randall Ahren wrote: 11. One hundred percent straight in a woman is boring. If your man friend suggests a threesome with you, him, and another female friend, you should do it. I agree. Same goes for if your lady friend suggests a threesome with you, her and another male friend. He always gets all coy about getting it out in front of another man when I suggest that though. :smileyindifferent:
  24. Unrelated side note - I generally find trolling annoying. I also find taking things too seriously and an inability to distinguish debate and banter from trolling a little annoying too.
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