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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Tari Landar wrote: There are forums written in other languages here. You can try one of them, and someone might be able to help you better. I thought of suggesting this, but then realized that there is no one in the Portuguese sub-forum really helping anyone there... which is a shame. It's obvious the OP doesn't understand even the most basic things about how to function in SL. What they really need is to meet someone inworld who speaks Portuguese and is willing to help them learn the basics. Jwjaii, you need to search SL groups and find a Portuguese support group of some sort. This should start you off... http://search.secondlife.com/web/search/groups/?q=Portuguese I hope. ...Dres
  2. jwjaii wrote: Thanks :-) I used the "Replace look" option But the result was very disappointing... LIES, LIES, LIES Let me try to explain to you why you're wrong and why that ad pic isn't a lie. Firstly, you're wearing the peaked eyebrow and the avatar in the ad pic is wearing the straight eyebrow. Secondly, the ad pic was taken with Advance Lighting and Shadows enabled... yours was not. So, unless you're able to turn on these advanced options, neither your avatar nor anything else will look as nice as they do to someone with those options enabled. ...Dres
  3. It looks like you're wearing a mesh head, in which case, you'll need to remove it in order to see the default avatar skin and shape. ...Dres
  4. Just thought I'd open up a discussion on this, in case anyone had anything to say about it. http://www.lindenlab.com/releases/bad-juju-games-acquires-desura-from-linden-lab Bad Juju Games Acquires Desura from Linden Lab2014-11-05 As has just been announced, Bad Juju Games has acquired Desura from Linden Lab. Bad Juju has taken over all day-to-day support, maintenance, and ongoing enhancements to the Desura website and service platform. The Bad Juju team will be reaching out directly to developers with games on Desura and are happy to respond to any questions they may have. Transitioning Desura to a new owner is great for Linden Lab and our customers, as it allows us to further enhance our focus on creating the ambitious next-generation virtual world, while continuing to improve Second Life and growing Blocksworld. Desura is a fantastic platform for game developers and players, and we look forward to seeing it continue to evolve and grow, now as part of Bad Juju Games. ...Dres
  5. You're putting too much emphasis on Linden Homes. Linden Homes were not conceived in order to fulfill your every wish. They're meant as starter homes which get you hooked on having a place and from which you move to buy or rent yourself something more to your liking. I would think that, in order to get the type of space which you seem to want (without having to leave SL), you should look into dropping your premium membership and renting from a private estate. Of course, you'll have to spend more in SL than you might elsewhere, but that is the cost which you must pay in order to keep your hair and clothes as up to date as that which you seem to want. Other grids will forever be behind the curve where those things and concurrency are concerned. ...Dres
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: Freya Mokusei wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: A while back there were a couple of Land Merchants who kept posting their listings in the wrong section. The listings kept getting moved but what it did was create "cross links" if I may call them that. They were doing it intentionally. I finally got irritated with it and pointed it out to the Community Mgr. The next day the practice stopped. Exactly. I know you've also seen the continuing adventures of a certain self-professed "Crusader" in the Answers section (who's no longer with us). That silliness was initially allowed to fly below the radar, but eventually the harm was noticed and countering brought the issue into the moderators purview. <snip> Actually I don't do the Answers section. Which is one reason I'm still stuck as being listed as a lowly "member" in this Forum. But I suspect I know who you are talking about from a recent General discussion. I'm pretty sure I know who she's talking about and am just as sure that I'm not the only one who RICed them. But I did find it comforting to see that, after I did file my RIC (in which I suggested that the mods take a look at their posting history in order so that they could understand the pattern of abuse which that person unleashed here and especially in the Answers section), they haven't been able to post again. I do hope we don't see them back at it after a month's suspension. ...Dres *doesn't like to RIC people, but will certainly do so when they're being particularly disruptive*
  7. beethros Karas wrote: Look your self, in the last few hours they post 5 or 6 events for the same Club for the same day. Is that legal? (if it is maybe it has to change?) If you look closely, you'll realize that the person posting events for the club of which you speak is posting about multiple (though very similarly themed) events at different times of day, which may account for the number of different posts. While it could be said that it would be less obtrusive for them to create one thread, then list all the different times within that one thread, rather than create thread after thread, saying pretty much the same thing, I don't believe their doing so actually breaches the CG spam restriction. That being said, I do agree that it's rather aggravating having to scroll past such nonsense, but then so is having to scroll past land sales threads, which, if you ask me, are even more obtrusive. At least, it seems to only be one person doing that for one club. ...Dres
  8. I'm more interested in why they would want to swap places with their graphics cards... I can't imagine it would be very comfortable in there. :matte-motes-silly: ...Dres
  9. This isn't the place to apply for a job with Linden Lab... you need to do so here: http://www.lindenlab.com/careers And, please remember... good grammar and spelling go a long way. Good Luck ...Dres P.S. You really should consider removing your email address from your post here.
  10. Kaidin Ulrik wrote: I sure hope you find peace as you have disturbed mine, So let me get this straight... Phil has disturbed your peace by stating his opinion? I'm well aware of Phil's tendency to present his opinion as that of irrefutable fact, but, for most stable people, his doing so isn't usually seen as being quite as disturbing as you're making it out to be. Which leads me to believe that your idea of chat is having the kind of conversation where no one disagrees with anything anyone else has to say... much like that of the interaction which you've been having with Marigold on this thread. I'm not saying there's anything wrong with having that sort of conversation, but, I can assure you that, should that type of interaction be the only acceptable way of conversing on a given forum (much like the one at ASN), it would not be able to hold my attention for very long. As such, the way I see it, the most interesting part of this thread has been your overreaction to Phil's behavior... which exposes, in stark relief, the difference between what you and I find boring. ...Dres
  11. Bobbie Faulds wrote: I know Chel has talked to Tricky or she wouldn't have the channel for the relay to work. Since each listner script is specific to the body it goes in, it stands to reason she has spoken with the makers. Try talking to Chell before you decide her product shouldn't be supported. As I've found, making appliers, the notecards from applier to applier are almost identical and in some cases are exactly identical. That would imply that they scripting is basically the same from mesh to mesh part. The fact that these parts are mod also means they can be changed. All the Omega does is add an additional channel the parts can listen to for changes. I don't expect to change anyone's mind, but do talk to Chel. She's very open to speak with anyone. If she was out to make money, rather than provide alternatives, the conversion kits wouldn't be available for 1L, would they? I haven't decided anything, but I do believe Drake has a point about a creator's right to monitor who has the rights to create appliers for their product and limit their licensing as such. Besides that, I actually think it's a really good idea. If I were a mesh body part creator, I'd not only consent to my products' inclusion in Omega, but I'd actually consider it to be a selling point and would happily instruct people to make use of it for sake of their own convenience, if nothing else. But then, I'm not the type who'd be prone to being overly restrictive about people's use of my creations... those who are, may see things much differently. Also, I don't believe the onus is on me, or anyone else, to inquire about who's permission the creator of Omega has to include a product. If they've got the authorization to do so, it should be clearly stated on their documentation, as well as their website. ...Dres
  12. Drake1 Nightfire wrote: At one point they did indeed have a Slink applier. When Slink found out about it they were not amused and filed a DMCA on them. THAT is why i wont use it. I did a bit of Googling on this, in order to try to evaluate its accuracy and could find nothing about it, except within the content of this post. Therefore, I must ask how you know this to be true. As far as I understand, Slink did indeed wish to keep their system proprietary and made changes to their system in order to render it useless for any system but their own... which makes sense. Regardless, Omega obviously doesn't work with Slink products... so, that, in itself, shouldn't be an issue. That being said, I do believe Omega's creator should not be including appliers for products for which they haven't received the mesh creator's consent. Since I couldn't find anything on their website which states that that's what they're doing, I tend to agree with your stance on the matter. ...Dres
  13. Kaidin Ulrik wrote: stop talking to me!!! you're a fool!! and a waste of my time!! Regardless of how foolish Phil may sometimes be, I actually agree with him in this instance. By design, this forum was never really meant to be conducive to idle chit-chat. Consider the fact that, when the current forum software was first put into place, we had to lobby for months before the powers that be decided to acquiesce to our insistence that we were in dire need of a General Discussion sub-forum. And, even though they eventually, begrudgingly gave us one, their attitude really hasn't changed. It's as if they've no idea why us forum dwellers would ever want a forum which might actually facilitate a feeling of community amongst its participants. Through both draconian and completely nonsensical moderation (along with manipulative abuse of the ability to report inappropriate content), we've lost a whole hell of a lot of interesting voices over the years. Sure, some of the most disruptive ones really needed to go... but, so many more were driven off by the process, that I question who in their right mind would honestly think it was worth it. Of course, I'm sure the powers that be are fine with this... but I'm also sure that their one and only reason for maintaining a forum is to take advantage of those of us still willing to provide customer service without being paid in order to do so. As far as I'm concerned, whatever feeling of community there used to be here has long been dead... which is a shame, because I used to love conversing with people here, just for the sake of doing so. Now, when I come here, that's the last thing I want to do... if only because the more I post, the better my chances of getting a post pulled with another inexplicable warning, which could ultimately lead to my being perma-banned. Should the powers that be ever decide to start holding the moderators responsible for their mistakes, thereby forcing them to actually think about what they're doing, rather than just mindlessly reacting to RICs, I might feel differently. ...Dres
  14. Quinn Lysette wrote: ya i need a way to block this attack and then have the purp arrested and charged an put to jail for 7 years atleast What are you talking about? This thread is years old. ...Dres
  15. So, what you're suggesting is that LL develop an entirely new type of asset that can be worn, much like that of avatar physics, which would make it possible to change only the shape settings set forth by the creator of said asset; thereby eliminating the need to modify and save that avatar's shape itself... right? If I'm understanding this correctly, I have to say that it's honestly a pretty good idea. I know I'd love to be able to slightly modify my shape for certain clothing items without having to save a new shape for each one of them... especially since, far too often, I forget to switch back to my original shape once I take off the item. I suggest you go to the JIRA and file a feature request for it. ...Dres
  16. Perrie Juran wrote: Tari Landar wrote: <snip> You just have to make sure the listing title and the items, are clearly two different things. Even if, in essence, they are the same product, just with different permissions. Be very specific in your listing about which is which. Even though we include the permissions when we create the listing, some people, for whatever reason, don't read them. So having it in your product description as well, may help. Lord knows how many items get flagged everyday and someone (supposedly) reviews these. And sometimes it can really seem ridiculously insane. Sometimes these items that are actually worth only a nickle or a dime. If I was someone reviewing items and couldn't at a glance decipher the difference I'd probably be prone to rubber stamp the flagging. I'm not saying rubber stamping is right or that I'd actually do it, just how I'd feel about it. You make it sound as if LL has offered those who moderate this forum an opportunity to make a bit of money on the side, dealing with MP flags. ...Dres
  17. Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: Perrie Juran wrote: Madelaine McMasters wrote: KarenMichelle Lane wrote: My donation to the Subject: He who has learned to disagree without being disagreeable has discovered the most valuable secret of a diplomat. What the hell are you talking about, that's nonsense! "Tact" is knowing how to tell someone to go to hell and making them happy to be on their way there. Yeah, but if you can open a trap door to hell for them to fall into, you needn't expend the energy to make them happy about it. And as I think about it, I see you dangling in the opening because your helmet won't fit through the door. I'll make sure to loosen your chip strap the next time I see you. You may discover what the broom on the helmet is really for. Whatever that might be, please tell me it's not comparable to the use of a French tickler. ...Dres
  18. Never did I think I'd ever read yet another post complaining about the Skilled Gaming policy and think to myself, "Wow, that's rather refreshing." But the issue you've brought up is actually rather valid, as least in comparison to most of the multitudes of complaint posts with which this forum has been inundated the last few months. I realize that the chance to win money can be a great incentive to play a game, but, if the games you've mentioned are as fun to play as you suggest, won't they still be fun without that added incentive? ...Dres (Good luck trying to get a Linden to pay attention to a lowly forum post. You'd have been better off tweating Ebbe directly.)
  19. Intodeep wrote: Doesn't work on mac 10.4 or lower dude. It could very well be that over two and a half years ago, when this was originally posted, it did indeed work. ...Dres
  20. Sorina Garrigus wrote: Don't go giving advise and quoting a random blurb CLEARLY out of context. It destroys any credibility you might have on future subjects. This, coming from a person who was so confused by LL's correct usage of a semi-colon that they claimed it rendered their whole definition of skilled gaming indecipherable, is simply laughable. ...Dres
  21. Madelaine McMasters wrote: Although I've yet to succeed, I'd say that attempting to kill my friends is at or near the top of my list. I have no idea why, but, I still love you... even though my eyebrows have yet to completely grow out since the last to you attempted to set me on fire. ...Dres
  22. SugarSprite wrote: What are your favorite things to do in SL? Bate. ...Dres *is a master at it*
  23. Theresa Tennyson wrote: RavenSkye Waverider wrote: So, there is this guy that goes into about 20 groups at a time, spamming lines so quickly that it lags many in the group, makes people leave the groups because SL doesn't have any proper way to ban from groups (be nice if they would finally put that freaking in already) The group-ban function has been working in Viewer 3 and some TPV's since August. The OP isn't talking about anything that the group ban function is meant to address. Group ban will not also ban alts, which makes it entirely useless, as far as the OP is concerned. ...Dres
  24. As has been said my Elton John, "It's a sad, sad situation." But, I'm afraid that the only thing that can be done is your (or the owner of the groups') continuous blocking of this person's alt accounts, once they expose themselves as such. LL, by right of the TOS to which you've agreed, is not required to police this sort of nonsense, therefore, they never will. ...Dres
  25. Perrie Juran wrote: Cameleon Lethecus wrote: Dresden Ceriano, *Smiles* You are entitled to your own opinion. How ever, fact can not be altered by opinion. Have a great day! Cam Maybe you can seperate the egg yolk from the white, but what we saw here was the whole egg before the shell was cracked. It's hard to take a smile seriously from someone who's got egg on their face. ...Dres *will undoubtedly have a great day*
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