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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Could be they've hired someone to deal with it overnight and on the weekends as they did with moderation in the forums. Just because you are scrupulous and know how to treat your customers that doesn't mean everyone on the grid does as well. It's because of those kinds of merchants that people need protections in place. Even if it's reactive, it's better than nothing. ...Dres
  2. It appears no one has answered this. Unfortunately, I don't know what to tell you and can't find anything on it. I would suggest you ask in the Answers section (link)... you should get a much better response there. Good luck ...Dres
  3. So in other words, it's actually much better for customers to buy stuff from SLM because they have that protection... right? Brilliant... another strike against shopping inworld. Not that I think that that kind of protection is bad, but it just provides more incentive to shop in the SLM. What else is LL going to come up with to devalue having a store inworld? ...Dres
  4. Um... I'll give it a shot... *stands up* *clears his throat* Germany called and said they want their dirigibles back. ...Dres
  5. Pussycat Catnap wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Pamela Galli wrote: Oh good advertising idea -- merchants can turn all their content into unmanned vehicles and set them loose. Click for a LM. Fair is fair. Actually this could work if you wanted to get rid of them for good. If enough people start doing this and enough people start complaining about it, then LL would end up having to put a stop to it. Fight fire with fire or something like that. ...Dres I don't see how anyone sees these vehicles as advertising. Unless they've changed lately, they're just vehicles that move about and let people ride them. No signage. They add life to an otherwise dead world. Don't like it, prefer being dead - move to an estate. Oh I don't care at all, they don't bother me... I don't bother them.  I think most people either don't care about them or they actually like them... though it may not seem like that from reading this thread. I believe only a small minority are effected to the point that they want them gone. So you see, it never even crossed my mind that what I suggested would ever actually take place. It's just not that big a problem, plus there are certainly bigger fish to fry. ...Dres
  6. Ima Rang wrote: I saw a news report last week discussing the fact that men and women who tend to be more aggressive and that are typically considered assholes at work, actually yield a higher salary than that of their always friendly and never disagreeable coutnerparts. I would post the link, but I can't access it at the moment. Assholes need love too I saw that and found it quite interesting, though not surprising. Something about the perception that when something needs to get done they'll have the balls to do it... of course I'm paraphrasing from memory. @Orfeu: Great post... my favorite line was, "Some peep's style is warm and cuddly…others prefer a sharp and abrasive discourse." You nailed it with that. I'm pretty sure the two can coexist in one forum (there's that wretched optimism again... lol). ...Dres
  7. Raul Rehnquist wrote: Is this a new Pep forum persona ? Going from humorous and thought provoking to just plain ridiculous and pathetic ? I sometimes type lol without actually laughing out loud... in this instance, this was not the case-> lol. ...Dres
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Again I'm speaking in general terms... it's not "their" forum... it's not "our" forum... it's actually LL's forum. I fail to see how an us versus them mentality will do us any good. ...Dres Dres, I agree with this. It is me that should have been more clear. I meant it as "us them" with them being other fora. Maybe it is about time we (this forum) win back some of our older readers and posters. Yes, other forum are important and people will continue to read and participate, however, I would like to see the ex-pat's come back and post to "their" forum, too - it all started here. If they don't want to particpate on SLF any longer, then I wish them the best of luck wherever they may end up. Even though I was replying to your post, my reply wasn't aimed at you personally, but then you probably knew that... just making myself clear. I'd like to see the exforumites come back as well, but there has to be something to lure them back in... don't you think? Firstly, the moderation issues have to be dealt with and I intend to work to see that that happens. It's much needed whether they come back or not. Secondly, they have to be willing to throw themselves into the mix and give it some time to start developing into something more acceptable while still participating. I know that's something you've been working on from the outside. Maybe together, with the help of anyone willing, we can get something done. Though I can be cynical at times, I try to retain a core of optimism... however misguided that may be. I'm hoping, in this case, it's warranted. ...Dres
  9. I fall into both categories really, depends on my mood and my bank account. I used to spend way too much in SL... I'd buy stuff left and right. But then I reached a point where I had just about everything I wanted and it slowed down a lot. Now I find I'm very picky about what I buy, I absolutely insist on quality. Quality doesn't have to mean expensive either.... I find there's a huge disparity in pricing in SL. You can walking into a shop and find something nice for 100L then go to another and find the same type of thing for 1000L. Okay, I might be exaggerating, but you get my point, right? Wait a minute, I've started rambling, haven't I? I think I'm suffering from sleep deprivation. Goodnight ...Dres
  10. Pamela Galli wrote: Oh good advertising idea -- merchants can turn all their content into unmanned vehicles and set them loose. Click for a LM. Fair is fair. Actually this could work if you wanted to get rid of them for good. If enough people start doing this and enough people start complaining about it, then LL would end up having to put a stop to it. Fight fire with fire or something like that. ...Dres
  11. Willow Danube wrote: ETA: It wasn't Harry Potter who had a flying school bus, I think it was another movie. It was a flying car in Harry Potter... and Chitty Chitty Bang Bang... and Grease... that's just off the top of my head. Sky High had a flying school bus... can't think of any others that did at the moment, but if I do I'll get back to you. Now, what was the topic again? ...Dres
  12. Alazarin Mondrian wrote: In which case I would suggest that you consider abandoning your land and leaving a collection of scripted deviced behind that suck the script time resources out of the sim. At least that way your sim-hog club owner won't have much of a club experience to offer their patrons. Ooooo... you are evil. ...Dres
  13. Dillon Levenque wrote: Oh dear. I do that too. Usually in the car. Does that mean I might be as nutty as you? Dilly, you in danger, girl... lol. ...Dres
  14. How about attacking people that hold the view as an individual: "You are an idiot for thinking there are degrees of proper conduct." - Where does that fit in? Maybe between these two?... Pussycat Catnap wrote: Then you get to attacking people who hold the view as a group: "People who believe there are degrees of proper conduct are idiots." - The ideological stance (ex: "You Lie!" infamous shout out). There's a difference between this and the one right above it. One claims the view is foolish, the other claims one holding the view is foolish. And then you descend into just making personal attacks that are non-sequiters: "You're just a stupid socialist [four-letter-word]." - The misdirect with emotion tactic, but also often used by the genuinely non-intelligent. Just asking? ...Dres ETA: Hey, we could make a game of this... you give us various examples of degrees of trolldom and we try to stack them in the right order. Now we just need to think of a name... lol.
  15. Venus Petrov wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Any post pulled without a PM from a mod can be queried and, then, a reason is to be provided. This is what we have been told by the team that administers the Forum. Some derails are fun and some are contentious. I do not mind either one as long as people can disagree without becoming disagreeable. Personally, I think any post pulled should get a PM or email, and in the case of lines of conversations being pulled, at least the first post in that line, as well as the posts that were so egregious that the line had to be pulled in the first place, should be notified. We shouldn't have to query the mods every time they pull something for no or highly questionable reason. If they were told they had to present us with a reason on a regular basis, then maybe they wouldn't pull as many posts to begin with. But that's just wishful thinking. ...Dres I agree, Dres. Providing a reason that a post is pulled would serve as a 'check' on any unintended 'emotional' reactions by mods (after all, they are people, too) and help us understand what it was that caused the removal. It would also allow mods an opportunity to educate sensitive readers who report a post that does not violate any community standard. Win-win-win. Given the present situation, the onus is on readers to query. LL assumes a good number will choose not to. That is likely a safe assumption. Most definitely. That's something specific that we can add to the CTUG agenda. I have a thought for another... the mods could lighten up on the derails that aren't hurting anyone, especially in the GDF, but really across the board... at least in the community forums. @Cinnamon: Another bravo!!! ...Dres ETA: By community forums, I meant the People forum.
  16. Don't know why I didn't think of this before. *waves at Venus* ...Dres
  17. I thought about posting Sara... I love that song. But I figured my wall of video post was long enough... lol. Oh what the hell... here's some more... ...Dres
  18. Venus Petrov wrote: Any post pulled without a PM from a mod can be queried and, then, a reason is to be provided. This is what we have been told by the team that administers the Forum. Some derails are fun and some are contentious. I do not mind either one as long as people can disagree without becoming disagreeable. Personally, I think any post pulled should get a PM or email, and in the case of lines of conversations being pulled, at least the first post in that line, as well as the posts that were so egregious that the line had to be pulled in the first place, should be notified. We shouldn't have to query the mods every time they pull something for no or highly questionable reason. If they were told they had to present us with a reason on a regular basis, then maybe they wouldn't pull as many posts to begin with. But that's just wishful thinking. ...Dres
  19. Ima Rang wrote: I am enjoying being back in the forums. YAY!!! I enjoy you being back in the forums as well. @Mayalily: You may not be acutely aware of what is being pulled, but it really is a problem. There's even a thread about whole threads being deleted in the forum feedback forum *snickers* where Lexie acknowledged that it is an issue. I happen to think that the issue is much broader than that and that is what this discussion is really about. And I think this is an extremely interesting thread, just FYI. ...Dres
  20. Perhaps if you told us what your issue is, we could help. Otherwise, good luck socializing somewhere else. :matte-motes-big-grin: ...Dres
  21. Berlin Mesmeriser wrote: Red and black ? You prefer the white and green of this forum, eh ? This forum is blue. Just saying. ...Dres (Of course, I use Cerise's Blue Goo script. Not only that but I'm colorblind, so it could be pink or violet for all I know... lol.)
  22. Dillon Levenque wrote: I doubt anyone thought you were joking, Dres. I know I certainly didn't. I believe the mention of humor had to do with the humorous way in which you made your point :-). Oh I know. :matte-motes-grin: Dillon Levenque also wrote: I have many times been oh so happy I decided to press Cancel. Now if I could just find a way to not start one of those kinds of comments to begin with..... Oh I think it's quite therapeutic. You can get things off your chest and rant and rave and no one gets hurt. It's kind of like, yelling at someone when you're completely alone, which is something I've been know to do from time to time as well... lol. ...Dres ETA: a word
  23. Unfortunately, a self proclaimed newbie is not going to get your inference about Phoenix. The server changes are supposed updates, which usually brake something else that they have to fix then roll out yet another version. LL has a penchant for releasing things before they get them right, as they did with V2; then expecting us to not only live with their missteps, but help them to fix them as well. That's just how it is. ...Dres
  24. Wicked Galaxy wrote: Ok.. totally derailing this topic for a moment... Dres.. where did you get those eyes? They are stunning.. (I am becoming addicted to eyes, just another addiction to add to my ever growing shopping list) Wiki Thanks... I never go anywhere without them... lol. I got them from Eddesign (link), they're called "Lemon Super Blue Eyes" and are in the old designs section.  It used to be the only place I ever got my eyes and though I've branched out since then I still wear these all the time. I've tried getting new eyes for an update, but somehow these have become me and it's simply impossible to change them. ...Dres
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