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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Venus Petrov wrote: I agree that it is a good time to revise the guidelines. It has been nearly six months since implementing this new software and these processes. I was initially pleased to see the Off Topic forum created and then, later have it morph into the General Discussions area (at least the name familiar to many of us from the prior incarnation). I would like to continue to see the GD forum as a bit of a more open (in the sense of topics and conversation flow) area. Longer threads will likely have some subtopics bloom and whither within the main thread and I would like to see them stay there rather than be removed for being 'off topic'. I liken it to conversation at a dinner party. It moves freely from one topic to another and back again with many ebbs and flows. As long as posters can disagree without being disagreeable, that natural flow should be acceptable to moderation. Lexie, I appreciate your active interest in working with us to make this place better for all. Yes, we need more freedom to go off topic from time to time. Hell, some threads don't even have a topic really... they're more like a free form conversation. I love those kind of threads and cropping parts of that conversation does no one any good. We talk a lot about threads being pulled and posts being pulled, but I believe the worst problem is lines of conversation being pulled within a thread. Instead of pulling everything, perhaps it would be better if the mods would just post a message saying, let's get back on topic or stop with the personal attacks or you will be disciplined (of course not in those exact words). Sometimes I wish nasty stuff would remain in a thread for all to see what kind of person the poster is, at that moment anyway. But that might be a bit too much to keep track of where to draw the line. Oh well, just some of my not entirely well thought out...um, thoughts... if that makes any sense. I have to question how much Lexie wants to work with us on this or anything else. The fact that she cut the CTUG meetings back to twice a month (she wanted to cut them to once a month until we raised our concerns) then missed (or actually will miss) two in a role doesn't bode well imo. I hope this feeling I have proves erroneous. ...Dres
  2. I'm not exactly sure what your problem is. Here's a page that shows you exactly where the Advanced Sky Editor is in the official V2 (link). If you're looking for the sky presets that come with Phoenix in LLV2, they're not all included but you can add them manually. Hopefully I can explain it in a way that you will understand... unfortunately, I don't use Mac, so I can't be really specific, but I'll try. From what I can gather, I believe the LLV2 folder for windlight presets is ./Resources/app_settings/windlight/skies/ - if there are no presets installed then I assume this folder would be empty, but there are probably some installed already... I wouldn't know (I use Firestorm). If you can find a comparable folder for Phoenix, it will have a bunch of files in it ending with .xml. I'm thinking you can also find the folder by searching for one of the specific file names such as "wastelands.xml". Once you find that folder, look for ~/Library/Application Support/SecondLife/user_settings/windlight/skies - this one I know for sure because it's on the windlight settings preset installation page in the wiki (link). Then copy all the .xml files in the Phoenix folder into that one and that should be all you need to do. Once you sign back on to V2, all the presets should be available. Btw, the reason you put it into a different folder than the one I mentioned first, is so that if you update your viewer you'll still have the presets installed, unless you clear out that user settings folder (the last one I mentioned). Otherwise, you'd have to install them all over again after an update... and that would be a pain in the ass. I hope this made any sort of sense. ...Dres
  3. Hello LadyEboni, welcome to the forum. Go to Preferences (Ctrl+P), click on the Graphics tab and see where your Render Quality is set. It needs to be set to High or Ultra in order to use the Advanced Sky Editor. I'm hoping that's your issue... if not, you may want to ask in the Answers section (link). You'll probably get a quicker reply there. Hope this helps ...Dres
  4. Lexie Linden wrote: Also: I will be updating the guidelines (or creating some other visible public document) to help clarify the issues around post/thread moves and removals. I will post a notice in the forums when that update has been done. I'm glad I saw this before posting the thread I was going to post about issues with the moderation process. There has definitely been some confusion about posts/threads being pulled and some clarification is sorely needed. Speculation about reasons why posts are pulled is causing divisions in our community. Plus, there's no way for us to work with you and the moderators to deal with what may or may not be real problems with the moderation process if we can't get a grasp on what is really going on. Transparency and accountability are key to improving relationships here, both between users and you and the moderators and between the users themselves. My hope is that we can start a discussion about these issues once you've posted this and iron out any rough spots with your help. I'm looking forward to it. Thanks ...Dres ETA: The thread I was going to post was going to be an attempt to bring together the various issues about moderation that have been discussed lately and try to figure out some comprehensive solution(s).
  5. Cincia Singh wrote: What's so amazing about V1 is so many people spend tons of time whining about it rather than spend that time learning a new viewer and getting back to having fun. /me toddles off to wear my mesh earrings so V1 users can enjoy the view ;-) I hardly ever hear anyone whining about V1 at all. Just saying. ...Dres
  6. Thank you Mickey... you brought up a lot of things I find disturbing about the moderation process. I believe it needs to be looked at very closely and revamped completely if need be. It's seriously that borked. There is no accountability what-so-ever. Not knowing why your post was pulled or that your post was even pulled, leave us to speculate on the cause and that speculation is starting to pit people against people and groups against groups. It's driving a wedge into our community and something has to be done about it. I've been thinking about this a lot and have come up with a few solutions that I don't really expect to be well received but are absolutely necessary none-the-less. Unfortunately I don't have the time to list them here now because I have to go get a flat fixed on my car (what fun!). Plus, I believe it would be better to start a new thread about it rather than continue here, since this thread is really only about one issue and there are a lot more that need to be covered. I'll post something later tonight or tomorrow and look forward to your and everyone's participation. ...Dres
  7. Venus Petrov wrote: *coughs* Ahem, Dres. Sounds like you have been doing it just a bit much recently. Doing what? I have witnesses that can prove I wasn't even there. *counts his piggy bank money* Um... one witness is enough right? ...Dres
  8. Mayalily wrote: No, whoever wrote those horrible discoesque songs and that trance claptrap should admit to treachery. I'm like Cinn now, I've decided to hang around the blues. When that trance claptrap plays...oops, sorry... got......chatlag... sorry....and... I....can't...brb ...Dres
  9. Peewee Musytari wrote: Auto-Response message: Hi Dres, I may be afk, passed out, ignoring you or just haven`t noticed your IM, leave a message & I will reply when I find it, unless I crash first and have no record that you even contacted me.. You forgot the possibility of alien abduction... other than that, how do you know what my auto-response says? ...Dres
  10. Venus Petrov wrote: Wildcat Furse wrote: Storm Clarence wrote: Has anybody ever told you you look like Griffin? FYI - I just found out that Dres is a hetero in RL ..... :smileysurprised: *meows* PS. .... and he has 5 kids!!! No, I think that is Griffin. And, it is 7 kids and a live-in mother-in-law. Sorry Wildcat, Venus is correct, I know because I'm the mother-in-law. ...Dres
  11. Pep wrote: You are lying when you log in to SL with a name that is not the one on your birth certificate. Pep (Anything further just compounds your mendacity.) Leave it to Pep to speak the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Interesting word... mendacity... did you know that it's actually a portmanteau word consisting of men and audacity? No lie. ...Dres
  12. Penny Patton wrote: That's why I mentioned themed clubs, adult or not. I see... I wasn't talking about a club necessary, but same thing. ...Dres
  13. YAY!!! I'm so very proud to have been quoted word for word in a thread summery... thank you. ...Dres (I lost my wrench in the vast abyss) (the vast abyss is a euphemism)
  14. Knowl Paine wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Knowl Paine wrote: Small lies: Who am I to burst other people's bubbles of perception? They were plugging along as happy as can be, until someone had to say something. Someone who doesn't have to live that person's life or walk in their shoes. Yet another interloper... is there no honestly anymore? ...Dres Interloper noun 1. a person who interferes or meddles in the affairs of others: Who is the "yet another interloper"? I never said interloper... I said prevaricator. Anyone who claims any differently is providing falsities and should not be believed. ...Dres
  15. A lot of people are talking about RP sims, but no one has mentioned... um... shall I say... adult entertainment establishments. Many of those prefer a certain type of clientele (namely human and sometimes of a specific gender), which is well within their rights as a land owner. Doesn't make it right or wrong... that's just how it is. I was going to say more but I believe everything else has been covered more than once, so I shall refrain. ...Dres Edited to change a few words.
  16. Cinnamon Mistwood wrote: Dres? Would you please excuse me? I made plans already to post in another thread. Can I take a raincheck on that chat? Oh, so now you're saying I'm not an interesting enough of a person to talk to. You just don't realize that the person you are deceiving is yourself. That and you're a big fat meanie. ...Dres
  17. Minareth Irata wrote: I might be Dutch, but I'm not gonna wear Clogs. Oh hell... did I spell them wrong? I'm always misspelling culturally specific footwear... it's a curse really. :smileysad: ...Dres
  18. Maryanne Solo wrote: Careful. you might be welcomed with open arms and hugged by everyone Hands off... he's mine now. *evil laugh* ...Dres (Arms and hugs are extraordinarily cute euphemisms.)
  19. Tristizia Demonista wrote: Which only proves my point for using a drop down menu, it's WAY faster for me. All it proves is that you prefer it... nothing more. ...Dres
  20. Tristizia Demonista wrote: Much to the obvious surprise of most Users here, drag & drop into IM's works perfectly in Viewer 2! It's allways astounding how little people know about something they judge! And why people like this cumbersome and disturbing Piemenu is and allways will be beyond me. For decades every piece of software has a right-click drop-down menu, so why should i use something different here ? ps: nothing personal Dresden, you just were the best to reply to I figured the drop into IM thing was a feature of V2, but I wasn't sure because I couldn't manage to get past the stifling interface long enough to learn it's intricate features. When I use the pie menu, most of the time, I don't even have to look at what I'm clicking because it becomes second nature... it's a matter of choice. Firestorm gives you that choice, the LL viewer doesn't. ...Dres (I wouldn't have dreamed of taking it personally.)
  21. Knowl Paine wrote: Small lies: Who am I to burst other people's bubbles of perception? They were plugging along as happy as can be, until someone had to say something. Someone who doesn't have to live that person's life or walk in their shoes. Yet another interloper... is there no honestly anymore? ...Dres
  22. Storm Clarence wrote: Has anybody ever told you you look like Griffin? Never has anyone ever in the course of human existence insinuated any such thing... cross by harness. ...Dres
  23. Mayalily wrote: Good, phew. @ Dres, believe what you want, as I can't prove anything to you. I honestly don't remember lying in order to not answer an IM. I just say brb or hold on a sec. I have lied about getting away from awful music at clubs though. Awful music is quite subjective, I know. But by awful I might mean music I've heard a million times already on SL, and I'm sick of it, so I don't want to hear it again, so I make a lame excuse or lie. Ahhh... so you admit to your treachery? ...Dres
  24. Storm Clarence wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: Oh most certainly... I'll get one for my sister too... just 'cuz. NO Dres. Don't do it. I will take you shopping if you want/need. Please - they are fashion starved; I thought you had a reputation. Oh yes Storm... show me the way... I've been waiting for this for a very long time. =)~ ...Dres *quivers in anticipation* ETA: Btw, shopping was a really cute euphemism.
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