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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. I've heard this talked about before and someone had suggested starting a JIRA. I don't know if anyone did but you could look and, if they haven't, start one of your own. ...Dres
  2. Tsaza Zenovka wrote: What a waste of emotional effort. I don't know what he gets out of it. Ah well, I guess he can keep my little decorations. This could very well be the best thing for you to do. Why put yourself through all kinds of crap just to prove a point... just let it go. Live your life in peace and stop worrying about what he has of yours and what he does with it or does with his life. He's obviously not even worth the thought you've already put into it, so just stop thinking about it now and move on. Good luck ...Dres
  3. Vladi Hazelnut wrote: They also have a video on how to adjust and make changes to the Firestorm viewer and a walk through where what is. They actually have a number of videos. This one is specifically about making Firestorm look like a V1 viewer (they have more that you can look through that can be very helpful)... ...Dres
  4. I'm not qualified to answer your question, but I must say... I just love a man with a big gun... lol. ...Dres ETA @Wildcat: OMG that outfit is super hot... I want one... lol.
  5. Venus Petrov wrote: Great shots, everyone! I would love to see more men post here. Surely, there are one or two that have some vanity? *raises his hand*... lol. I haven't been inworld enough lately to take any new pics, but here's an old one which I always really liked... Just a random shot I took while I was exploring some sim. Don't ask which one, I have no idea... my memory is not what it used to be. :matte-motes-frown: ...Dres
  6. What you're really looking for is patrons... you could have at least tried to be a little bit more creative in your blatantly obvious attempt to advertise your club where you're really not supposed to. Just saying. ...Dres
  7. First off, never ever sign someone else onto SL on your computer no matter how good a friend they are. By doing so you have automatically linked your account to theirs and if they should do something or have something happen to them so that they get blocked from SL, it's possible that you will be blocked as well. That and, as stated in the TOS, you're just not supposed to. Do you mean their log in information? In the regular viewer you should be able to just type in your information and be done with it. If you're talking about a viewer that has saved log ins and you want them removed from the list, that is different and depends on which viewer you are using and what operating system your running. So please post that information. ...Dres
  8. Perhaps some more information about your system, along with what graphics card you have, would help someone to figure out what is causing your problem. ...Dres
  9. VonGklugelstein Alter wrote: its not an attitude, but I make it pretty clear on my profile to only send IM's and if people refuse to read the top line of a profile I wonder what their attitude is if they do the exact opposite of what I requested.. lol and I do not clear trash at that point so if I really wanted to I could read it .. You have a point, I don't believe you mentioned that was in your profile. As I said before, that's what merchants have to do in order to receive the type of communication they prefer. Of course there are still going to be people that don't bother reading a merchant's profile and yes, I can see how that can be aggravating. But I still don't see the logic in not reading a customer's notecard in the first place... just seems like that would just be making things more difficult for the both of you. ...Dres
  10. VonGklugelstein Alter wrote: I get a gazzilion emails from SL and I never missed a IM while I was offline. Hell I have lengthy conversations with people via IM while I am offline. Yes people send notecards even though I request them not to.. they have been trained this way by merchants who insist that only notecards will get a response. I usually delete the card and then IM them and ask them " what did your nc say?" I think that any merchant who insists on Notecards does this hoping that most people will not bother to go through the effort to write one and therefore not be bothered by a customer after the sale. Its a how dare you want support attitude from what i have experienced. You mean to tell me that you would honestly delete a person's notecard without even reading it, then turn around and expect them to retype everything again just because you didn't feel like reading it in a notecard? How is that good for your customer? If you IMed me with that attitude, I'd type it out again, sure... but I'd also never buy anything from you ever again. And you have the nerve to speculate on other merchants attitudes? Pfft. ...Dres
  11. Peewee Musytari wrote: I must admit that one makes me cringe too, almost as much as the use of word "pacific" instead of "specific" How about the other way around? ...Dres ETA: Btw, that spanking smiley is brilliant... I'm stealing it.
  12. Just wanted to thank everyone for your lovely replies. I'm feeling much better about things now, I believe it may have had a lot to do with the fact that I wasn't feeling very well physically and it had me a little down about myself. I'm better now and feel much better about myself and SL in general, funny how things like that can really effect your perspective. Special thanks to Deltango for the kudos... I eat them for breakfast... lol. Love you guys... Dres
  13. Venus Petrov wrote: /me laughs I was trolling. I believe that you were correct at the start, Dres. Um... you're gonna have to try harder than that, sweety. Obviously, you don't have what it takes. Why don't you crawl back into the hole you were hatched in, you flatulent fanny sniffer. ...Dres (How's that?)
  14. Oooo... Mickey, that is a good question. I hope someone that knows (a Linden maybe) will reply with an answer to that. ...Dres
  15. I'm not a merchant so I can't answer the direct question. But as a customer, my advice to merchants is if you want to be contacted in a specific way, note that prominently in your profile. Most, but not all, customers will read it and do it the way you want it done. If I don't see something like that in a merchant's profile then I will usually send both... a quick IM stating that I have an issue and have sent them a notecard with the details... after I've sent them a notecard with the details, of course. ...Dres
  16. Dresden Ceriano wrote: Peewee Musytari wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Janelle Darkstone wrote: Peewee Musytari wrote: Janelle Darkstone wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Peewee Musytari wrote: Janelle Darkstone wrote: "Spelled". ...oh, and it's "color", "labor" and aluminum is pronounced 'a-LUM-in-um', not 'alleu-MIN-e-MUM' like you crazy British people do. Us crazy British eh...hmmm....At least we noticed that it is spelt differently and that is why it is pronounced differently. Alu-min-ium Its only had the extra "i" in it since 1812, to sound more like magnesium, potassium, sodium. ....either spelling is acceptable. It... most... definitely... is... not! rant rant whine whine alum inum! rant whine rant *crosses her arms and sulks in her inflatable hover fort.* Yay, glad you agree ...I don`t think it is aluminum either, its still aluminium (I just wanted to reply to add to the quote pyramid and also to say, while I do have a life, I also have waaaay too much free time. :smileytongue:) Two (or more) can play at this 'game'. FOR THE HORDE!!! Yay!! we made a multicultural Aluminium Pyramid out of peni FIFY... Dres FIFV... Dres (fixed it for Venus, of course)
  17. Peewee Musytari wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Janelle Darkstone wrote: Peewee Musytari wrote: Janelle Darkstone wrote: Venus Petrov wrote: Peewee Musytari wrote: Janelle Darkstone wrote: "Spelled". ...oh, and it's "color", "labor" and aluminum is pronounced 'a-LUM-in-um', not 'alleu-MIN-e-MUM' like you crazy British people do. Us crazy British eh...hmmm....At least we noticed that it is spelt differently and that is why it is pronounced differently. Alu-min-ium Its only had the extra "i" in it since 1812, to sound more like magnesium, potassium, sodium. ....either spelling is acceptable. It... most... definitely... is... not! rant rant whine whine alum inum! rant whine rant *crosses her arms and sulks in her inflatable hover fort.* Yay, glad you agree ...I don`t think it is aluminum either, its still aluminium (I just wanted to reply to add to the quote pyramid and also to say, while I do have a life, I also have waaaay too much free time. :smileytongue:) Two (or more) can play at this 'game'. FOR THE HORDE!!! Yay!! we made a multicultural Aluminium Pyramid out of penises FIFY... Dres
  18. Marigold Devin wrote: Marigold Devin wrote: You know how this forum software apparently bleeps out words that aren't allowed, such as ... let me see.... **bleep** and **bleep** ... Well if the software had been set up in the UK, then arse and fanny would undoubtedly be bleeped out. And those disallowed words were sh1t and p3nis But arse and fanny are allowed? Am I being a troll? Ah... but penises isn't bleeped, so it's okay as long as you have more than one... lol. ...Dres
  19. The ideal situation would be for the merchant to place a short statement in their profile stating which way they prefer customers to contact them. If they don't, then sending both might actually be the best idea... a notecard with a full explanation and the transaction information; then an IM saying you had an issue and sent a notecard describing it. @Aili: Unfortunately, nothing will stop people from leaving 1-star reviews for situations like this. Since I'm not a merchant, I know little about the steps you are able to take to rectify it when it does happen. Such as contacting the person that left the message, try to resolve it and hope they come back and change it or the merchant could leave a comment on the low review themself, stating the obvious. I'm not sure if the latter is possible with the Marketplace review system, but it seems like if that isn't, it should be changed so that it is. The one good thing is that the smart shoppers who actually read the reviews will see why the low review was given and not give it that much consideration... I know I wouldn't. ...Dres
  20. Um... I'm not impressed. Did you even notice how many prims they used to construct that platform? Outrageous. ...Dres
  21. Lia Abbot wrote: Actually I just remembered I saw another band at the Floral Hall, a bunch of up-and-coming guys called Genesis. I'd recently bought their album Trespass and thought them worth a look. Afterwards I had a chat with their drummer in the bar. A guy called Phil Collins. Very cool, I'm guessing that was back when Peter Gabriel was still with them. I just adore him. @Charolotte: I'm glad you enjoyed it. I thought the name alone was a pretty good description of SL... lol. ...Dres
  22. I'm seriously wishing I hadn't have used that as an example in my OP. It didn't occur to be at the time that it would have the effect of side tracking what is actually at the heart of the issue for me and give the wrong impression of an otherwise very nice, decent guy. I'm starting to realize that the issue, as I've come to understand it better because of the feed back here, begins and ends with me, not anyone else. I have a sense of community here in the forum that I don't have inworld, and if I'm being honest with myself, the only difference between the two is my own level of participation. When I first started posting here, no one knew me, of course, and I felt like an outsider. Eventually, people got to know me, I got to know them, I started opening up and eventually started feeling like I fit in. Why I should think it would work any other way inworld is beyond me. What Jamie said to me about putting up a massive guard really struck a cord. I tend to be very shy around people I don't know, it takes me quite a while to come out of my shell. Which means I have to be willing to stick it out for a while within any group before I can really start joining in. If I can do that, I might be able to find a place to fit in, if I can't, I never will. Why this never occurred to me before, I don't know. I really need to stop thinking about now, and just do it. Thanks everyone for helping me open my eyes. ...Dres
  23. Void Singer wrote: sorry Dres, you seem little emo It's the eye shadow... lol. Seriously, point taken. As a child I was seriously overly sensitive, to the point that I would break down if I thought someone just looked at me wrong... my mother had a hell of a time with me. It's gotten immeasurably better over the years, but I suppose it still creeps in every now and then. My work continues. ...Dres
  24. My sexuality isn't the be all and end all of who I am as a person. And if I had said I was wanting to become a part of an acting group and walked in stating, as you said, "Hi I'm Dresden and I'm gay", you would definitely have a point. That would be a bit ridiculous and it's something I would never be prone to do. In that instance, it just wouldn't matter. But in this case, I don't see how it could possibly not matter... my OP was about my figuring out where I fit in within the gay community specifically, as well as the community at large. The truth is I usually feel more comfortable around straight people then I do around gay people most of the time. If only because I feel less conflicted by my wanting to be able to express myself through unusual clothing choices as opposed to my wanting to be attractive to the very people to which I am attracted. It's not something I would expect you to easily understand unless you've walked a mile in my shoes (and with the height of my heels sometimes, I'm not even sure I could do that... lol). ...Dres
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