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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Lia Abbot wrote: Well so what? I had sex with him afterwards. Actually that's a complete lie. I just can't take being outdone! Yeah, but did he pop out of a box? ...Dres (Wait a minute... I don't wanna know... lol.)
  2. Most people's sexuality is automatically assumed to be heterosexual simply because it's more common than not. Making it unnecessary to state. Other people with varying other sexual preferences don't have it that way. I feel it would have been disingenuous of me to post about this issue without stating where I'm coming from for clarity. It's simply part of who I am that, in this instance, mattered... if it didn't, I would have no reason to state it and I wouldn't have. Nothing more, nothing less. ...Dres
  3. Wildcat Furse wrote: hopefully this is not gonna end up in a massive g*ngb*ng ........ c*m together mmhhhhhhhhhhhh ..:matte-motes-delicious: *meows* PS. nice logo!! I wouldn't mind, as long as it's "over me"... lol. ...Dres
  4. My mother has you and Lia beat by a mile. Not only did she tell me about seeing him perform when I was a mere child, but she also described the way he came out on stage, by which I was awed. Three people came out with three boxes, stacked them on top of each other and he burst out of them... I thought that was cool. She's the one responsible for turning me on to him in the first place... she also turned me on to these guys... ...Dres
  5. Thanks PeeWee. I was the only contributor, so that should be pretty clear... I just have to check my records and see if I was indeed charged. Accounting is not my strong suit... lol. ...Dres
  6. Perrie Juran wrote: I hate when a woman asks me "Is it in yet?" /me runs and cries //not really ///just my silly sense of humor ////slashies are fun Awww, I'd love to tell you I know how that feels, but unfortunately, that's not a problem I can relate to in any way... lol. /////you're right, they are //////especially in italics ...Dres
  7. You're very right, I do put up a massive guard and it's not easy to just let it go... even just trying to sometimes takes a lot of effort. That is one of the main reasons why I posted this, in hopes of getting a little feedback that will drive me into doing something about it at a time that I'm feeling really stuck. I will say that the guy absolutely meant to play that gesture and though I may have gotten a bit defensive, I did not act OTT about it. I didn't get angry or throw a fit... I merely stated that it kind of hurt my feelings, changed into something else and we went on with our evening. Maybe even that wasn't the right way to handle it, but I do tend to be very honest about what I'm feeling. I also don't think that he's a bad guy at all, as some have suggested, and in no way did I mean to infer that he was... just wanted to make that clear. I was only using that as an example of the kind of reaction I usually get from guys that expect me to "dress the part", or at least seem disappointed to learn that is not always my inclination. Perhaps it is an issue of my perception of other people's reaction, but I think I've come to that perception honestly... through years of conditioning. Also, I tend to over analyze things... can you tell? Just one more thing I need to slack up on a bit. On a side note, this issue has only popped up again for me because LL decided to make it possible to wear multiple tattoo layers, in turn, making it possible for me to wear all this fabulous makeup. So once again, it's all LL's fault... lol. @Everyone: Thank you all for your incredibly helpful and uplifting replies... all have been read, much appreciated and taken into consideration (even the ones that have mysteriously disappeared). @Phoebe: I will be checking out your club very soon, thank you. ...Dres
  8. OMG!!! I'm still heartbroken over being too young to be able to see Cat Stevens live...seeing Janis would have been mind blowing. And now for something completely different... Dolly Parton covering Cat Stevens in a groovy disco remake... lol... One of my all time favorites. ...Dres
  9. Great advice... I wish I had thought about doing that two months ago (contacting support, that is)... I might have saved myself a bit of money. ...Dres
  10. Canoro Philipp wrote: dont look for groups to fit in, just be yourself. i was part of many groups in my lifetime, exploring identity, attracted to what i liked about certain groups, they all very defined, style of clothing, the music, the ideology, etc.. you dont have to label yourself to any of that, obey certain lifestyle rules just to please them, is more valuable to be free and live your way, do what you like, make your own rules. there would be people that wont accept you and thats fine, nobody is accepted by everyone, you are accepted here by many of us, even at your bad moments, we all got our bad moments, thats part of being human, so just be you, enjoy your taste on things, and there will be people to accept you just the way you are. if you have tastes that are very contrast to each other, it doesnt mean you are contradictory, it means your taste has a very wide range. Wow... how could I have lived so long in this life and not internalized this message for myself (believe me. I've tried)? So much of my outside self in RL I've given up on ("oh, you're just too old to be dressing that way... give it up, bitch"... my own head talking). My grandmother once said in front of my RL boyfriend (when we first met), "Dresden? (of course, she used my RL name) Do you remember when you was crazy?" (meaning when I used to dress all goth/Cyndi Lauperish...) He got the biggest kick out of it and it has become a long running joke in our household. But yeah, I certainly remembered... I remembered how much fun it was... why I should stop myself, because of my own insecurities, from having fun with it in SL, I can't fathom. But I often do... and I'm just tired of it. Guess I have more to learn before it's all over. Thank you, Canoro. ...Dres Edited to fix stuff.
  11. It was hard to figure out where to put this post since it could easily fit into either one of the "Your Avatar", "Fashion" or "Lifestyles" forums, so I figured GD would be best. Anyway, when I was younger, I experimented a lot with extreme looks in RL... makeup and fishnets with army boots and leather jackets... things like that. In SL, I like to experimented a lot as well and I seem to run into the same problem. People (especially other gay guys) just don't understand. Seems like people want to put you into categories based on how you present yourself, and that is understandable.... to a point. It seems like, in the gay community anyway (though I'm sure the straight community shares some aspects of this), you are required to "dress the part". This makes me, sometimes feel boxed in. Let me illustrate what I'm talking about... (Macho enough, I suppose.) (Maybe not so much.) The other day I signed on and was getting dressed while I was IMing with the guy that I was sort of seeing. I told him I was glamming it up and he wanted me to TP him over so he could see. I wasn't wearing this particular outfit, but it was similar. When he got there and saw me, he "died laughing"... you know... that stupid gesture. It hurt my feelings and I told him so... the next day, he started avoiding me. Then, when I confronted him about it, he said he didn't want to see me anymore. Now, I'm not simple enough to place all the blame on him seeing me in that outfit (he did say nothing about that being the reason), but I can't help but let it cross my mind that it might have had something to do with it. Needless to say, I'm a bit selfconscious about it. Part of me wishes I could just say "**bleep** it, I don't give a **bleep**", but that's just not how I'm made up, I guess. I'm the type of person that can fit (but only to an certain extent) into different types of communities... where it usually goes haywire is when I try to get closer (even just being friends) with someone. Automatically, I think that I won't be excepted for the different aspects of who I am (which are very diverse and ultimately conflicting). At times I think I use this to keep myself from becoming involved with people. Part of me wants to; part of me is scared to... What if I let them down? What if they let me down? What if I'm ultimately not accepted? What if I am, then have to deal with the butt load of drama that just might ensue? See the conflict there? Making friends can be almost impossible when you put this much pressure on yourself and fear takes over. (I can't believe I'm revealing this much about myself here.) Sometimes I wonder why I even try staying in SL at this point... all of my good personal friends have basically, for all intents and purposes, left SL and I'm finding it harder and harder to make new ones. I don't think SL has changed as much as I have... perhaps I've grown cynical in my old SL age. Ultimately, I guess my question is... how do I resolve myself to the fact that I will probably never fit in, completely anyway, with any group, but at the same time, not be afraid to try? Thank you in advance for any and all advice. ...Dres ETA: Damn... forgot to give it a real subject... lol.
  12. kattatonia Wickentower wrote: Oh but Storm, it is all a matter of perspective isn't it? I am well aware of the reasons so many feel bitterly about that unnamed individual. For what it's worth, I too experienced in my very first post on the old jive forum a vicious attack. I didn't understand it at the time and I took it personally and was hurt. I later realized that every newcomer to the forum was suspect to that extremely competitive, paranoid individual who had ESL issues. I am not excusing them, but I do understand. I don't dwell on it either. They are gone now. Let's let it go. Absolutely, continually bringing this person up is just feeding the beast. There are still some dogs around that could use a little starvation, but that's another topic entirely. To get us back on track... another one of my favorites... For some ungodly reason, I can't seen to embed it, so here's the ."You don't have to go take anybody's sh*t, man, just to like music" - Janis ...Dres
  13. Dillon Levenque wrote: Lia Abbot wrote: Oh Dillon, you must be so glad you're not typing utter nonsense any more! (special thanks to Dres for the gif; I knew I'd find uses for it ;-) You are very welcomed, sweety. I know I do. I only wish we could rearrange the pics in our images so that the ones we use the most would pop up first in line. That one would be second. <---would be first and third is a tie between ---> & & . ...Dres
  14. Try looking into one of these two possibilities: Last month, I had to sell group deeded land back to myself and deed it to another group twice. The first time, when I checked my tier level, it had been raised to the next one. But I was able to manually change it back to what it was supposed to be (I have to say, I'm not sure if I was actually still charged for it, but it is a distinct possibility). The second time it never change which I found strange because it was the same exact land and I didn't do anything differently. So you need to check and see if you can change it back manually and hope you aren't charged. Also, when you have land deeded to a group, your land usage amount is deducted a certain percentage, in essence allowing you to purchase more land before you hit the next tier level. In which case, if you were close enough to the next tier level, selling your land to yourself may have pushed you into the next level, because then the deduction wouldn't apply any longer. What both of us may have done wrong is explained in the wiki here. We probably should have removed our land group contribution before we bought it back from our group. Unfortunately, I didn't read this before, so I guess we've both learned something here. Good luck ...Dres Edited for clarity and stuff.
  15. How bizarre... I never realized LL censored our screen_last captures like that... lol. ...Dres
  16. Lastarls Ireto wrote: I don't agree with every single point (for some reason, I have a fondness for walls that have actual thickness to them) I believe that was the point he was making when he said, "3. Walls and doors aren't paper thin; 'nough said". That being said, I believe there are times when it's acceptable here and there. As long as there's no way to tell that it's really that thin, which granted, will not be very often. It really depends on the lay out. ...Dres
  17. Tamara Artis wrote: Even faster? Can we see it too Dres? Please:) Well, it really depends on your system. Since Maya's is a bit older, I was going to suggest she turn off "Use HTTP Textures" in the Graphics/Rendering tab... if in fact it's on by default, which I believe it is. That and the "Enable OpenGL Vertex Buffer Objects" in the Graphics/Hardware tab. Some people run better with these turned on, some with them turned off... it's system specific. If you decide to try it you'll have to log off afterward and manually delete your cache before you sign back in (link). ...Dres
  18. Lillie Woodells wrote: Dee, it was either a turd in the punch bowl or a master baiter. No comment, but use your imagination... lol. Lillie Woodells wrote: @Dres Fantastic response! I'm sorry you had a bad day and I sincerely hope that today is much better for you *offers you a big hug* Awww, thanks =)... I feel better already. I'm sure I'll meet someone else... maybe this Mike guy is cute. ...Dres
  19. You're right, and I apologize to Celestiall and everyone for the tone of my last post here. I was in a foul mood last night having basically been dumped by the person I was interested in right before that. I usually try not to let my personal drama interfere with my posting here, unfortunately I didn't do a very good job of that in this instance. I'd rather spike the punch than add turds to it. A peace offering... ...Dres
  20. Oh get over yourself. Perhaps lash out was not the fairest assessment of your reaction. But honestly, a few people replied to your publicly accessible post trying to point out the positives that might have outshined what you found to be so negative. Is that really such a bad thing? If that's all it takes to get you bent out of shape, than maybe you're right about not being on the SL forums. I'm glad I could be of assistance. ...Dres
  21. Void Singer wrote: oh great pretty much like real life =S hmm slum lord seems inappropriate though... and slum lady sounds even less appealing... ooo, I know, SLUM Empress lol (that way you can be SLUM Queen unless someone else beats you to it) =D Oh hell no... it's mine, all mine. *dons his SLUMiara, laughing like Renfield* ...Dres
  22. Dillon Levenque wrote: I also hope I don't lose any friends over this. The only friends you would lose over this are friends you never needed to begin with, my thought is that there will be none. ...Dres
  23. What I was thinking of for you had nothing to do with the chat lag, since there's nothing that can be done about it... that's on LL. Tomorrow let's get together and I'll try to show you some things that may make Firestorm even faster for you as far as rez time is concerned. See you then sweety. ...Dres
  24. How sad it is that you feel you have to lash out at people that are just trying to point out the positive aspects of what was meant to be a positive experience. Go ahead and concentrate on the negative if you wish... I, for one, will not let myself be sucked into that black hole. I wish you all the best. ...Dres
  25. As far as I'm concerned SLUM is the thing to call it. I like it, I think it's catchy and multifunctional. You have now, in my eyes, become a SLUMlord. Congratulations! ...Dres
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