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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. There's a setting in your dashboard that enables you to get your offline IMs sent to your email... if I'm telling you the truth. Mayalily wrote: @ Dres, no I don't lie or not answer There's no way you can avoid not answering every single time... therefore I deem you to be speaking fictitiously. ...Dres
  2. Finally someone honest... but only if we can believe what you are saying is true. You wish your pants were on fire... don't lie. ...Dres
  3. Ahhhh... here we have a liar that attempts to offer unsubstantiated proof... bravo!!! ...Dres (you win a gold star)
  4. Esparanza Azalee wrote: I use phoenix and I had to get use to ims adding up at the bottom.. First of all I just tell people that IM me as soon as I see it that I am already engaged in another conversation and that I will get back to them later unless they just want drop me a NC.... Lies.. all lies. ...Dres
  5. Persephone Emerald wrote: I have not lied about not receiving an IM, but I have pretended to have semi-important RL stuff to do or pretended to crash when I was really just bored. "Sorry, I have to go" is still basically true. I'm just not saying "I have to go now because I'm so bored I want to scream." Pretending is lying... your pants require a fire extinguisher. ...Dres
  6. Maryanne Solo wrote: What viewer is it Dres? In Firestorm individual avi's chat windows will flash with each massage. *winx lol (oops wrong window) Yeah Firestorm, but no, I think I may have set it so that they don't. Of course I could be lying about that. =P @Sylvia: It's blatantly clear you are lying. @Marigold: You're lying as well... I can tell. @Wiked: I don't believe a word you said. ...Dres
  7. Okay so, here's the issue... it may be that I'm not familiar enough with the viewer I'm using, but sometimes I completely miss people's IMs. I may have set up my viewer so that when someone IMs me (I don't mean when they first IM me... it's when I'm already in a conversation with them and they reply to me), I miss it. Does this ever happen to you? If I'm being honest, there are times when I'll get an IM from someone and ignore it for a while... then I'll say something like, "Oh sorry, I was afk." It doesn't happen often, at least not on purpose (see the second sentence) and I usually am being truthful when I say it. Sometimes I'm not though. Do you ever lie to people like that? Of course, I never, ever really lie about that kind of thing, how dare you accuse me of that? =P ...Dres (I may not respond right away... I could be afk.)
  8. Oh most certainly... I'll get one for my sister too... just 'cuz. ...Dres
  9. I am a member... I forced my way in. A lady who lunches with a little something extra... lol. I finally got inworld... had to call my ISP and everything... damn them. ...Dres
  10. DQ Darwin wrote: Hi Jacki, I just happened to be on the grid so I sent you an invite. Hope to see you soon:) For anyone else interested "How does one get to be a LWL" just IM any of the group members. No dues and no special requirements, although the odd silly looking hat does help. Hugs Dammit... I can't get inworld right now... I think my modem is borked. I was so looking forward to either getting an invite or feeling really sad because I didn't... lol. *hugs* ...Dres (I'm gonna try again.)
  11. Klogs... I just wanted to say that, even though it's a terribly ugly word. ...Dres
  12. Six Igaly wrote: V3 rocks!..Same nice interface as V2 From what I've heard V3 this is not different enough from V2 to merit the new version number. Having never used it myself, I can't say. But I'm wondering what your thoughts are on that... or anyone's who knows. ...Dres Edited to change a word.
  13. Ceka Cianci wrote: Peewee Musytari wrote: Ceka Cianci wrote: i'm curious where all the extra clicks are that everyone talks about..maybe it's that i use firestorm and we have pie ..i know without pie i clicked a lot..but besides that i don't notice the extra clicks.. was that where they were..where there was no pie? omg now i want pie.. One that springs to mind is...Sending someone an item. V1= Open profile, drag/drop item. V2= Open profile, click actions, click share, get redirected to an IM box, drag/drop item. mmmmm pie =^^= Nahm Nahm Nahm =^^= i can do that in firestorm..open profile and drag and drop.. Did you know that you don't even have to open a profile in Firestorm? I only figured this out the other day... you can actually drag and drop into an IM with someone to give them an item. I think that's pretty cool. I have no idea if V2 has that functionality... I never use it. ...Dres
  14. Let me address this paragraph by paragraph... Greene Paine wrote: Seriously, I don't get it. Could someone maybe explain in clear terms exactly what it is about v1 they like so much? I realize v2 has a sidebar ... v1 doesn't. Umm .... v1 has a pie chart clicky thing, v2 uses a menu. ... .... v1 has more .... blue? Yay for pie. Blue is beautiful. Greene Paine wrote: I mean I understand all the cool things TPV like Firestorm add (named crosshairs, chat radius, zoom to avatar, etc...) but what is so intangible about a v1 like Pheonix that it can't be ported to Firestorm?? The interface... that's the main problem with the official V2. Firestorm does a lot to take that sad song and make it better. Greene Paine wrote: In other words ... how much would you need to change a v1 viewer before it lost its v1ness, likewise how much would you need to add to a v2 to gain v1ness? The two shall never achieve oneness. Greene Paine wrote: Also a note to Lindens ... why don't you open your eyes and actively absorb the innovation of the TPVs into the main viewer? Seriously guys. How long would it take to add a freekin' chat range circle on the minimap?? Don't hold your breath. Greene Paine wrote: If I'm not completely bonkers, I seem to remember that the purpose of TPV in the first place was to allow for rapid improvement in the SL viewer by allowing the open source community to improve it. So yeah .... were improving it ... now freekin' add it already. >.< You're just completely bonkers... lol. Seriously, LL does implement TPV innovations. Unfortunately, the only thing they are good at doing quickly is releasing half-baked software, then expecting it's user base to not only deal with it, but help them figure out how to fix it. I'm sure there's a plaque somewhere in the LL offices with something close to that engraved on it, only slightly better worded. ...Dres
  15. Sylvia Tamalyn wrote: Owners of sims banning whomever they please is not "unconstitutional"...actually, it's not a violation (indirect or otherwise) of TOS, either. Have you considered owning your own sim so you can set it up the way that you want it to be? This is what I was going to say, but I was going to add that it's because, while the TOS bans discrimination, it's based on RL factors, not avatar appearance. The only thing you can really do is not go there anymore and chalk it up to their loss. ...Dres
  16. Ima Rang wrote: kattatonia Wickentower wrote: Pep wrote: "RECLAIM THE FORUMS!" Pep (is reminded of the way in which the ex-Commerce forumites attempted to impose their culture on the RA regulars in the JIve forums; they failed, as is the fate of the lwl/mwh coalition.) Who the heck are the MWH? Men With Halitosis? Men Without Honor? Men Who Hoard? Merry Widow Hive? I don't know. ...Dres
  17. Well thanks. :matte-motes-big-grin: The rest of this stuff is superfluous. ...Dres
  18. Darrius Gothly wrote: FWIW, Linden Lab could probably even turn it into an income center (although not much of one) simply by requiring all complaints that go beyond Stage One are accompanied by a "Filing Fee" similar to the small court fees paid when filing a case in Small Claims Court in the USA. Lol... I can see it... Dakota in a Judge Judy avi. ...Dres
  19. Gadget Portal wrote: Dresden Ceriano wrote: @Gadget: I understood your point... I was just joking. ...Dres Well... Next time.. joke better! Sun's up. That means I've been awake all night again and forgot to sleep, so that explains why I may have missed the joke. So have I... could be why my joke was so bad... lol. I'm going to bed now. Goodnight ...Dres
  20. I agree they are the exception and the measures shouldn't have to be draconian, there has to be a balance that protects customers without putting undue pressure on merchants. It's a similar situation to the government regulating corporate activities in RL, only the stakes are not as high. @Gadget: I understood your point... I was just joking. ...Dres
  21. Hayley Spore wrote: Hahahaha well they can't have them! Germany is too far away. Here, you win the prize *bows* ...Dres (Leave it to a queen to come up with an original boob joke... lol.)
  22. Lol... have you hugged your asshole today? ...Dres
  23. Gadget Portal wrote: To me, that's ineffective support staff that can't contact you to resolve support issues. To me, it sounds more like ineffective training of support staff and failing to give them the authority to deal with a simple problem when it comes up... which is the creator's responsibility. Oh and, in the wild west, you could also get shot. Just saying... lol. ...Dres
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