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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Maybe you should just gtfo... lol. ...Dres ETA: Or just be quite.
  2. Canoro Philipp wrote: i understand your interest mickey, maybe you had noticed that some of the old GD personalities are not around, some unvoluntarily like Ima said, some under their own decision. i was referring to "they" as the ones who didnt want to come back by decision, at least it seemed that way because the change to how was it regularly was very noticeable, is still is for some. i was wrong in making a separation between "them" and "us", the forums doesnt belong to "us", it belongs to linden lab. i grew an attachment to these forums, i love these forums, and that feeling gave me a sense of belonging. youre right, i let my feelings show more than what it should. i apologize. Bravo! ...Dres
  3. Again I'm speaking in general terms... it's not "their" forum... it's not "our" forum... it's actually LL's forum. I fail to see how an us versus them mentality will do us any good. Sure we have different views, but don't we really all want the same thing? A thriving forum with a sense of community that is enjoyable for all? I'd rather see us all get together and help LL make this a better place to be for all of us, than see us fighting amongst ourselves. I understand how some of the posters that have been here the whole time would get defensive when people start coming in and complaining after leaving for whatever reason when Lithium was introduced. I believe that is an understandable initial reaction, but that doesn't negate the fact that their statements are just as valid as any one else's. I think it's like saying, "Hey, you don't like it? Get off your asses and help us fix it," more so than, "You have no place here." But I also understand how the people coming back giving their honest opinion, would get bent out of shape when they feel and in some cases actually are being told, "If you don't like it gtfo." I, for one, am delighted that these guys are coming back around and contributing something once again. I'm hoping at least some will decide to stick around and help provide what they feel is so sorely lacking. That and help us to get LL to lighten the hell up a bit. ...Dres
  4. Maryanne Solo wrote: I think the forums are almost great now. But, in order to guarantee a level playing field and eliminate the undeserved, self appointed spokesperson/moderator mentality, there should really be a mechanism in place whereby you can only post once per 5 hours of inworld presence, or similar, with an allowance for new avatars up to a certain age. That would go some way toward addressing such unsavoury practices as starting threads specifically to antagonise others and the inclusion of inane comment from such self appointees in every single thread. Eg: Kind of like how my little sister has interrupted me three times as I type this lol. ('cept she's way cool). The beating of ones pixel chest or public preening is a tad irksome and funnily enough, not a positive contribution at all. Excessive noise does not indicate quality. (such grandstanding is unfathomable quite frankly, very distracting and leads me to forget to inculde paragraps as well:() I can honestly say I don't understand how that would do a bit of good. Seems to me like the playing field is already pretty level, in that people can post what they want as long as it gets by the moderators. No one can really self-appoint themselves anything. Some people may be more vocal about things than others but that's their choices respectively, no one's voice is really more important than anyone else's. And if anyone thinks they are they are simply deluding themselves. You (in the general sense) have the choice as to how you deal with someone trying to antagonize you or how you react if someone posts an inane comment... that's where you have the control. You simply can't control what other people say and do. The fact that you don't like the way a person behaves doesn't mean that they should not be allowed to behave that way, up to a point. The argument here is, as I see it, where that point is. Not only are the restrictions you suggest draconian, I fail to see how that would stop people from posting in any certain way and would most certainly lead to the destruction of any possibility of having any kind of real discussion, whether it be pleasant or not. Then where would our community be? ...Dres
  5. You thought I was joking? *writes a long, scathing anti-Scylla rant which includes insults with such incredible precision and beauty that nothing like them has ever before been heard by mankind... takes a deep breath... hits the cancel button*
  6. Storm Clarence wrote: (this forum) should become a place where people can confidently play and disagree without being disagreeable. We seek to recruit more kindred spirits to make coherent arguments regarding the conduct of the forums to Lexie and her Mods. If we are successful then I am sure that we will be able to enjoy ourselves and develop the interest of lurkers and new joiners in participating confidently and comfortably. I completely agree. I thought about creating a thread in the forum feedback forum (I snicker every time I write that) about the moderation issue(s) but I was afraid it would be moderated out of existence. Perhaps I should grow some balls and just do it. At least then we'd have a place where we can seriously discuss the stifling moderation, then that way, any post that goes off thread can become the victim of murderation or RICicide... lol. But that will have to happen later, because I'm exhausted and need to get some sleep before my brain looses what little bit of cognitive function it has left. ...Dres
  7. @Pep: Brilliant. @Ima: I love the quote of Philip's, mangled or not... it makes me think about what SL was like when I first joined. I kind of thought there were things lurking around every corner, it was exciting and definitely a big part of why I liked it so much. The thing is, I'm not sure how that applies to a forum... I mean, what's to be gained and lost? From where is the pain supposed to be coming? My first thought wasn't about the old forum but this one and it's current state of moderation. Think about it... you post something and there will be the danger that it will be deleted if you step too close to some invisible boundary. Therefore, you loose the effort you put into writing it in the first place and that can be painful, I suppose. Something like "only the nice survive" or "the meek shall inherent the forum".... that is scary. But I just don't see the forum as a battlefield where one faction needs to be pitted against the other in a fight to the death in order to make it interesting. I would hope that there could be some sort of middle ground, so we can have interesting discussions without the fear of being beaten into the ground by some idiot with a grudge. That is far from what we have here and instead of fighting amongst ourselves about stupid interpersonal drama, we should be banning together to get what we feel is wrong corrected. The worst part is that the mods can easily see a post or thread that questions their performance and decide it needs to be pulled, therefore stifling our ability to effectively discuss the issue from the very start. And the fact that hardly anyone is getting told the reasons for the removals, makes it even more difficult. In a way, the work that's already been done was the easiest part. Getting everything situated, fixing broken links, tweaking things and stuff. Getting a GD forum back was a big step and something that I advocated for heavily. I kept saying that we needed a place to be... that there could be no sense of community without that. And I believe I was right... there is more of a sense of community here now. Only now we're faced with the question of what kind of community do we want it to be and will LL be willing to take the steps necessary in order for us to have it. Lexie might have to start stepping up the meetings (I spelled it meatings at first... lol) again if we all start chiming in about it... I really wish that would happen. I honestly think we all, or rather most of us, want the same thing. But who's willing to work for it? ...Dres *raises his hand*
  8. Storm Clarence wrote: Orfeu Miles wrote: Out of respect for Ima....and some of the names on 3rd party forums who keep extolling the virtues of what this place has the potential to become. FIFY Now that makes more sense... lol. ...Dres
  9. Venus Petrov wrote: I agree, people will do what they want and people will read all sorts of things into a post. That is part of the drama. Ahhh, you're right and you have taught me a valuable lesson. Thanks ...Dres
  10. Being a songwriter, I have to say I was heavily and directly influenced by the Beatles. There could be songwriters that don't like the Beatles (as if... lol) that don't even realize they are being influence by them at least by proxy. As far as Lady Gaga goes, she may be taking from a lot of places, but she puts it all together very well. Whether or not she's actually plagiarizing anyone should be left up to the courts to decide... until then, I'll enjoy dancing to her stuff and having a good time. Call me a fool... lol. ...Dres
  11. People are extolling the virtues of this place on third party forums? That's funny. ...Dres
  12. Venus Petrov wrote: I think that adult conversations are preferable to threads filled with youtube vids and dancing emoticons. Even if these conversations have some dissent...so what? Must we agree on everything? We should be able to disagree without becoming disagreeable. Oh I like both kinds depending on my mood. And I certainly don't think we all have to agree on everything all the time... how boring would that be? Seems like the moderation is still a bit heavy-handed for my tastes, but maybe, they can be gently persuaded to ease up a bit. What I would really not like to see seep back into the forum, is people posting threads, however carefully disguised, with the intended purpose of airing some grievance with an individual or group of individuals, formal or informal. I just think there are better places for that kind of behavior. But people will do what they want, right? ...Dres
  13. Void Singer wrote: @OP: LGG isn't that bad (I think her talents are wasted on the crap shes putting out commercially though) there is some mainstream stuff I like, but I like to step off the path of radio play just a bit... Tori Amos, Dresden Dolls, Decemeberists, Ani DiFranco, Leslie Fish, Placebo, etc... I also like a lot of classical, though I tend to enjoy focused pieces more than full orchesta, so lots of concertos as opposed to symphonies. also Ambient techno. but I'll listen to anything that isn't old country (the newer popish stuff I like better) or gangsta rap (old school is better, hip hop is tolerable), and I love some good metal. Our taste in music is strikingly similar... of course I'd have to add techno-pop, Industrial and EBM to the mix. Tori is one of my all time favorites and I'm named after the Dresden Dolls I like them so much. I agree with you about concertos, especially piano (mostly because I play piano, I guess)... though I do enjoy a good symphony and sometimes the occasional chamber piece. Honestly, my musical tastes are all over the place... therefore, it's only fitting that I should love both the Beatles and Lady Gaga... imagine that... lol. ...Dres
  14. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: Is it possible to be creatively -- even lovingly -- "silent" in a text environment like this? Absolutely. Oh, the vitriol that sometimes comes pouring off of my fingers into this little text box can be quite creative at times... the loving part comes from pushing the cancel button when I'm done. ...Dres
  15. I believe this latest incarnation of the forum is vastly superior to the last one. The Jive forums were filling with hate-spewing dramafests, idiotic infighting, vitriolic rants and wholly uncalled for personal attacks. There was hardly ever a thread that didn't go down in flames by the end of it. That anyone would look back at that cesspool with any sense of nostalgia, is beyond me. Sure the Lithium forum was a scattered mess under draconian moderation when it was first introduced and I can see why people were running away from it with their tails between their legs. But some of us decided to stick it out and work with the powers that be to mold it into a useable platform. It's nice seeing some old names pop up in this thread, but honestly, if you guys hadn't have left then maybe you'd have had some say in the direction that this forum has gone. Of course, it's not too late. What you do is your choice, but what good does it do to come here and wax poetic about some old drama filled wasteland that will, hopefully, never see the light of day again? If you were to have looked at my post count at the end of the Jive forums you'd have seen that they didn't even reach 200, now I'm edging 1000... why? Because, now I feel comfortable that I can post about something, even something highly personal if I so choose, and not be worried about being cut to pieces by some asinine bulltroll. To me... that is freedom. Sure, there are some things we just can't talk about here, places we can't go and I do get pissed about some of the tactics that the moderators seem to be employing at times, but there are avenues to making things better here. It may take some time and effort, but it can be done. I, for one, will continue trying to make this a better place... because that's what I want. ...Dres
  16. Ceka Cianci wrote: thats not what i heard..i heard madonna came from the past to the future and went back and was doing all of lady gagas stuff.. just give them time to find the missing time machine to link it all together.. just you doubters wait and see who the real madaga is!\o/ hehehhee She did the same for the Beatles... Didn't you know? ...Dres
  17. WARNING: Wall of Video Ceka was right, these video threads are addictive. I've already spend what seems like days on this thread... lol. It's so interesting to see what everyone's taste in music is... so much good stuff. ...Dres
  18. Scylla Rhiadra wrote: Oh, there's always one in the crowd, isn't there? You'll bring the house down on us with that noise, Oh come oh, Scylla, sometimes noise is art. And sometimes you just have to break something... ...Dres (That little girl creeps me out... lol.)
  19. Pulling whole threads is not the only thing wrong. I posted to a person in a thread who's post insinuated something derogatory about the OP without an explanation of what they were getting at... so I reply with "What's your point?"... simple right? I went back to it a while later and that post was gone, but mine remained, only now it looked like I replied to the OP. Sure people make mistake, but I'm absolutely certain I replied to the post that I meant to reply to that mysteriously disappeared. So I edited my post, stating my displeasure, then (believe it or not) I RICed my own post... lol. Crazy right? But I really wanted an explanation as to what had happened there, so that I could let Lexie know if there was an issue... all of which I stated in my RIC message. As of yet, I have not gotten a reply and my post remains. I'm truly alarmed at how many threads are being pulled lately. I wouldn't even know this if I hadn't been reading a blog where people were posting links to threads that were pulled shortly after. Though I never saw these threads, it was reported that they broke no TOS or CS rules (by more than one person) nor did they deteriorate into a slug fest. And, to top that off, the OP of one of them said they have not even received a notice as to why their thread was pulled. This just won't do. I'm really trying to wrap my mind around what the core problem is. It's become difficult to communicate about issues in the forum when posts are being pulled. I hate to be cynical but have to suppose that some posts and maybe even threads get pulled simply so that the moderators can cover their asses... if we can't discuss it, they can't be called out on it. I sincerely hope this thread doesn't get pulled but I have a feeling that, at some point, it will... which would be quite unfortunate. ...Dres
  20. One thing you will never get is a clear consensus on viewer choice. A lot depends on what your computer can handle and what features you want. Even when you've chosen a viewer, there are many things you can do to personalize your settings to get the best graphics and performance on your system... that may require a bit of research. The best thing you can do for now is use the official viewer until you get used to it. Then once you're set with that, try out a different viewer that is on the third party viewer list and see which one works best for you. I have to point out that the viewers on the third party viewer list are merely sanctioned for used by Linden Labs (meaning the code has been checked and approved), but they will not provide support for them. Most third party viewers have their own support teams... you can find that information on their websites. Also, make sure you only download third party viewers from their official sites and never ever use a viewer that someone just sends you a link for or you find through Google, because then you won't know if the code has been tampered with maliciously. Hope this helps ...Dres
  21. OMG... you have started something inside of me.... Peter Gabriel is like my god. My absolutely favorite song by him is Solsbury Hill... but my favorite rendition of it is by Erasure... you can't get much happier than that... ...Dres
  22. Yay Lenya, I love Bjork... great songs, but my favorite is when she was with the Sugarcubes... ...Dres
  23. You bitch... how dare you insinuate that I should be considered for psychoanalysis... it has never done me any good... lol. Love you... Dres
  24. OMG... Katt.. I love you... we have such similar tastes in music... that Jack Johnson I'd never heard before, but I absolutely love it. The rest I have and I love them as well... thank you so much. Of course, I won't post without including something else... ...Dres
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