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Dresden Ceriano

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Everything posted by Dresden Ceriano

  1. Oh you bitch.... I absolutely love Cinema Paradiso. Being American and therefore lazy as hell, there's not many non-English speaking movies that I've been exposed to... this is one of my absolute favorites... thank you. ...Dres
  2. I have to say... I've never really watched American Idol or So you think you can dance... but it makes me feel really good that they are exposing some really great songs to more people that would have ever heard them. Also, I have to admit, I did watch "The Voice" pretty much all the way through... and loved it. You posted a sad song from Idol earlier, and it was great, but when you did, my first thought was to automatically to post this, but for some reason I waited. I'm posting it now... it's one of the finalists of the voice singing "Beautiful" with Christina... it has never sounded so good or been sung with such emotion, as far as I'm concerned. I hope you enjoy it... ...Dres
  3. Damn you Tem... and Storm as well... nothing that has been posted so far has effected me as much. Like I said in my happy song thread, I was a classical music freak from way back... you bitches made me cry more than any woman has... I hate you both... lol. ...Dres
  4. First off, I did not call you ignorant, but I must say... everyone is ignorant to something... no one knows everything. So, as you see, I readily admit that I am ignorant of things as well... but I do have some knowledge about what is being discussed. There are many, many reasons for people to not like Norton anti-virus... if you have no knowledge of them, then you are indeed ignorant to that information... that does not mean you are stupid by any means... maybe just uninformed. I only stated what I did because I've heard many, many negative things about Norton Anti-virus and those very things I have experienced myself. If you haven't try another, better anti-virus software then you wouldn't know... therefore, you'd be ignorant to the difference. As I said, I would not have insulted you for not knowing these things... and that was never my intent here... I'm truly sorry you took it that way. I was honestly only offering you a reason why you got a reaction like that. I never meant to put you down... honestly ...Dres
  5. I was not bombarded at all (I'm sure I didn't give anyone time enough to bombard me)... I took it upon myself to join and I'm sure glad I did. What an incredibly warn welcome I received. Love you guys... ooops, sorry... girls. ...Dres
  6. @Storm: I love it... I'm very familiar with it as well... I was a classical nerd way before I ever branched out into "modern" music. @Sylvia: I love that song. Oh happy times!!! @Dillon: I'm not a big fan of Hall & Oates but you are right... that is a happy song... thanks. ...Dres
  7. Well, a shooting spree can be a happy event depending on how you look at it... lol. Honestly, I am a song writer (though most people wouldn't know that) and I have a tendency to write happy, peppy songs about the most horrible things. If I had the equipment to enable me to share them inworld I certainly would... maybe I need to talk to Lillie to get more information about that. I would love to share my musical creativity with you all, as limited as it may be. ...Dres
  8. Well... you have to consider that Firestorm is in beta, so there will be bugs. But the Phoenix devs are mostly concentrating on giving their users a stable experience (which is why they are lagging a bit behind other viewers as far as LL features). I'm hoping that once they come out with an actual release, things will be much better as far as crashes are concerned, not to mention the LL features that are not available with Firestorm atm. ...Dres
  9. Wildcat Furse wrote: oh, you are partnered with your alt???? :matte-motes-shocked: *meows* I've thought about doing that many, many times... sometimes a guy can get tired of being hit on too. ...Dres
  10. YAY!!!!! Okay dammit, I'm getting on right now. Here I thought I was gonna have to come up with a group of my own... Lads Who Lunch... maybe? Men Who Munch? Ooooo no, that just won't do... lol. My dancing shoes are always ready. ...Dres
  11. Great song Sylvia... it makes me happy too. I really love these video threads... I've been exposed to more great music this week then I've been in the last ten years (alright... that could be hyperbole... lol). Here's another one (I have so many... lol)... ...Dres
  12. nikita Jefferson wrote: Back when i complained about it i received many insullts for using norton from the forums Well, that's to be expected... many people can't stand Norton and with good reason. That being said, I would never insult anyone for simply being ignorant of the problems it can and does cause... but that is perhaps a topic for a different discussion on a different forum. ...Dres (I heard, a while back, that Norton came out with a gamer version that was pretty good, but I've never looked into it since there are so many superior anti-virus programs out there... just saying.)
  13. Lia Abbot wrote: Actually, Dres, your comment reminds me of a story I once heard. I can't swear it's true, but it was Peter Cook, one of the funniest men who ever lived, so I'm prepared to believe it. Apparently a minion rang him up one day and told him that Andrew and Fergie would like him to come to dinner. His response? 'Let me check my calendar... No sorry, I seem to be watching television that night.' Damn... why didn't I think of that? @Maryanne: That was pretty much my experience there as well... except I didn't know a soul and went there stag... oh and didn't contribute anything afterwards except my pic, which I did take on your pose stand. The thing is, I felt I knew everyone there because of getting to know them in the forums, so really it felt like home to me. That alone made it an incredible experience. Strangely, I've made very few inworld friends through the forums, but then again I haven't really put forth the effort to do so... that's something I'm trying to change now. I have great regard for so many people here. I guess I was of a mind set that my inworld experience should be different that my in-forum experience... now I'm thinking I was completely wrong about that from the start. It's hard for me to reach out and try to make friends inworld, but that's what I've been trying to do. I've been trying to go to more and more events with forum members. Of course, it's been hampered in the last week by my problems with my back, which keeps me off of SL and only able to post here occasionally... simply because sitting at my computer exacerbates the problem. But it's getting better day by day, so soon I will have no excuse... lol. Luckily I've been invited to join and joined a few groups on my own that are forum member related... not to mention twitter and the new SLum, so I'm more informed about what's going on. I do hope to get to know people from here inworld more and more in the future. Love all around ...Dres (If someone can, please, let me know whether or not I'm allowed to join the LWL group, I'd be very appreciative. I wasn't about to just do it, even though I really want to.)
  14. I feel like this thread had to be started in order to counter the effects if this thread. Here's a few from me to get us started... Last but not least... my theme song... Granted, most of these are pretty old... but then again, so am I... lol. Let's get some happiness going... YAY!!!! ...Dres
  15. Alright, so once again, I'm posting before listening to any of the songs. I may just wait to do that until I need a good cry... everyone needs a good cry sometimes. So many to choose from... I know what you're thinking... from country to opera? Yeah, tear worthiness can come from anywhere for me. I didn't wanna start my day in tears, but just looking for these on YouTube did me in... damn you Quinn... you better enjoy it... lol. ...Dres (Might as well pour myself a drink and listen to all the other songs posted here... perhaps I am a bit overdue.) ETA: I've decided to take measures to counteract the effects of this tear laden post... to feel better click here.
  16. Willow Danube wrote: 3. Answer this: If you a homosexual/unknown gender: What hair colour would you like on your preferred gender of choice? Awww... since you've gone through the trouble of changing your post, the least I can do is give you an answer. In general, I prefer brunettes, though I wouldn't refuse someone with a different color... it really depends on the avatar. Hell, even skinheads are hot sometimes. My sister had a blonde avatar for almost two years in SL until she decided to switch accounts. Now she a brunette and says she gets a lot more attention now than she did before. She's always saying, "I always thought blonds had more fun... boy was I wrong." So you never know. Oh and I know she prefers brunette men as well... must run in the family. ...Dres ETA: Ooops... I must have missed the word limit... oh well... lol.
  17. Oh, no worries... just pick it for me. I couldn't give a "straight" answer anyway... lol. ...Dres
  18. Hey Tyler... I think you need more huds... lol. ...Dres
  19. What if I'm gay... will you decide my color for me? ...Dres *hates making decisions anyway*
  20. Contact someone in the Phoenix/Firestorm Support group and since you have it all written out here, you might just want to point them to this thread. Hopefully they can help get you back up and running again. Good luck ...Dres
  21. You can't... hence the not transferable part. ...Dres ETA: If it's something you'd rez inworld instead of wearing on your avatar, you can always have your old account rez it for your new account to use. If you do that, remember to set it so that your new account has permission to edit your old account's objects.
  22. My Sid Viciousesque chain and padlock makes it onto most of my outfits. It was one of the free slave collars from Open Collar, but once I modified it (by taking out a few links, fitting it perfectly to my shape and changing the lock's body color from gold to silver) I realized I liked it so much that I just had to take the control scripts out of it so I could wear it without fear of being mistaken as a submissive. Now I find myself wearing it most of the time. When I was much, much younger, in RL, I used to wear a real chain and padlock (like you'd get in a hardware store). Talk about a heavy accessory... needless to say, I didn't wear it very often. Luckily, the one in SL is a lot lighter and much easier to wear... I wonder why that is... lol. ...Dres
  23. If you know how to advertise, why are you even asking this? Just advertise for your agency as you would for any other client. I mean if you can't get people to do business with you, why would anyone think you could get people to do business with them? ...Dres
  24. jjccc Coronet wrote: You must have installed the wrong version if you read there blog it tells you about the other version that dosnt screw up your computer The differences in versions have to do with whether or not your CPU supports SSE2. If it doesn't, the viewer will not work correctly but it will not screw up your computer, so, in this case, that wouldn't be an issue. ...Dres
  25. It's a shame that this has happened to you. Have you considered that what happened could have been merely coincidental? I'm never heard of the installation of a viewer wreaking such havoc on a system. It could be that your system wasn't all that healthy to begin with and installing another program was all it took to break the camel's back. I only say this because unless you know for sure that Phoenix was the actual cause, there may be something else you should look at to avoid problems in the future. Good luck ...Dres
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