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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. yeah, they were.... I have a copy of that picture in my shack at the Junkyard. It take up an entire wall. I just noticed another of my alts behind my first av, labeled Kat's alt cuz Katt was the main av back then and we didn't know then that Kali was going to become the main me.
  2. Encircled redhead in the top row is me, below with the white hair is my first av and just behind and to the left of her is Maddie. I used to know a lot more names but time yada yada yada... I think that Maddie is also the L in the love pose, or could one of them be Snugs? Oh! Looks like I mis-remembered Maddie beside me, it was really Dillon.
  3. Haven't seen the movie, read the book though and liked it. I'd classify it as a teenager's (young adult) book, but not a bad one.
  4. I think there must be some therapeutic value to trolling, else why do so many persist?
  5. I'm left handed also, but mouse with the right. I never noticed any problem either.
  6. I know of one. My alt army is online whenever I am not and they are playing tiny empires. They don't move. they don't talk, they don't respond if spoken to. But they are quite busy, I assure you; they are playing a hud based game that wants responses every 3 minutes. Most of the time I have them sit on dance pads because it amuses me to see them dancing together. One of them occasionally travel to different blues clubs looking for good music streams
  7. There are lot of things an avatar could be doing while appearing not to move for ages.
  8. My best RL friends know about my involvement in SL, so do the members of my extended family who are computer literate, and one acquaintance from work. I don't tell people unless I know and trust them pretty well. I am a pretty private person anyway, but I'm very open with my inner circle.
  9. Mine too! I especially loved the Fractured Fairy Tales.
  10. yeah, we watched the same stuff. And they had all those sly impersonation references to adult personalities that we didn't have a clue were in there, yet later we all knew what Jimmy Cagney and Ed Sullivan sounded like for some odd reason. I remember grapenuts. I didn't like cereal much as a child either. sickeningly sweet soggy mush.
  11. To Summarize: Something called Loot boxes are outlawed in a few places as they are considered to be gambling aimed at children. Gachas in SL could be characterized as Loot boxes. Children in SL are rarely actual children. Someday Gachas might be outlawed in SL (oh my!). Or maybe not. Gambling was outlawed in SL because the laws of California prohibit gambling except in Native American owned Casinos. Nobody knows what may happen in the future.
  12. Cranky cantankerous oldster (not me) would say "When I was that age we didn't have the WB. We had to watch first run bad cartoons on ABC, NBC and CBS! And we had to walk to school 17 miles in the snow and the rain! But Lucky Charms were still magically delicious!
  13. I read it. You are probably right as I did not read the whole thread but I did see the thing about advancing game play in there somewhere. I have no interest in my post count, why should I? Or is that just another put down?
  14. Grumbling as she feels dragged into an endless argument about something she doesn't really care about, /me says "The difference between SL and most MMoRPGs is there is no such thing as advancing game play. There's no score in SL You don't win or lose SL. So that Belgian law has no bearing on SL."
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