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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. Well F something or other that rhymes with truck that! Seems like way too much trouble for way too little reward to me. Thanks for the info but never mind; I don't need no stinking points.
  2. Well your mother was a wise woman I'm sure, but what I'd like to know is, "What is the point of the points?"
  3. Nobody told me there were points. What are they good for?
  4. basic SL social relations: you don't own the people on your friends list. That list just means you have met them before and engaged in a conversation that resulted in a friendship request being accepted. true friendship develops over time with shared experiences. If: you consistently IM someone the moment you see them log on Then: It should not be surprising when they remove your ability to see when they log on. People like to read notices, invites etc. and change their clothes before prior to engaging in chit chat. Or they might have a specific purpose for logging in and want to accomplish it in a limited amount of time. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
  5. Yes, Sadly I have several people in my friends list that will never log in again. I was partnered to one of them. We had memorials and every once in a while I look at the profiles and remember them. It's very sad. I've also been to memorials with friends of people that weren't on my friends list but I'd met and liked. The people behind the avatars are very real and very much missed.
  6. and yet another failed submissive story..... I sent one of my alts to the Gor sims to learn what the heck that was about. My career ended after I had the nerve to talk in IM to some guy who was having sex with me as a Paga something that began with an s and ended in a t. It's not like there was any conversation going on in local either, but he informed me that my job was to worship his member and to shut up. I faked a crash and never went back. The aforementioned member was not only not color matched it stuck out through my back by about 4 body widths. I'll not comment about that and what it might mean.
  7. I think there would be a riot if you tried to make people on the mainland give up their skyboxes.
  8. for old clothes - I box things up and then put the boxes in boxes and thanks god I've never had to try and pull stuff out of there because I doubt that I could find it. I love to just dump everything in a folder and put a date on the folder. It's what I usually do after a shopping spree. Then I do the hard work of actually filing things where I can find them easily when I have spare time. I never have spare time though so I have a year and a halfs worth of dated folders that need to be sorted and filed intelligently.
  9. I don't recall him ever calling the ball anything but Wilson, no Mister involved. but that's just being picky. rodgers (and) hammerstein
  10. hmmm.... does the way your avatar looks affect forming bonds, well yeah, I suppose it does. An interesting av will get my attention, and that is generally the first step in any bond. It is not the most important factor by any means, like most other people have said, how the avatar behaves makes a much bigger difference. As for should it, I don't like shoulds. I don't like judging or being judged and I hate rules.
  11. I'm sure glad I don't work at that venue! I don't promote anything other than fun and laughs. I don't think begging for tips works, the people that are going to tip, will tip anyway, and the ones that don't, don't anyway. Begging doesn't make much difference and it's a downer.
  12. I'm a host. My job is to welcome people and entertain and offer assistance if needed. Some people seem to see a value in what I do and some of them tip me or thank me, and still others ignore me. I Iike hosting, and I make enough money at it that I never have to buy Lindens to support my SL shopping habits. I treat everyone the same whether they tip me or not. The reason I like hosting is not so much the money but for the way it forces me to go outside my introverted comfort zone and socialize. It's fun. If it ever stops being fun, I'll quit. I've never uttered the words "show me some Linden love" or "show the DJ some Linden Love". My job is not to beg for tips. If it was, I'd never have become a host.
  13. first of all we are not Linden employees. LL has a process already in place for their customers(us) to make suggestions, this is the JIRA. Second, Why would you need to see everyone else's suggestions? You can't do anything about them. They may or may not be of interest to the general SL population that reads the general forums. Suggestions are just fine but there is no need to try make the general forum be something it's not. And the forums are not the place where LL looks for suggestions, so having a "suggestion post" would be kind of silly since the right people would not see it.
  14. Personally I like Lelutka's bento better than Catwa's. I think the interface is easier. but YMMV. I haven't tried the Genus. After all the work I did to my Lelutka to get it to look like my old system head, I don't want to change now
  15. I've not blocked anyone in the forums. I'm not that easy to offend.
  16. That's not what I said. I said that behind closed doors means behind closed doors. If you are inside your own property, it doesn't matter that others can see you if they cam inside your place, you did your due diligence by being inside.
  17. That policy was written way before "hide avatars" and "Clicking off □ Avatars on other parcels can see and chat with avatars on this parcel" were available so it doesn't mean that.
  18. I love magic, but I don't believe in it. I love magical feelings and I try not to analyze them too much cuz it breaks the magic (but I frequently fail). I'm glad I'm old and can indulge in SL without worrying about missing out on RL; that's sort of magical in itself.
  19. I already have 2 premium accounts, I think they are worth it already. I wouldn't mind even more groups as I am always maxed out
  20. After reading this thread, I don't think there is much left to put in my profile that won't peeve somebody, which really peeves me because I'm just the kind of wimpy people pleaser who wants everyone to love my profile. So I think I will just give up and put whatever I feel like in there so at least I can please you @AmandaKeen because at least there will be something
  21. I make enough hosting once a week to allow me to buy whatever clothes and toys I want in SL and to tip others in SL. I don't make enough to make it worthwhile to pull money out of SL.
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