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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. It depends on the situation for me. Sometimes I have nothing to say, sometimes you can't shut me up. I'm more of the west coast persuasion as @cicelydawn describes it. I volunteer stuff about myself that nobody asked for. Except when I feel like I've already done that too much and then I feel awful and awkward and want to crawl in a hole and die. I don't ask a lot of questions because I don't want to intrude on anyone's privacy.
  2. Drama, as other people have suggested, is a slang shortening of the term overly dramatic. Many people find interpersonal drama rather unpleasant and they do not wish to take part in it. Others seem to thrive on it. When I see in a person's profile, "No Drama!" I take it to mean the person does not wish to take part in an overly dramatic relationship with others, or that they do not enjoy such histrionics. I also suspect that the person has just gotten out of an overly dramatic relationship and they do not wish to repeat such a thing. Sometimes I take it as a warning, to whit: This person has had drama before and could very possibly have it again, best to steer clear of this person
  3. /me raises her hand. I don't care about mod rights for clothing because I've royally f!@#^ed up some stuff that was mod. I'm better off just finding what I want already made and no possibility of me messing it up. I've also managed to tint some modifiable things other than clothes without coming to grief. But I don't expect to be catered to.
  4. I'm not planning on joining the rush to the new homes. I don't wanna spend 1024 on a linden home when I get just what I need spending 512. I don't need my SL to resemble RL. I prefer one big room that I can do what I want in and not feel cramped by walls. Right now I still have 2 premium accounts that used to pay my mainland tier. Now they not only pay my tier, I have two bonus linden homes, one where the alt army lives and one as my hideaway. I am not all that fond of houses in SL. Besides looking pretty, I don't see the point. I have a dressing room skybox and my ground level is a forest. I have another forest way up high in the sky, just because I can.
  5. You are really good at this! I wish i had such skills.
  6. You should come to the laggy popular blues club ( I think laggy and popular seem to be interconnected when it comes to blues clubs or perhaps any club but I would not know about any other than blues) where I work instead. It has much less of that meat market feel and usually has a lively public chat going on.
  7. It may or may not be a game, but there are certainly some players in it.
  8. I do not disregard their authority, note that I did what they told me to do. However, that does not make them right.
  9. That's a logical fallacy known as the appeal to authority.
  10. Well now, then we are discussing the nature of reality. Is reality subjective or objective?
  11. I would agree with you if I were a robot or a program that did this, but I'm not. I'm a human being. The definition of a bot or scripted agent is a non-human performing such actions. Bots can perform actions instead of a human. Humans can perform actions too, this does not mean humans are bots. Basic logic. Using a dance hud is quite similar to using the Tiny Empires hud. Sometimes the hud will change the dance randomly because the random button was selected. Sometimes the user will select each dance to match the song they hear. When the hud is choosing the dances that is like the TE hud adding gold or subtracting taxes. Just because the user lets the hud decide does not turn the user into a bot.
  12. Yes, I can' still play with my registered scripted agents, because they are not really scripted agents they are just my alts who are registered that way because you know, reasons. TE doesn't care what you are registered as and doesn't even know that. What they care about is whether you are cheating at the game or not. Using an automated method to keep from timing out is considered cheating. Players who get caught get kicked and banned from the game.
  13. That's all true except they time out after a half hour. so you have to respond to the prompts at least once per half hour. I generally aim to answer in October because they all get a prompt in October and sometimes they get extra money if they answer the prompt correctly but even a wrong answer will keep you from timing out. I don't run them at night when I'm sleeping, I run them during the day while I'm at work since I work at home and I have 3 monitors on my desk. If work is busy then I time out more often. It's illegal to use a scripted agent to play TE, that is one of the rules, you have to be a human so the time out rules apply and keep the game fair.
  14. I don't think all bots have to be run by a program. My alts that are registered as bots are not.
  15. I wasn't the OP, not that it matters much. I tried to stay out of this thread for a long time because I didn't want to be judged. I suppose some will judge me anyway and I thought I did have some experience to share so I got over the hesitation
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