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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I don't think I've ever done that with my alts. I either log one in to play with or I log them all in to play TE(tiny empires), but one after another? Nah... wait, maybe if there is some fantastic freebie that I want for all of them, then I'd do that for all the boys or all the girls, depending on what it was. Or if it was not gender related, then the non binary ones could get it too.
  2. I kinda like the super family we could have super, super de dooper, super extra, super superb, super supreme and supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.
  3. I sometimes put my picture in the back page or "About my real life page" or "whatever you call it" page of my alts profile. But that only identifies my alts. You won't find it that easy to identify other people's alts. I am able to figure some out while I am hosting but that's only because I've been hanging out with the same folks for years and years and I notice stuff.
  4. Well, I used to have two premium accounts to cover my tier but when they doubled the land allotment I didn't need two anymore. But I didn't cancel the other premium account right away because I used the old linden homes to park my minions while they played TE(tiny empires). I used to use them all as my subjects when I play TE. But I'm bored with that now so most of them are not doing anything. and I finally got around to canceling the other premium account when LL raised the rates. The only one who gets any use now is my music alt who just goes from blues club to blues club looking for DJs I enjoy listening to while I work.
  5. sounds like a nightmare.... I think I am going to wait. Not gonna jump on this bandwagon until they've worked the kinks out. I think Siddean is a genius but I just hated the slink interface, and her explanations were not intuitive for me. My SL is a fun place. I work too hard in RL to want to work that hard to play in SL.
  6. I'm not afraid of the things I derender, they are just in the way. So I don't really care what they do, they can sneak all they like it's not an issue for me.
  7. I will use it if someone asks me to, but I don't like to wear headphones so I don't do it unless I have to.
  8. I use the temp derender all the time. I don't think it hurts my immersion at all. I use it mostly for things that interfere with my vision, like bling or someone who is standing too close to me and blocks my view. I also derender advertisements. I derender annoying people sometimes rather than muting them if I still want to hear them but don't want to see them. Anyone who wears bling gets derendered. Avatars that have "look at me!" AOs or attachments get derendered. I don't tell anyone that I'm doing it and I don't make a big fuss about it. I just like my sl to be the way I like it.
  9. people who get upset when others don't follow the rules when it's only a silly game
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