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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. nah, when I host, I greet each person individually. My job is to make everyone feel welcome. I call them by their display name unless or until they tell me to do otherwise. I don't judge people by their names alone, they might be a perfectly delightful person who made a silly display name and can't change it for 7 days so I give them the benefit of the doubt.
  2. When I need to greet someone who uses funny fonts, I just open their profile and copy it verbatim and paste it with my greeting. It's not worth it to me to be peeved over someone else's affectation, I just let it slide. Life is short.
  3. It's embarrassing how long it was before I finally looked up IKR and SMH. I could sort of tell from context what the person was trying to convey but never liked to admit that I hadn't a clue. I sort of made up my own meanings, IKR was I kan relate and SMH was so much heck. But I kinda knew that wasn't right
  4. I get really tired of people complaining about gachas. I personally hate them but they don't bother me because I stay away from them. If you don't like them, ignore them. Forget they exist. Don't look at them. You know if you go anywhere near them they will suck you in, that is how they are designed. So don't play. Don't engage. I think every possible peeve about gachas has already been expressed multiple times in this thread. Let it go!
  5. I don't blame you. I had one years ago but I don't want to talk to the whole world(or pretend I am so important that the whole world should listen to what I have to say).
  6. yep, it was fun and yep it became toxic. Then they changed the software and the moderating style and it got even worse....then I don't know what happened exactly because I was gone. I left about the same time you did for many reasons. The main one though was I retired my first avatar and I moved on to a different part of SL than I'd lived before and started fresh. The only tie to my old life I had was Dil's music thread in the SLums, or Feeds as they are now called. Anyway, that thread maxed out and I missed it, so I drifted back in here and discovered it's quite nice now. So I think I will stick around.
  7. Haven't been there yet and trying really hard to stay out of it.
  8. The secret is save them to your hard drive instead of inventory. Then just take tons of them and only upload the good ones.
  9. I remember thinking you were very clever. I was more of a reader than a poster back then and I remember fondly one thread of yours where you pretended to be a bimbo with a spanker attachment that had me rolling on the floor.
  10. Yeah, I think when they changed the forum software, they dropped showing the the top topics on the dashboard. I wondered at the time if it was to discourage us as we were such a contentious bunch and the forums were frequently subject to those Flame War threads.
  11. Nobody I know in world these days seems to know about the forums any more. My first av made many of her best friends in SL from first knowing them from the forums. That was back when you used to see the top 3 threads latest entries on the first page of the dashboard. Without that I wouldn't have known the forums existed. I've often wondered why they stopped doing that.
  12. I remember when LL dropped last names and the "new" format was deployed! I made one of my 3 kattatonia avs during that frenzied time, Kattatonia Resident. Didn't use her much until I started Tiny Empires and then she became one of my subjects. My first av made me when she was about one month old. Then she continued making alts about every 6 months or so just to relive the newbie experience, because she like helping newbies. As soon as she finished grabbing all the freebies a newbie needs to stop looking so newb, that alt retired. Later, on after I had taken over, I started playing TE and then I pulled all the alts(including my first av) in as subjects to speed me on my way to princess-hood. I rather think I have more than the average number of avatars, but way less than 100. About 2 dozen that I can remember.
  13. Anyone who has been the victim of alts used for spying, cheating, mind games, etc has good reason to be suspicious of alts. Some even become quite paranoid about it. I don't blame them. I am quite open about my alts and why I have them. I don't let other people's opinions bother me.
  14. I agree, but we were not talking about abusive relationships, we were talking about unwelcome sexual propositions and whether or not they were the equivalent of sexual assaults.
  15. I do! They were the little story at the bottom of each page of the catalog. DR was the hippie and Urge was his van. They were traveling cross country along with his girl friend(can't remember her name) who Urge was very fond of because she threw out the trash occasionally and checked his oil once in a while. They later pulled all the little blurbs together and made a book of it.
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