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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I'm a horribly lonely, chronically depressed old woman, who is stuck in limbo. Trudging along towards that magic moment when I can take back some power and change the things I'm unhappy with. I hold most of that back, since nobody wants to hear about it really. I sometimes tell the naked unadorned truth, but most of the time I keep that to myself and respond with whatever positive energy I can give.
  2. Today I have an emotional hangover from yesterday. I'm so drained, and feeling kinda lost and vulnerable, plus pressure to work harder to make up for time lost yesterday with all that forced socializing. Work sucks. On the upside, I took care of something I have procrastinated on for 6 months and my car is legal again.
  3. My grandmother was French Canadian and the meat pie tradition traveled south to New England with her and all the other grannies and gramps who migrated to work in the textile mills. By our generation, the french name for the meat pie was lost, and the turkey was moved to Xmas day, but Meat pies on Xmas eve after midnight mass is still a big tradition. I was told that the idea was to make the pies before going to church and they would still be warm when we got home. I was only raised half catholic and it didn't take, so I don't do the midnight mass anymore but we still have meat pies every Xmas eve. Our meat pie recipe doesn't include venison, it's usually a combo of ground beef, pork, lamb and potatoes and onions. The only other tradition we still keep is drinking hot chocolate, playing holiday music and driving around to see the Xmas lights.
  4. I did my day in the office today, which I have to do once a month and totally loathe. A day filled with face to face meetings (which I really hate, they are like fingernails on a chalkboard to me), and for added fun I had a chair side with the new head of our department(my bosses, bosses, boss)so for a half hour I showed this big wig how to do my job. She turned out to be a pretty decent person thank gawd, and it went fairly smoothly. Then I had a one on one with my boss (meetings we have to do once a month to check in) And to top it off we(the whole department) went out to lunch and did an ornament exchange. I took anxiety meds this morning and I was so damn anxious that I wasn't at all aware of any effect at all. I can just imagine how I'd be now if I hadn't. Vaped and been reading this thread since I got home. I wish I had better coping skills. I am the kind of person who tends to blurt out the raw uncensored truth and I feel like sometimes people bait me. I found myself relaying the history of my disastrous 23 year marriage and divorce. People kept asking me more and more and it all came spilling out. Your office sounds like a more sincere place than mine. Perhaps because you are helpers by trade, whereas I work for an evil corporation that's in it for the money.
  5. SIRESWO So glad you're feeling better for time spent with SO....snow sucks unless it is Christmas Eve and melts away the next day....loud knocks are startling, but they don't trigger me....Your forum projects sounds intriguing, and make me wonder which list I made....My self destructive acts are usually geared towards things I do to myself, like smoke at you, eat at you, get high at you, drink at you....I never thought of trolling, but now that I think about it I see how it could wind up hurting you. Troll efforts usually backfire on the troll. I always accept virtual people as they present themselves to me, whether I suspect them of subterfuge or not. If my suspicions are validated, and they mean me harm, I simply stop associating with them. If there's no harm, then no big deal. Pain sucks even more than snow. I am well acquainted with pain. I'm not into that BDSM stuff,I looked into it, wasn't turned on, quit playing with those people.Not that I don't like sex mind you, it's just thats not my kink. And yeah I read the whole thing, so sorry, your gold is a bit tarnished, and these are just the short answers!
  6. your wish is granted, but you'll have to wait for the results I wish the rain was warmer
  7. It's good to hear things are going well. ♡ Enjoy ♡
  8. sends virtual hugs and pats on the back. really tough day!
  9. I liked the sparkly dress from Baiastice_Sybil Dress-All Colors but I don't think it was the gift, I bought it at whatever the discount was. the gifty was also the same sparkly material but it was a very plain gown that I didn't like as much
  10. Reality is all a matter of perception. I believe it's just as possible to have a real relationship in SL as it is in RL. However, in both worlds, it's equally possible to fall in love with a projection of what you want superimposed upon a "real" other person. Relationships in SL never have to deal with things like who sleeps on the wet spot, and who gets up and makes breakfast while the other sleeps an extra 15 minutes.
  11. Ah this brings back memories! When I first joined sl I googled everything I could find about it and one of the things I read was that you needed a walk because the standard walk for women was more like a duck than a human walk. I read an article about building an attachment to store your walk script, in and it was called an AO bracelet. Well, there I was one day old with a torus prim that I was trying to attach to my arm to function as a bracelet and I could not for the life of me get it to fit right. So I found New Citizens Incorporated in Kuula and went there and tried to explain to them my problem. Well apparently the article I read about how to make an AO bracelet was 5 or 6 years old (this was in 2009) and little did I know but AO's had already become quite common and you didn't have to make a bracelet because they had already invented huds and it was easy to get a free AO. But because my question was about the torus and fitting, it took a while for anyone to understand what it was I really needed. And I met my first teacher, Quite Oh, who first of all took me to Abranimations to pick up a free AO and then gave gave me a basic lesson in how to manipulate prims.
  12. Eggnog often feels too heavy to me, and I get all soggy and hard to light. My Xmas drink of choice is cocoa with whipped cream and spiked with peppermint schnappes.
  13. I'm back from my root canal. It was pretty meh, which is not too bad considering. Sadly, the anxiety was too intense for me to really enjoy the high. I arrived having added 2 advils, 1 klonapin and some kushberry vape to the mix before they got me in the chair. The gas was lovely as was the music... They asked what kind of music I liked and I told them blues so they played Stevie Ray Vaughn, Joe Bonamassa and Beth Hart for me. It hurt at times. First thing done to me was something very cold was placed in the worst possible proximity to my infected tooth and nearly made me jump out of my chair groaning. Then they gave me ten minutes with the gas and more novacaine to recover from that. I survived. Now I am sore and numb. I continue to add cannabis and orajel to the mix and I think I am ready for a nap.
  14. The last I knew, Kelly K is still around, last seen DJing in some Trance club about 3 months ago according to the feeds. Kelly I is no longer with us. But like many formerly active SL accounts, she is still on Kelly K's friend list, and Kelly K keeps hoping she will send her a message. The last time I saw her was in 2011, we went dancing, when I was still my first av, Kattatonia.
  15. I don't think it's a good idea to lump people together as if they were clones. It reduces their humanity, and doesn't really say anything valid.
  16. It's ok to freeze, it's a defense mechanism, your body is stopping you from feeling more than you can handle at the moment. And when you're ready to feel it all, you will. In the mean time, ♡
  17. Can I just say that I LOVE this thread and everyone who posts in it? You all are making this season a lot easier to take this year. I find my self eagerly checking in over and over to see what's up with everyone. My heart aches for your pain and soars for your triumphs. And on a cheery note, someone I work with volunteered her husband to come do a honeydo for me that I was overwhelmed by. I'm so used to not depending on anyone else, that I was thinking I might hire someone. I'm a telecommuter and we have daily check ins in small groups and before the meeting started I was bemoaning the fact that I felt so inadequate to hook up a propane tank to the generator I bought at the end of fire season. I thought I was home free until next fall since fire season ended before I got to use it, but last night we lost power for no particular reason for three hours and I started to prep it. It needed a lot of prep work. There was oil to put in and a battery to hook up and then the part that stymied me, hooking up the tank to the generator. I understood the instructions sort of but when it got to checking for leaks with soap bubbles I balked. If I did something wrong the darn thing could explode! Luckily while I was reading the manual, the lights came back on. So anyway, I'm so grateful for the kindness of strangers and the loving care I feel from you all. 💞
  18. But much more important I think is the downward slide of a parent, ***feels***, my Dad is also on the slide and it's not an easy thing. We've had our ups and downs, but I try to remember most of all the love we share. The ups, the downs, the drama, doesn't matter anymore. I just try to be present for him from 3,000 miles away.
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