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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I remember reading that one vaguely, I can't remember if I jumped in the mud and wrestled or not.
  2. "An acquaintance that begins with a compliment is sure to develop into a real friendship. It starts in the right manner." ― Oscar Wilde, An Ideal Husband Me? I get lots of them in SL; I like it; they make me feel good. It makes me feel like Stuart Smally, an old Saturday Night Live character created by former Senator Al Franken. Stuart Smally was the self help movement junkie who would give these motivational talks to himself and always would end with "I'm good enough, I'm smart enough and Dog Gone It, people like me" I'm easy. Say something nice to me and I purr.
  3. @Beth Macbain You are not alone. I have felt many of the feelings you expressed. I too belong to some "expensive to join", exclusive, adult groups for reasons much like yours, only I'm not as courageously outspoken about it. Those are my hidden groups. Hidden because my sex life is private, thank you very much. Belonging to a particular group because it meets the particular criteria you want may be elitist but, that does not define who you are. You're much more than that and so am I. I'd like you to know that I value your posts and would be sorry to see you go. @Selene Gregoire You don't need to leave either. Everyone has their buttons. Nobody knows exactly how someone else's buttons get pushed. It happens all the time. Some people are more open about their feelings than others. You are one of the braver people here and I want you to know that I value your posts and would be sorry to see you go. Now cut it out, both of you. I want you both to stay.
  4. I get plenty of IMs while I'm hosting from people that I don't know and I never know if I'm being hit on or not until we've conversed for a bit. I don't judge, I listen and respond. Half the time someone is commenting on something I've said in local, either agreeing or disagreeing or sharing something of themselves. The other half is split between people who need my help and people who are hitting on me. Wanting to connect is not a crime. Not taking no for an answer without resorting to nastiness is rather immature, but it does me no harm. The thing I truly love about SL is that as a woman I don't have to feel afraid that someone intends to rape me. It can't happen here. So they want a pixel hookup, so what? I can say no thanks. If they don't listen when I tell them politely, I can block them. I find that wonderfully freeing.
  5. INFP that's my Myers Brigs type introverted, intuitive, feeling, perceptive Add to that I'm clinically depressed and have been all my life, or at least as far back as I can remember. I too, can be the fake extrovert for a short time when I'm inspired. But I need a day to myself afterwards or I will totally melt down. SL inspires me more than RL does.
  6. In a real place, the gesturebator is the one who ruins the concert with a long loud whistle.
  7. I'm very introverted in RL as well but I do the butterfly thing in SL when I'm in the mood for it. All depends on my mood. If I don't want to talk to anyone I'll log in as an alt and go exploring. I find if I use a non human avvie, then people pretty much ignore me. If I am feeling sociable I log in as me and chatter away.
  8. For me it's just the opposite. I used to belong to several chatty groups, like NCI, FabFree and the TwistedHunt group but now I turn off chat for almost all of my groups.
  9. I love to chat in local. I always have. SL is my social outlet. My first avatar used to sit at NCI(New Citizens Inc) for hours every day just listening to everyone who came in with problems and the helpers there answering questions. I learned so much about SL that way. Then I found the forums and began hanging out with forum friends at music venues. We did all our talking in local and we had a blast. Sadly that group splintered when we learned that one person had been gaming us the whole time. At the same time, my partner of 3 years left SL and left me bereft. So I re-invented myself as Kali and moved on to a club that had a lively local chat and music I loved. That became my home and 7 years later I still love to chat in local there. I loved it so much they gave me a job hosting a few years back and I still host there once a week. Whether I'm hosting or just hanging out, I always chat in local but I don't reject IMs. IMs are more personal and it's a different level of communication. Whoever said that if a new man IMs you out of the blue it's because he wants a hookup wasn't wrong. I prefer a bit of flirting in local before the move to IM, and if the guy is not sophisticated enough to understand that, then I'm probably not interested, but there have been some that surprise me. For the past year, I've been exclusive with one person though so I don't engage privately with others. As a host I always respond; but I'm quick to blow them off if it's a pick up line. I always like to give people the benefit of the doubt.
  10. nobody can tell you've done it. But it's mostly disappointing because alpha layers can't be derendered so you wind up seeing a broken av, not the peep show you were hoping for.
  11. I'm a packrat. I never throw anything away, I just make new folders. I'm not sure why I have facelights in two places, I guess I forgot where I put one and so I made another. In fact I'm not sure why I am sharing this since it is more an illustration of how not to manage inventory. But anyway: Top level, folders made by SL Sub folders made by me to sort Anims (contains one of my facelight folders, who knows why?) Sub folders in body parts ( I never throw anything away, so yeah I still have a lola folder that I haven’t looked in in years) and look there's the other Face light folder! Clothing – still in transition, most new stuff goes in the Omega and fit mesh folder which gets more and more sub folders as it grows The meh folder is where stuff goes that I might throw out. The ~old folder is all the pre mesh stuff. Then there’s the other place in clothing called New Stuff where new stuff lands which is just a holding place before I move them to their rightful place. As you can see, I’m a bit behind in my housekeeping. Every January I declare a moratorium on buying until I get things under control, but, after a while I backslide and forget about it. My objects folder is the catch all place where anything not clothing lands. There are two backups folders, the one at the top holds original boxes, the one called backed up are my boxes of boxes I made when I was trying to consolidate. shakes my head sadly....
  12. But my own particular favorite candy is toffee.
  13. we had another name for these, Chocolate TlT cookies
  14. I started life as an alt. I chose the last name Wylder because my character was planned to be wilder than my first av. I chose Kali for several reasons, 1) it was short and easy to type 2) I like the idea of being a powerful Hindu goddess of death, destruction and change. 3) it began with a K. My original av's name was rather long. Kattatonia Wickentower. Kattatonia was my name in the alt support depression newsgroup that I sometimes read and posted in. It was a play on my real name plus catatonia which was descriptive of the way being depressed made me feel. Wickentower evoked pagan, wiccan ideas to me. All of my friends shortened my name to Katt(which is why I was determined to have a short name when I made my first alt). I can't remember now how I came up with all the other alt's names after that but I did latch on to giving a bunch of them the initials KW.
  15. no, not paradise exactly but for many, we found a place that met needs that went unfulfilled in RL. For me, It afforded me a wonderful group of friends from around the world. I too regret the passing of the early days when I learned about how to work with prims and make stuff. Granted, the stuff I made was not as beautiful as the stuff that gets made these days, but the joy of creating stuff myself was really nice. And of course there was Not exactly paradise but pretty exciting nevertheless.
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