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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. very interesting.... What's that black round thing under the egg?
  2. I did that BOM waltz a couple of weeks ago, I just deleted all my old outfits as I felt it was time for something new. But it does take a few marathon SL sessions to do the BOM waltz.
  3. I haven't needed to buy Linden dollars since I started hosting. IIRC i could get $5,000 for $8 and change US dollars. Has it really more than doubled in price since then?
  4. Was David Dixon Ford Prefect? If so he is much closer to my imagination than the one in the movie.
  5. Can't use the sad icon because this makes me angry. The news media no longer understands what news reporting should be. They treat everything for the ratings. We really need some conflict of interest legislation and hold these media giants accountable for not reporting accurately. It is a disservice to everyone that it is so hard to learn unbiased facts. Don't let them make your head hurt though Beth, they aren't worth it.
  6. I'm with you Rhonda, I love that little warm fuzzy feeling when someone quotes me. But I like the likes too. It's not my only reason for posting, just a pleasant side effect. I don't post in order to get the feedback nor do press the buttons in a "quid pro quo" sort of exchange. I'm just not that into it. But in this case I'm quoting Rhonda because I now know she likes it and I like her.
  7. No, that wasn't it. I'm a big fan of the hitchhiker books. Doug Adams was a comic genius. I forget now what it was. I thought the books were much better than the movie. The Zaphod and Ford characters were much better in my imagination. Haven't seen the BBC tv version which I believe came before the books. I also enjoyed the early Apple text based game which for some reason required one to find some dust in one's pocket. I liked his other little series too, The Dirk Gently one.
  8. Flowers for Algernon, great book. Heartbreaking.
  9. I have a valentines sweets hangover. Ate a bunch of those cute little mini eclairs. Never even got to the 1 pound chocolate bar so I put in the freezer to fortify my emergency chocolate stash. Stayed up way to late playing with a Lelutka Evolution demo while I was eating the aforementioned eclairs. Going back to bed.
  10. I googled the term before I even entered the thread, but thank you for explaining the nuances. I don't identify myself as Trans or Cis but I was identified as female at birth and I'm still female. Anyway, I like to look at everyone.
  11. I'm glad the place where I work doesn't make me split my tips with them. I do contribute to the venue tip jar on a regular basis. I was able to modify the tip script in my tip jar so that it doesn't do anything but receive the tips. For years I hosted without a tip jar and I was fine with that. People tipped me anyway. Then a few months ago, they voted to let the hosts have tip jars so I made one that didn't intrude on the mood much.
  12. My fancy Italian truffles are not going to arrive today 😕But the 1 pound milk chocolate Hershey bar should, so all is not lost.
  13. I have a new peeve! Earlier I was forced to google an obscure(to me) reference to some popular main stream television show. I don't watch much in the way of popular main stream television. I prefer the offbeat obscure gems that I sometimes get addicted to. I hate being reminded of how weird I am! The only thing I hate more than that is re-discovering the fact that I'm not all that different. I wanna be special!
  14. I'm glad you mention this again Dyna. I saw your post yesterday and I checked it out. I particularly enjoyed the opportunity to send valentines anonymously. Later I heard you could also send one to yourself.
  15. I still find it to be a favorite entertainment, comfort, play.
  16. Now I have to google Galentines day. I thought it was just a typo.
  17. i wish I understood that quoting thing better. but apparently I don't do it right or there would be multiple quotes here from the people I wanted to echo or chime in with. So since I don't have time to figure it out, I'm just going to wing it 1 - I just ordered chocolate for tomorrow - a 1 pound Hershey's milk chocolate bar and some Italian truffles that sounded intriguing 2 - I love Grace and Frankie! Frankie is a very exaggerated version of me but Grace is my inner parent who remembers all those unwritten rules and finds me lacking. I'm just sad that they are ending it after next season. I suspect that if you are not a boomer you might find them silly. But YMMV. 3 - you don't have to be rich and have a beach house, you can just wish you were
  18. I think I'm going to go check out this Isle of view and maybe send some pressies. In RL I will get some chocolate for my daughter (and me).
  19. I don't think you understand what this thread is about. People who work for tips in SL should not be treating their patrons differently depending on how they are tipped. All patrons deserve to be treated equally. Greeted warmly. Thanked for any contributions they might make. Tipping is by it's very nature optional. Going into a rage over tips is very bad form. Singling out poor tippers and trying to shame them is even worse. Your script is not a good idea.
  20. ^^^This sounds very judgemental to me. Being single doesn't mean one doesn't have children... or deep abiding friendships. Freedom from a painful relationship is something to be cherished, not denigrated.
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