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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. so of all the substances that get one haute, which would you say is Haute?
  2. I'm not sure what a mall rat looks like. I am trying to remember the last time I was at a mall and if there was any characteristics that all the people there shared, and I'm drawing a blank.
  3. My dad passed away today, in his sleep, at the hospice. I'm in that shock phase now, numb and unable to think.
  4. I love my Kindle! The thing I love the most is I can enlarge the text size to something legible. Sadly, I have so many books, shelves and shelves of them that I can no longer read because the text is too small. Everything else I can get used to, but my eyes just keep getting worse and worse.
  5. You seem to be saying that anyone who dares to disagree with your estimation of the importance of this sim that is closing must be a kinky sex addict. How did you arrive at this conclusion?
  6. well to be honest, I think Siddean is brilliant but she's not good at explaining things. I have a Slink body; it was the first one I bought. I hated how hard it was to figure out how to use it. I have a Beleeza body too. I bought each one as they came out. Slink because it was first out. Beleeza was next and I bought one of theirs because I loved their skins. Turns out I didn't like their body as much as I liked their skins. It was easier than Slink though. Maitreya came out and I was so relieved, finally i had a body I liked that was easy to use. I stopped buying bodies at that point. Now I know nothing about the inside scoop of the big SL fashion designers, but I do think that Maitreya is popular because it's easy to use. I'm not sure if it's still the case, but Maitreya was not particularly easy for creators to create for, at least in the beginning, because they wouldn't share the details of their rigging or something that made it harder to make the clothes for them. Maybe that has changed. Like I said, I'm not a fashion insider.
  7. Last night was good for me. After I finished most of my "getting ready for Xmas" cooking and cleaning and wrapping presents, I went in world, and felt very loved. Had a very good night with close friends and my sweetie, dancing, talking and listening to good music. Before the night was over I wound up telling them about my dad and their love poured out and washed over me like a healing balm. Much as the love has poured out in this wonderful thread. I am feeling OK today. Spent the morning with my daughter, opening gifts and sharing chocolate. Then watched her hook up her best present to the TV and play a game. She was happy, which made me happy. Still to come will be the heart breaking call with my dad which I feel strong enough to handle. Love to all of you!
  8. I didn't have time to make an Xmas card this year but a friend took this pic of me dancing with friends on Xmas Eve, so here it is:
  9. hi everyone, I'm ok. I really don't feel like telling all the details, but, here I go anyway. It seems there might be a very slim possibility that my Dad won't die yet. My dad is pretty old. He's 93 and he was in good health til he caught pneumonia in September which he has not really recovered from. Being bed ridden for a few weeks at that age does devastating things to a person's strength. Just walking to the bathroom is an ordeal. Well, he fell while he was in rehab. They told us about it right away and they took an x-ray and thought he was fine. He's been in and out of the hospital since then. He's had horrendous headaches. They finally did a brain scan and found a couple of bleeds that they may or may not be able to do something about. I'm furious at the mismanagement and feel very helpless. His health and his will have suffered tremendously but he turned down hospice, so they are going to continue torturing him til he gives up. (this is not what they said, but IMO is what they mean). I'm dragging about the house anesthetizing myself with Simpsons Xmas specials and food. Finally took a shower and sat down here to avoid the things I need to do like cook and wrap presents. Merry fffing Xmas everyone. Seriously though, I'm very grateful to have this safe place where I can say these things. You all mean a lot to me.
  10. Thud. Just talked with my sister. My dad is dying. They can't decide whether or not to put him back in the hospital or to start hospice.
  11. The solstice has passed, I feel better already. Just a few more days and I know I will feel better. My spirits lift every Boxing day.
  12. I agree. My pet peeve is people who get so peevish over trivial issues. Bah Humbug!
  13. yeah, I hear your pain, @Beth, @Seicher, and I like the kitty @Garnet, and I love you bunches @Dill.... and I'm in a world of pain and hurt myself. Life sucks, but the alternatives are worse, what's a woman to do? I have one good thing to tell. I am the primary caretaker of an autistic, PDD child of 27. She has the emotional maturity of a 7 year old. She gives great hugs. I'm really the only caretaker. I love her to death but she really frustrates me because I have to nag her constantly to do the smallest tasks. I usually wind up doing things for her because it is easier than carefully explaining to her what I want done, walking her through the needed steps, then following up 15 to 20 times, nagging, cajoling, then hollering, and finally having to threaten to take away some toy or privilege because that is the only way to get results. Today I made her walk to the pharmacy to drop off a new prescription and pick up one that was waiting for her. She did it! This is a gargantuan feat for us.
  14. I'm a horribly lonely, chronically depressed old woman, who is stuck in limbo. Trudging along towards that magic moment when I can take back some power and change the things I'm unhappy with. I hold most of that back, since nobody wants to hear about it really. I sometimes tell the naked unadorned truth, but most of the time I keep that to myself and respond with whatever positive energy I can give.
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