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kali Wylder

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Everything posted by kali Wylder

  1. I have severe arthritis in my hips and knees. I used to love to go for walks and yes it did help my mood some. I wish I could do it, but the pain stops me. I find it difficult to walk from my desk to the kitchen and back. Just getting up or sitting down must be done gingerly while I wince. But thanks for caring. ♥️
  2. the sad face is really inadequate anyway, what we need is an emoji that says I hear you and I care. ♥️
  3. Yes, I'm fine with real mayo(note: not miracle whip), but turning that into a slice must require some additives. And that's what I would object to.
  4. I didn't know about them being called Aces, but one of my daughter's friends is one.
  5. I'm really fine with this product not being available in the US of A since I don't think I would ever purchase it even if it were available. My reaction was similar to @Beth Macbain's a quick shudder. But @Mahala Roviana, I've heard that Mayonnaise is actually good for your hair what with the protein from the egg and the oil, although I've never tried it. I try to eat as little in the way of highly processed food as possible as it seems like all the nutrients lose something in the process. Besides real food tastes better.
  6. Cymbalta sounds terrible! I'll keep my crazy dreams and crankiness over that. I think we all should preface our better living through chemistry posts with, "I am not a doctor, however" or "see your doctor if you have a serious medical condition, but" BUT, the doctors don't actually take these meds, and we do, and besides that it's so hard to get a hold of the doctor when you need them, and as long as we remember the we are just sharing our experiences, not prescribing, I think that it's ok. I'm luckier than most in that I do have access to a psychiatrist and we were working on my meds until last September when my dad got sick and I decided that I needed stability and the demon I knew rather than messing with my psyche at such a vulnerable time. I get to see her today (Yay!). I have so much to tell her.
  7. Effexor gives horrible nightmares and cranky, tearful feelings if you miss dose, I'm not sure what brain zaps are, but could that be simliar?
  8. Glad to hear your meds are working. I've been on Effexor (venlafaxine) since 1999 and it's always worked for me but never did I ever get perky. I'm jealous. I've played with the dosage but never tried a different drug because 1) effexor doesn't kill my sex drive or make me gain weight and 2)well, it keeps the despair away and 3) It gets me up to ok, for happy i have cannabis PS, I didn't want to use the laugh emoji on your post because chemistyr it serious stuff. But "It would be nice to have someone to hang out with and get up to pervy things with. I mean, listen to music with. Yeah. That one." made me LOL.
  9. I hear you. It used to be you had to pay that much for a quality skin. Now you have to pay it twice, once for the body and once for the head.
  10. I am a very curious person. One of my many alts went to see what Gor was all about. This was probably about 2010 or so. I lasted a month. I enjoyed wandering around naked, had some interesting conversations with some men who didn't really seem like women haters and fancied themselves "teachers". Met some others who were less intelligent more neanderthal. Did a few fun role plays; I was branded, pierced, caged and trained. Got bored, tried out serving paga and faked a crash to get away from this hopelessly challenged person with a projectile large enough to bore through 3 of me at once, who fornicated silently and when I IM'd him out of character to make conversation, huffily told me I should be busy(silently) worshiping his projectile. That was it for me. Never looked back. I will say though that I saw some beautiful builds. As for scientology, L. Ron should have stuck to science fiction. He and his cult were and are just plain evil.
  11. Oh Cindy! My heart goes out to you. I lost my partner to lung cancer back in December of 2014. He was in remission and then it came back with a vengeance in the Spring of 2014. I was incredibly messed up for over a year after that. I still think about him even now, but the pain has mellowed and I mostly just remember the love. I'm so sorry for you loss.
  12. oops! All I can say is derails happen. welcome back! ❤
  13. When my first avatar was heart broken and just couldn't log in anymore, I tried making a new account. I only used it for a short time and decided that she really wasn't me. So my first alt, Kali Wylder, took over as the main avatar instead. Kali feels like me. Pavanne, the experimental new main, pretty much retired until I got involved with tiny empires at which time all of my alts joined TE and became my subjects so i could advance to princess faster. I'm still using Kali Wylder as my main avatar and I am no longer active in Tiny Empires. My alt army, as they came to be called, including my first avatar, Kattatonia Wickentower, are all still active basic accounts and I would never ever delete any of them. They just don't log in very often.
  14. I discovered SL in 2009 because I was watching an internet show called Imaginary Bitches and in episode 5, the main character, the one who developed this pair of imaginary friends who were outrageously bitchy, was fixed up with a guy who had his own imaginary life. He was into Second Life. I was intrigued and looked up SL, joined and immediately became addicted to it.
  15. I don't see why not. However, the guy I am seeing sees himself as my one and only dance partner and I have no desire to disrespect him.
  16. The PBSCP was in no way comparable to you. She was that mean, vindictive kind of crazy that everyone needs to run away from. Her, I tiptoed carefully away and then ran like hell. And you are right, I didn't read or understand it all. More than once, I felt very sorry for you and was glad I was not on PBSCP's radar. I've been the victim of that kind of cra cra myself and I remember how miserable it made me.
  17. I remember those days. I wish I understood all that was going on with you back then. As I recall it you gave as good as you got and being the wimpy little people pleaser that I was, I just tried to steer clear of the whole mess. I failed and eventually abandoned my first avatar (mostly because my partner left SL but also because one of the people I thought was a friend turned out to be a jerk). At any rate, I liked you even though I thought you were nuts. Now I understand the nuttiness was just you coping the best you could. You have my heartfelt apologies for not standing up for you.
  18. I am pretty sure the original Junkyard Blues Club had a sexy 3 way dance animation. That was in the wild and woolly days though and it's not currently rezzed. You could ask about it though.
  19. First of all, I'm so glad you started this conversation. For the past year I've been only dancing with one person, but before that your dilemma was very much my own. Wanting to dance, just dance and not being asked. It never occurred to me that hair color might be the culprit (I'm a redhead too). I'd finally decided to just ask people to dance instead of waiting to be asked. Made it my new years resolution for 2019 in fact. Who knew that one of the first people I asked would wind up being my exclusive guy? I thought maybe because within my club I'm a little on the famous side. Or maybe I talk to much in local (it's true, I'm a chatterbox). Although my av is 6'8" it's shorter than most so I didn't think that was it. Anyway my lunch break is over and I have to go to work, but I'm very interested in learning the answer. I hope it's not 42.
  20. @Seicher Rae, you are not responsible for your feelings, they just are. What you do with 'em is your responsibility. But you can always come in here and share them, that's why we are here. It's become my favorite thread for that reason. It's the safe place to be who you are at the moment. We won't blame you or try to change you. If the moment is difficult, then we'll just be by your side, supporting you in the difficult time.
  21. I wound up buying several new skins. Interestingly enough my original skin from 2009 works perfectly with Maitreya body. No funny toe problem. I wonder if the Maitreya designer was wearing a LAQ skin when she made the body? Too bad the lips on that skin are so dated... and I was such a pale face back then. I'm tanner now.
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